HRHCP_PLAN_ARC - Message class for Archiving Object HRHCP_PLAN

The following messages are stored in message class HRHCP_PLAN_ARC: Message class for Archiving Object HRHCP_PLAN.
It is part of development package PAOC_HCP_PLAN_ARC in software component PA-CP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HCP Planning - Archiving".
Message Nr
Message Text
000This was a test run; no data was destroyed
001File cannot be opened for writing
002Data object cannot be created
003&1% of plan data (&2 of &3) has been processed
004Plan data for plan ID &1, plan version &2 prepared for destruction
005Start the report in transaction SARA
006No data to be destroyed found for the selection criteria entered
007Status for run ID &1 has been set to "Destruction Started"
008All plan data for Plan ID &1, plan version &2 has been destroyed
009Archive handle &1 is not planned for read access
010Archive handle &1 is not planned for write access
011An error occurred during the data destruction session
012Error in the archiving class; invalid archive handle
013Class &2 is not registered for the archive handle
014Plan data for version &1, key &2 prepared for destruction
015Plan data for version &1, key &2 has been destroyed
016No authorization to destroy Personnel Cost Planning data
017Plan ID &1, plan version &2: criteria for data destruction not fulfilled
018Enter the personnel cost plan together with a plan version
019Enter the plan version together with a pers. cost plan/selection date
020Restrict the selection further; selection is too unspecific
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