HRITFDEPF - Nachrichten: Pf�ndung (DE)

The following messages are stored in message class HRITFDEPF: Nachrichten: Pf�ndung (DE).
It is part of development package PAOC_PAD_DE in software component PA-PA-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Add-On Development for Personnel Administration: Germany".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Selected interest type requires entry of an interest rate
002Selected interest calculation type does not fit with interest type
003Selected interest type does not permit an entry in 'Amount' field
004Selected interest type requires entry of an amount
005Selected interest type does not permit an entry in 'Interest Rate' field
006Selected interest type does not permit entry in 'Value-Added Tax' field
007Selected interest type is only permitted for preferred garnishments
008Selected interest type does not permit an entry in 'Dependency' field
010Enter only the amount for seizability '&1'
011The selected seizabilities must not be mixed
012Do not enter either an amount or percentage for seizability &1
013Enter only the percentage for seizability &1
020Infotype &1 cannot be created without infotype 0111 data
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