The following messages are stored in message class HRIESP: .
It is part of development package PC11 in software component PY-IE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR payroll: Ireland".
Message Nr
Message Text
001& & & &
002User Parameter &1 has value &2 which is not in date format DD.MM.YYYY
003Employee by-passed as they are not in ERN &1 on &2
004Employee by-passed as they are not 'Active' or 'Retiree' on &1
005Employee has no Personal details (IT0002) on &1
006Employee has no Tax details (IT0359) on &1
007Employee has no Employment ID in the Tax details (IT0359) on &1
008Employee has no PRSI details (IT0360) on &1
009Employee by-passed as the EMPID has already been generated for them
010The CSV file has not been created due to errors for some employees
011The CSV file must be generated for whole ERN
012Employee has no PPSN in the Personal details (IT0002) on &1
013Employee has no Family name in the Personal details (IT0002) on &1
014Employee has no First name in the Personal details (IT0002) on &1
015Employee has no ERN in the Tax details (IT0359) on &1
016Error while opening File Server File &1 (&2)
017Error while writing File Server File &1
018Error while closing File Server File &1
019Make sure you are creating the CSV file for a whole ERN
020Starter Details infotype is obsolete from tax year 2019
021Employment Id is mandatory. Please run Employee List (HIECEEL0)
022RPN Number is mandatory for Tax Basis &1
023RPN Number is mandatory for Tax Source 'RPN'
024"Non-Proprietary Director" is not valid for records starting before 2019
025The valid tax basis for tax source SOY is E and X
026The valid tax basis for tax source OTH is E and X
027P0359 must be delimited between &1 and &2 (run HIECSOY0)
028RPN Number differs between P0359 (&1) and IETAX (&2) on &3
029RPN Number (&1) should differ across Tax Years (Results &2 and &3)
030Tax Basis &1 must have Exclusion Order ticked (IT0359)
031Exclusion Order must be Tax Basis 'X', not &1 (IT0359)
032The report is abolished and should not be used from tax year 2019
033Exclusion order must be set for tax basis 'X'
034Data source P2C is not valid from 01.01.2019
035Employee rejected as there is EMPID for a future dated record
036New RPN should be requested for processing payments after leaving
037Late leaver re-assessment should only be processed if it has been repaid
038CHECK: Cumulative negative taxable pay
039Negative taxable pay for a previous year leaver
040Tax source 'DTO': New RPN should be requested
041The valid tax basis for tax source DTO is E and X
042PRSI Exemption must be set for PRSI class 'X'
043New RPN must be requested for an employee returning from career break
044LPT on IT0359 is less than deductions already made; no deduction is taken
045Exemption Reason must be selected when PRSI Exemption flag is set
046A new instance of IT0359 must be created from 1st January for active EEs
047Late leaver with added pay; check that correct process has been followed
050***************** HIECPAY0 051-151 *****************
051Error; Submission Id &1 does not exist in sent submissions (PAIESP03)
052Error; Deserialization does not equal Serialization (&1)
053Error; Program cancelled due to incorrect DB operation &1 in table &2
054Error; Hire/Fire solution in Payroll Function P0359 not correct
055Warning; Bank Transfer has not been made yet
056Error; Payroll Area &1 not defined (T549A)
057Error; Period Modifier &1 not defined (T549R)
058Error; Pension Scheme &1 has no Tracing Number between &2 and &3 (T7IEP)
059Error; Pension Scheme &1 has not defined between &2 and &3 (T7IEP)
060Error; Feature IESHA has an invalid return value &1
061Error; On &1, employee has no Organisational Assignment (IT0001)
062Error; Payroll Modifier &1 has no periods defined in Tax Year &2 (T549Q)
063Error; On &1, employee has no Address Details (IT0006)
064Error; No wage types defined in T596J for &1/&2/&3 on &4
065Error; No wage types defined in T596I for &1/&2/&3 on &4
066Error; Payslip Sequence Number &1 does not exist in EVP
067Error; Non-payroll relevant Payroll Area &1 cannot be selected
068Error; Payslip Comparison failed
069Error; On &1, employee has no Personal Details (IT0002)
070Error; File &1 does not exist
071Error; File &1 must not already exist
072Error; Payroll Areas &1 and &2 have different period modifiers &3 and &4
073Error; Period modifier &1 does not have a Payroll Period &2 / &3
074Error; Pay Date not defined (T549S: Keys &1)
075Error; Payroll Areas &1 and &2 have different Tax Periods
076&1 requires a Submission Id
077&1 requires the entry of a File Name
078Payroll Period, Year and Area are mandatory for a &1
079&1 requires a Payroll Run Reference
080ERN is mandatory for a &1
081ERN is not applicable during Upload RPN file and Clean Sweep processing
