HRPADCN - Message class China Master Data

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADCN: Message class China Master Data.
It is part of development package PB28 in software component PA-PA-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: China".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Form of address (Mr./Mrs.) and gender key are inconsistent
002No entry for this field
003Birth date &1 is earlier than date &2
004Date &1 is later than current date &2
005No entry in table &1 for &2 &3
006According to law year end bonus only can be inputted once per year
007Please check the feature &1.
011This visa is not available any more
012Certificate's number is not useful while in processing
015Contract valid until date is before the contract begin date
016Probation period should be not longer than &1 months
017A permanent contract is required since two fixed-term contracts exist
018A permanent contract is required since more than 10 years of service
020No entry in table &1 for the key &2 and &3
021No entry in table &1
022There is no social insurance number in Infotype 0185
023No entry in table &1 for the key &2
024Specify &1 for &2 &3 &4
025For change reason &1, insurance premium should be paid
026For change reason &1, insurance premium should not be paid
027Assign insurance authority institution code to &1 &2 in table &3
028There is no authority institution code &1 for insurance &2 in table &3
029Assign a contribution area to authority institution &1 in table &2
030No default contribution area exists
031Assign contribution area to PHF authority &1 in table &2
032There are no PHF authority institution &1 in table &2
033No contribution area assigned to personnel area; maintain &1 and &2
036Input appropriate wage type for indicator &1
037Invalid wage type
038Invalid wage type or period
039Inconsistent wage type for indicator &
040No entry in table &1 for the key &2 on &3
041No ID data in infotype 0185 with subtype &1 on &2
042Begin date &1 is not in the same year with end date &2 in this record
043Maintain local currency in table &1 with country grouping &2
044No entry in table &1 for the key &2
045Enter account number for Public Housing Fund
046No space is allowed
047&1 should be paid on the first date of the month
048Pay date &1 is before the employee's hiring date &2
049Check hiring date for personnel number &1
050Inputted date &1 is not in termination period &2 - &3
051There is no valid ID between &1 and &2 in Infotype 0185
052No entry in table &1 with key &2 &3 &4
053For the employee type in &1, there is no special rule
054In table &1 with this rule and tax agreement, there is no description
055Assign a Tax Grouping to &1 &2 in table &3
056There is no tax grouping &1 in table &2
057Assign a tax area to tax grouping &1 in table &2
058No default tax area exists
059There is existing record in last active period since &1
060Casual workers who work less than 6 months are not eligible for CPI.
061The CPI product is not available in table T7CNCP on &1.
070Enter valid achievement type
071Project's begin date cannot be prior to end date
072You are not allowed to input information of subtype &1 in this screen
073Employee's involvement date should be within project begin and end date
074Removal date cannot be prior to appointment date
075No entry in table &1 with key &2 &3
077&1 is not the authorized personal file holding location for the company
078&1 is not the authorized personal file holding location for &2
080No entry in &1 for &2
081Date of becoming a full member of party is after the joining party date
082The person does not have such a certificate &1
083Input a valid &1
084Create &1 with corresponding &2 during this period
085Enter a &2 value for &1
086&1 and &2 are conflicting
087&1 can not &2 than &3
088Enter a correct certificate number
089Enter a correct Personal ID number
090Enter B.P. station number and also B.P. number
091For B.P. station number, only numbers entered
092For B.P. number, only numbers entered
093Date is earlier than birth date
094Date is later than today
095The last (verification) digit of ID is not correct. It should be &1.
096You can only have one Personal ID
097Please specify begin date or end date
098ID number & for current employee is not unique
099No authorization for transaction code &1
100Customized Termination Group &1 not supported by this tab
101Enter exempted contribution rate if exempted multiplier is not NULL.
