HRPAD00DD - Datenvernichtung
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAD00DD: Datenvernichtung.
It is part of development package PB01 in software component PA-PA-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Master Data: Germany".
It is part of development package PB01 in software component PA-PA-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Master Data: Germany".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Program error: ARCHIVE_PROTOCOL_* called incorrectly |
001 | Incorrect message type; see constants in CL_HRARCH_LOG_TOOLS |
002 | No class stored for processing &1 |
003 | Object of class &1 could not be generated |
004 | No relevant notifications found (&1) |
005 | Instance for "CL_HRPAD++_DN_CONTROLLER_+++" cannot be generated |
006 | Area &1 selected |
007 | &1 (class &2) selected |
008 | Personnel number &1: Object is completed from a business perspective (&2) |
009 | Test run; no data was saved or destroyed |
010 | Archive file &1 opened for destruction |
011 | Class &1 not intended for processing |
012 | Messages transferred to the log incompletely |
013 | Transfer of data objects to ADK started (&1) |
014 | Personnel number &1: No relevant notifications found (&2) |
015 | Data object has been successfully written to the archive file (&1) |
016 | Retention rule does not allow the data to be destroyed (&1) |
017 | Archive file &1 saved |
018 | Implementation error in class &1 |
019 | Class &1 does not inherit from SAP or default class &2 |
020 | Class &1 is identical to SAP or default class &2 |
021 | Archive file &1 closed |
022 | No archive file saved |
023 | No reporting with notifications to be processed found |
024 | Area &1 completed |
025 | Number of data objects to be destroyed: &1 |
026 | Number of processed data objects : &1 |
027 | Naming convention violated (&1); see long text |
028 | Personnel number &1 locked; see long text |
029 | Not possible to unlock the personnel number &1 |
030 | Archive file inconsistent; multiple PERNRs in one data object |
031 | Destruction logs or payroll status cannot be read |
032 | Customizing error in V_T591A for subtype &1 |
033 | Definition of a retroactive accounting limit is required (MOLGA &1) |
034 | Destruction date was set to &1 due to retroactive account limit. |
035 | Personnel number &1: Destruction log &2, status &3 already exists |
036 | Personnel number &1: Destruction log &2 status conversion not possible |
037 | Subtype &1 for infotype 0283 is not defined (completely) |
038 | Archiving subobject &1 is not defined |
039 | Personnel number &1: Destruction log AO &2 subobject &3 created |
040 | Personnel number &1: Payroll status updated |
041 | Personnel number &1: Destruction log status updated |
042 | Destruction lock exists, no destruction |
043 | Personnel number &1: IT 0283 (&2 &3) contradicts destruction date &4 |
044 | Personnel number &1: Master data change on &2 prevents destruction on &3 |
045 | Destruction log &1 &2 exists, recalculation changed to &3 |
046 | Evaluation for &1 not possible due to destruction log &2 &3 (&4) |
047 | Recalculation period/date &1 must be before evaluation period/date &2 |
048 | Status conversion of destruction logs incomplete |
049 | Personnel number &1: IT 0283 Number of archiving session not set |
050 | Destruction log &1, status &2 does not exist |
051 | You do not need to change the payroll status |
052 | Change personal retroactive accounting date to &1 |
053 | Preliminary result reset |
054 | Customizing error (view V_T77PAD00_AOCLS) |
055 | No relevant destruction logs found |
056 | Selected archiving subobject: &1 |
057 | Personnel number &1: Destruction log AO &2, subobject &3 deleted |
058 | It is not possible to "interrupt" the write run. |
059 | Evaluation for &1 not possible due to destruction logs &2 (&3). |
060 | Recalculation to &1 changed due to destruction logs available. |
061 | No data is available for the subtype and archiving subobject. |
062 | Program Error: Invalid Transfer for MESSAGE Statement |
063 | Write run is terminated. |
064 | Deletion run is terminated. |
065 | Destruction of reporting data by &1 |
066 | Selection date "Select data to" for &1 is set to &2. |
067 | Date field of administration table &1 cannot be determined. |
068 | Selection date "Select Data to" set to &2. |
069 | It was not possible to determine destruction date for &1. |
070 | DUEVO data record was successfully destroyed. |
071 | Data object is prepared for destruction. |
072 | &1 |