082Tax Year &1 must be &2 (or later)
083Payroll Year &1 cannot be before Tax Year &2
084Payroll Submission Number &1 contains non-numeric characters
085The report's HR Report Category must contain Payroll Period
086Error; employee has not been payrolled yet
087Error; employee has not been payrolled this period
088Error; employee has more than 1 payroll period to submit
089Error; employee has already been submitted this payroll period
090ERN &1 does not exist in T7IE6 during this tax year (&2 - &3)
091Info; Payroll Result &1 has no change from those previously submitted &2
092Error; employee does not have payroll result &1 in RGDIR
093Error; Payroll Result (&1) must contain ERN (IETAX)
094Warning; Payroll Submission data (&1) not sent for ERN (&2)
095Warning; Payroll Submission data (&1) being sent for a previous year (&2)
096Error; Payroll Submission data (&1) being sent for a later year (&2)
097Payroll Year &1 cannot be after Tax Year &2
098Re-submission of Payroll Submission &1
099Error; Payroll Result (&1) must contain Hire & Fire dates (V0)
100Payroll Submission Number &1 already exists as &2 (PAIESP03)
101Error; Payroll Period (&1) inconsistent with Pay Date (&2)
102Error; You have selected too many Payroll Areas: &1 (Maximum 14)
103Payroll Submission: Tax Basis is mandatory when no RPN Number is provided
104Error; Employee has no Payroll Status (IT0003)
105Error; On &1, Employee has no Actions (IT0000)
106Payroll Submission: PPSN (&1) must be in a valid format
107Payroll Submission: Emp. Ref. mandatory (PPSN and Employment ID unknown)
108Payroll Submission: Address mandatory (PPSN and Employment ID unknown)
109Payroll Submission: For Irish Addresses, County mandatory (&1 not valid)
110Payroll Submission: For Non-Irish Addresses, Country is mandatory
111Payroll Submission: Eircode (&1) must be in a valid format
112Payroll Submission: Eircode must only be filled for Irish addresses
113Payroll Submission: County (&1) must only filled for Irish Addresses
114Payroll Submission: &1 (&2) must be in a valid format YYYY-MM-DD
115Payroll Submission: Date of Birth (&1) must not be in the future
116Payroll Submission: Date of Birth is mandatory (if PPSN is unknown)
117Payroll Submission: Date of Birth (&1) cannot be over 130 years ago
118Payroll Submission: Leave Date (&1) cannot be more than 12 months ahead
119Payroll Submission: Invalid character &1 in &2 (&3)
120Payroll Submission: Leave Date (&1) must be on or after Start Date (&2)
121Payroll Submission: Tax Credits mandatory (no RPN Number provided)
122Payroll Submission: Tax Rate Cut Off mandatory (no RPN Number provided)
123Payroll Submission: Tax Basis mandatory (no RPN Number provided)
124Payroll Submission: Exclusion Order mandatory (no RPN Number provided)
125Payroll Submission: Pay Date (&1) must be within the tax year (&2)
126Payroll Submission: EE's and ER's PRSIPaid mandatory (no PRSI Exemption)
127Payroll Submission: PRSI Exemption Reason mandatory (PRSI Exempt)
128Payroll Submission: PRSI Class details mandatory (no PRSI Exemption)
129Payroll Submission: PRSI Insurable Weeks (&1) must be less than 57
130Payroll Submission: USC Paid mandatory (USC Status of 'Ordinary')
131Payroll Submission: Pension Tracing Number (&1) must be in a valid format
132Pension Tracing Number format: First two characters must be 'PB' (&1)
133Pension Tracing Number format: 8 character maximum (&1)
134Pension Tracing Number format: Characters 3 to 8 must be numeric (&1)
135Leaver by-passed (this message is not reported to the user)
136Leaver processed (this message is not reported to the user)
137Payroll Submission: Leaving date (&1) cannot be before &2
138Error; Payroll Submission Aggregation failed
139File extension must be &1
140Filename '&1&2' must end with '_Acknowledgement'
141Payroll Submission Failed: &1
142Validation Error: code: &1 / path: &2 / desc: &3
143Acknowledgement Status '&1' invalid (contact SAP)
144Payroll Submission ACKNOWLEDGED (&1)
145Payroll Submission REJECTED (&1)
146Submission Id (&1) was not been sent from SAP (PAIESP03)
147Filename '&1&2' must end '_Response' or start 'payrollSubmission_'
148File format incorrect. JSON files should begin with '{'
149Payroll Submission &1 : Invalid &2, Errors &3, Warnings &4
150&1 has already been uploaded for Submission Id (&2)
151Payroll Submission already corrected (by Submission Id &1)
152Payroll Submission (&1) has no invalid payslips to correct
153Submission Id (&1) cannot be re-submitted
154Error; Wage type incompletely customised in (Table &1: Keys &2)
155Warning; Unsubmitted Payslip (SEQNR &1) cannot be corrected
156Multiple ERN changes is not supported, during a payroll period (&1 - &2)
157User ID &1 must use Decimal Format '1,234,567.89'. Check User Settings.
