HRITFDEPSVADM - HR Infotype Framework Deutschland �ffentl. Dienst VADM

The following messages are stored in message class HRITFDEPSVADM: HR Infotype Framework Deutschland �ffentl. Dienst VADM.
It is part of development package P01PBSVAVG_BL in software component PY-DE-PS-VA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR-VADM: Public Sector Pensions Act (Business Logic)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* Messages Decoupling Check Classes VADM
001Digits with empty spaces are not permitted in the employer number
002Calculation type &1 does not permit entry for "Pens. Percentage Sec. 53a"
003Calculation type &1 does not permit entry for "Reduced Age Pay Scale"
004Value in 'Other Special Paymt' although 'Specify Manually' not selected
005'W/o Adjustment Factors' checkbox only if 'PerNo. Int. System' is initial
006Start and end dates are not the same
007Dates in 'Effective From' and 'Eff. From' must be identical
008'Eff. from' date must be specified for this type of court hearing
009No entry is permitted for individual increase &1
010No entry is permitted for individual increase 1990
011Entry in 'Reason' field although 'Reduction Suspended' is not selected
012'Temporary Granting' selected but 'Pension-Rel. Period' is not selected
013Entry in 'Income Thresh.' field only permitted for type 02 (care period)
014'Key Date' field contains an invalid date
015Entries for 'Income Thresh.' are permitted only for types PZ and KPZ
016Entry in 'No.Childr.' is permitted for type KEEZ only
017No further entries are permitted for legal basis 99
018Reference number (REFNR) is already assigned
019Reference number (REFNR) has the value '00'
020Percentage 'Manual' is not permitted without a reimbursement reason
021Specified OBJPS is already used
022There is no corresponding infotype 0845 record for this OBJPS
023Corresponding infotype 0845 record has legal basis '99'
024Infotype 0845 records with legal basis '02' are assigned more than once
025Value in field 'Provider Reimbursement' is not permitted
026Percentage 'Automatic' is not permitted without a reimbursement reason
027Enter an amount in the 'Income Thresh.' field
028Enter the currency in the 'Income Thresh.' field
029Maximum rate of 75 percent no longer permitted after Eighth Adjustment
030You may not make an entry in this field for type Bonus/Pub. Serv. Reg.
031Variant &1 is invalid.
032Infotype &1 was not found on &2.
033The pay scale data may not be maintained for legal basis &1.
034Employer &1 is not available in table T536C.
035You may not make an entry in this field for this legal basis.
036Invalid work relationship
037You may not make an entry in this field for public services regulations.
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