HRHCP00_COLLECTION - Meldungen zur Sammlung der Personalkostenplanungsdaten

The following messages are stored in message class HRHCP00_COLLECTION: Meldungen zur Sammlung der Personalkostenplanungsdaten.
It is part of development package PAOC_HCP_DATACOLLECTION in software component PA-CP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HCP Data Collection".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Choose a data collection method
001Choose an existing data collection method
002Cannot read the "Planned Compensation" infotype (1005)
003Specify the switch value for the switch &1, group &2 in T77S0
004Enter the start and end date of the data selection period
005Enter a start date that lies before the end date
006You cannot enter additional parameters
007Enter the mandatory parameter &2 for the interface &1
008Error while reading infotype &1
009The data selection query (&1) has not returned any data
010The data selection query (&1) has not been executed
011Run log was not created; program will terminate
012Error in indirect valuation for infotype &1
013Valuation for infotype "Planned Compensation" (1005) not executed
014Working time data not determined for object
015End date of data record is earlier than start date
016End date of data selection period is earlier than start date
017End date of data collection period is earlier than begin date
018Valid to date for cost planning object is earlier than valid from date
019Data collection was not performed for a data collection method
020Internal error in data collection; data record not found
021Internal error in data collection; no periods can be determined
022Error in currency translation
023Translation error for amounts between periods
024Error determinung periods for infotype "Basic Pay"
025Data collection for employees only allows object type "P"
026Error in period conversion
027Expected parameter &1 not transferred to data collection method &2
028No entry in control table for supplying of organizational objects
029Error reading alternative account assignment for infotype &1
030Payroll area &1 does not exist; compare T549A
031Employee group &1, employee subgroup &2 do not exist; compare T503
032Period parameter &1 does not exist; compare T549R
033Error determining employee's organizational data
034Missing cost data for collection of costs for organizational objects
035No organizational assignment found for &1
036Incorrect object type for collecting data from vacant positions
037Not possible to read infotype Vacancy (1007)
038No cost data found when collecting data for vacant positions
039Data collection vacant positions; no links to employees exist
040Error when summarizing overlapping periods
041Error reading infotype Plannning of Personnel Costs (0666)
042Error when delimiting overlapping infotype periods (IT 0666)
043Error whilst writing newly created infotype records (IT 0666)
044Enter a data collection period
045No controlling area exists for company code &1
046Personnel number &1 does not exist in the quantity of selected objects
047Incorrect data collector registered in data records
048Update of infotype Planning of Personnel Costs (5010) not possible
049No write authorization for infotype Planning of Personnel Costs (5010)
050Not possible to write new data records for infotype 5010
051Not possible to read infotype Planning of Personnel Costs (5010)
052Data was saved successfully
053Updating of infotype 5010 terminated due to error
054The specified subtype &1 is not permitted for infotype 5010
055Not possible to lock object; update not performed
056Unable to read data source (infotype 0666) for object
057Unable to read data source (infotype 5010) for object
058Enter a currency for the amount
059Error whilst updating infotype "Personnel Cost Planning" (0666)
060Time unit &1 for domain Payroll Time Units (PFREQ) does not exist
061Time unit &1 does not exist in T538A
062Enter an allowed period for data collection
063No interface implementations exist
064No cost data could be determined using method &3
065Enter a unit for the specified number
066The specified subtype &1 for infotype &2 does not exist
067Data status "all" and no staus overlap not permitted
068Enter a time unit unequal to "once"
069No read authorization for infotype Planning of Pers.Costs for PersNo &1
070Error reading relationship &1 between position and employee
071Error reading relationship &1 between position and job
072Error reading relationship &1 between employee and position
073Error reading relationship &1 between organizational unit and position
074Error reading infotype Planning of Personnel Costs (5010)
075No read authorization for infotype &1
076Error reading infotype Plannning of Personnel Costs (0666)
077Unit &1 is not a time unit; unit will be deleted
078Data selection period is not the same as data collection period
079Combination of time units &1 -> &2 cannot be processed
080Internal error while displaying data
081Internal error while determining selected objects
082No data basis from payroll found for employee &1
083Data basis from payroll &2 - &3 deleted for employee &1
084No personnel numbers selected
085Error whilst creating background job
086Error whilst closing background job
087Background job &1 created; start the job manually
088Select personnel numbers or periods for data display
089Enter an existing display variant
090Enter an existing report variant
091Infotype &1 and data collector &2 could not be read
092Manual adjustments for personnel number &1 are not overwritten
093Error whilst finding structure in data collection method &1
094Time unit for non-cumulative values not permitted
095The specified object type &1 for infotype &2 is not permitted
096Amount per unit does not match amount and number
097Select an object type
098Status vector may only contain the characters "12345"
099External call of data collection report with incorrect parameters
100Data collection without object lock not possible
101Data collection without object lock; cost object &1 &2 is not locked
102Check the message list
103There were no errors
104You can only enter a country grouping for jobs
105Country grouping &1 is not stored in the system
106Derived cost items cannot be deleted
107An error has occurred, see the error log
108Amount or number must be entered
109Object &1 is fixed. Changes to the database cannot be carried out.
110Data record validity is outside selection period
111Amount specifications are not permitted for statistical key figures
112No cost objects selected
113Properties of semiretirement work phase cannot be determined
114Supplemnt percentage rate for semiretirement model cannot be determined
115Unit &1 does not exist
116Data selection period and period for planning type do not overlap
117Cost item &2 is not of cost item type &1
118Cost item &1 does not have indicator 'NC Value'
119Wage type selection is only accounted for in method "&1"
120No wage types found for selection
121No entry exists for employee &1 for wage type selection
122No authorization to change object &1 &2
400No data records were available to select for deletion
401You do not have authorization to delete data records from infotype 5010
402Error whilst deleting data records from infotype 5010
403Data records from infotype 5010 successfully delected/delimited
404Error deleting data records from infotype 0666
405Data records from infotype 0666 successfully deleted/delimited
406Error log could not be written
407No data records to be deleted exist
408Data records from infotype &1 have been deleted
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