158Submission Id (&1) will be 'combined' with Submission Id (&2)
159Payroll Submission Error: Unexpected result in &1 (contact SAP)
160***************** HIECSOY0 161-200 *****************
161This program can only be run from Tax Year 2019 onwards
162Today (&1) is on or after (&2), SOY can no longer be run
163Today (&1) is before (&2), SOY cannot be run yet
164Today (&1) is on or after (&2), SOY should not be run late
165Today (&1) is before (&2), SOY should not be run yet
166Please run the 'cleansweep' process for RPN data for tax year (&1)
167Employee by-passed as SOY update is not necessary
168Employee by-passed as they are not in ERN &1
169Employee by-passed as they have already had an RPN loaded this tax year
170Employee by-passed as they have already had SOY run during this tax year
171Text update failed
172The exclusion order has been set to tax basis 'E'
173There is unprocessed RPN response record for the employee
174There is unprocessed RPN response record for PPSN &1
250***************** HIECRPN0 251-350 *****************
251The RPN(&1) being processed IS NOT the latest RPN(&2),PPSN:(&3)
252NO Match found ON ERN AND PPSN (OR ERN AND Previous PPSN)
253NO Match found ON ERN & PPSN (OR ERN & Prev. PPSN) & EMPRF & EMPID
254Multiple Matches found ON ERN(&1)/PPSN(&2) OR Prev.PPSN(&3)/ EMPID(&4)
255RPN already processed ON &1 BY &2
256RPN contains invalid DATA
257RPN matching failures cannot be re-processed
258An earlier RPN:&1 had Prev.empl. details,but the current doesn�t! PPSN:&2
259NO Match found ON ERN (&1) AND PPSN (&2) (OR ERN AND Previous PPSN)
260Previous empl. details has been deleted by the new incoming RPN on IT0359
261New RPN need to be requested for PPSN: &1 / employmentID: &2
262ROS Validation error raised in RPN file: code: &1 / path: &2 / desc.: &3
263PRSI exemption has been sent on RPN, investigate it with DEASP.
264PRSI class change has been sent on RPN(&1->&2), investigate it with DEASP
265Unable to update RPN data as employee has a tax exclusion order!
266The RPN update has removed the tax exclusion order!
267PRSI class &1 on RPN file is ignored as the EE already has PRSI exemption
268PPSN will not be updated on IT0002 (Customizing in T7IEPS_ALL)
269RPN file has been uploaded to the DB without any error.
270RPN file has not been uploaded to the DB completely!
271RPN can't be processed as the contr. record of &1 is Released for Payroll
272RPN can't be proc. as the pay date(&1) of &2 is after the RPN validity &3
273RPN can't be processed as the contr.record of &1 is in CHECK result state
274RPN can't be processed as the RPN valid from the next Tax Year
275RPN can't be processed as the RPN valid for the prev. Tax year
276More than one RPN exists for ppsn:&1 empid:&2, rpnno: &3, &4!
277The file will be uploaded as a Lookup RPN Response file
278The file will be uploaded as a New RPN Response file
279Revenue has different leaving date of &1 , leaving date in SAP is &2
280Revenue has a leaving date of &1 for this RPN but no leaving date in SAP
351***************** HIECNRR0 351-400 *****************
352Employee by-passed as they already have an RPN loaded
353Employee rejected as they do not have infotype &1
354Employee rejected because PPSN is not maintained for them
355Employee rejected because First name is not maintained for them
356Employee rejected because Last name is not maintained for them
357Employee rejected because ERN is not maintained for them
358Employee rejected because Employment ID is not maintained for them
359No employees to process. No New RPN request files created.
360No employees to process. No request file created (ERN &1 Tax Year &2)
361NEW RPN Request file created for &1 employees (ERN &2 Tax Year &3)
362Employee by-passed as they were not hired between &1 and &2
363Employee rejected: A new hire needs an IT0359 from their hiring date (&1)
400***************** HIECPAY0 401- 500 *****************
401Filename '&1&2' must start 'payollRun_'
402Filename '&1&2' must contain a Payroll Run Reference 'YYYYPP-AA'
403Check Pay Run (&1, &2, &3) already loaded into SAP successfully by &4
404Warning; Submission Id (&1) not found in Payroll Run data
405Filename '&1&2' is not in a valid format '&3'
406Warning; Employee has no active submissions (ABKRS &1 FPPER &2)
407Warning; Employee has multiple active submissions (ABKRS &1 FPPER &2)
408Warning; Line Item ID &1 not created by SAP (Emp Ref &2)
409Warning; Line Item ID &1 not in format "NNNNNNNN-SSSSS-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS"
410Warning; Unsent Payroll Submission (&1) has been ignored
411Warning; Active LineItemID (&1) not found in PRR data
412Warning; Submission ID (&1) not found in PAIESP03
413Warning; Submission ID (&1) has had no PSR loaded (HIECPAY0)
414Warning; Submission ID (&1) needs to be "Corrected" (HIECPAY0)
415Warning; Inactive LineItemID (&1) found in PRR data
416Creation of Balancing Submission Type &1 Failed (&2) - Contact SAP
417Warning; Line Item ID &1 has not been created from a payroll result
418Warning; Line Item ID &1 not in Payroll Submission Sent Data (PAIESP02)
419Warning; DUPLICATE Line Item ID &1 must be manually deleted in ROS
420Warning; Unsent submission (&1) should be deleted (see Note 2762768)
421Information; Submission (&1 &2) PAYREF updated with &3 (see Note 2762768)
422Error; Submission Id (&1) has no Payroll Run Reference
423Warning; 'Nil Return' Payroll Submission ignored (SEQNR &1)
424Error; Log off and log back on again for default settings to take effect
425Information: Employee-Specific Balancing Activated
426Error; Split payroll periods are not supported (T530 &1/&2)
427PRSI Weeks Warning; Pre-Go Live data must be entered in ROS (&1/&2/&3/&4)
428&1 is for &2, please enter &2 as Tax Year on the selection screen
429Employment Periods Error; Movement from reason code &1 to &2 invalid
430Error; EWSS is only allowed for an ERN that is EWSS registered (T7IE6 &1)
431Warning; Contact ROS. Leaving Date changed in a Previous Tax Year
432Career Breaker by-passed (this message is not reported to the user)
433Career Breaker processed (this message is not reported to the user)
501***************** HIECDTO0 502- 550 *****************
502The report can only be run in foreground
503The PERNR does not exist in the system
504ERN &1 does not exist on &2 in T7IE6
505Tax basis &1 is not valid for Data Take On
506Tax basis 'X' is valid only until the end of tax year 2020 in DTO
507Data already uploaded
508The employment ID field is blank
551***************** HIECTWS0 551- 600 *****************
552TWSS file has been uploaded to the DB without any error.
553There is no TWSS data on Tax Year: &1 for ERN: &2!
554No Match found by EMPREF:&1, and No Match found by PPSN:&2 and EMPID:&3
555EE: &3's ERN: &1 is not the same as in the latest TWSS file ERN: &2
556EE: &3 is not Eligible Employee, but has &2 amount recorded for WT:&1
600*************** HIECPAY0_CHG_PPSN 601 - 610 *****************
601Employee has no change of PPSN. Their Payroll Submissions only have &1
611*************** RP_HRCIE_SP_* 611 - 621 *****************
612Tax year determination failed from PAIESP03 because no record exists.
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