102Personnel number &1 does not exist
103Outcome &1 is not valid for Termination Group &2 Termination Reason &3
104Record in infotype &1 deleted successfully
105Select a Termination Reason
106Record in infotype &1 updated successfully
107Save your &1 entries
108Error during payroll &1; check payroll log
109Latest simulation result is out of date
110Payroll period not found
111Payroll area not found
112Simulation run for termination date &1 complete
113You do not have authority to view data from infotype &1
114This entry deletes a record
115Simulate termination date &1 different with actual termination date &2
116Termination information exists in infotype &1; subtype &2
117Employee &1's contract is already terminated on &2
118Maximum &1 Issue Details reached; remove the last entry
119Keep correct configuration in &1 to show simulate result
120Going abroad date should be earlier than return date
121Enter correct visa number
122No valid visa during this period
123This visa expired
124Enter return date
125Database update failed! Set the visa as expired in infotype 0185
126No &1 authorization for infotype text cluster 'TX'
130Sick leave has reached &1M in acc. period &3M, exceeds entitlement &2M
131Sick leave with begin date &1 exceeds entitlement &2M in acc. period &3M
132No corresponding contribution info maintained for &1 &2 in T7CN20
133Error occurs when creating insurance type &1 for pers. no. &2
134Records for other ins. types created as ins. type &1 for pers. no. &2
135For &1 contribution, 1st contribution month should not be later than &2
150Employee contribution is not suspend
151Employer contribution is not suspend
152Plan &1 is not defined on &2
153Plan &1 is not active on &2
154Contribution calculation method is not defined for employee contribution
155Contribution calculation method is not defined for employer contribution
157Amount is exceed the highest limitation &
158Plan status & is not defined
159No data for current selection
160Partcipant status is not defined
161Batch input session created with &1 records for &2 employees
162Plan &; employment status of employee is invalid
163Plan &; employee does not contribute PI
164Plan &; employee does not belong to eligible employee group
165Plan &; employee is in probation period
166Plan &; employee is not fullfil customer developed requisites
167Plan &; infotype record exists after change date
168Pension plan &; new status does not match customer settings
169Updated infotype 3533 &1 records for &2 employees
170Plan &; employee does not get retirement age
171Cannot lock employee &
172Use this functionality in conjunction with SAP EHP 5 for ERP 6.0 only
173Enter new status start date
174You cannot use both the &1 field and the &2 field
175You cannot use the &1, &2, and &3 fields at the same time
176Enter a &1 less than 100
177Enter the exempted amount when you select method 3
178No disability grade for this disability classification.
179More than one educational background are specified as the final education
180More than one degree are specified as the highest academic degree
181More than one certificate are specified as the certificate for first job
182The award type &1 is not a valid award type. No entry in table T5R01.
183The award type &1 does not have a description.
184The award is a payroll relevant award.
185Wage type should be maintained for the award type in table &1.
186Please enter a pay date.
187Date is before the start date of the data record
188Entries in each field are required because of selecting payroll relevant.
189Fields 'Amount' and 'Currency' are payroll irrelevant !
190Field 'Pay date' is payroll irrelevant !
191Only child cannot be selected when you have multiple records
192Business function HCM_LOC_CI_56 is not activated
193Rate is not stored in CRT
194The contribution rate exceeds the upper limit &
195The contribution amount exceeds the upper limit &
196The contribution base exceeds the upper limit &
197Change reason not defined in table &1 for the key &2
198Exemption configuration is incomplete
199Invalid other employee tax type &1
200A housing rental record already exists in the given period
201A housing loan record already exists in the given period
202Deduction amount for serious illness exceeds yearly limitation of &1 &2
203No record is found in Family Member/Dependents (0021) infotype
204Deduction amount for &1 exceeds monthly deduction limitation of &2
205Sequence field is not permitted for the subtype
206The sequence field has been filled automatically with a number
207Maintain the sequence field manually
208Enter a sequence; previously used sequence was &1
209Age must be older than &1 years
210Another serious illness record already exists for the year &1
211Deduction amount cannot be 0 or empty
212Deduction amount should between 0 and &1
213Tax group &1 is not valid for tax area &2
214No record is found for deduction type &1
215Date of issue must be within the validity period of the deduction type
216End period must be later than the start period
217Total deduction period exceeds the maximum of &1 months
218Enter an end month
219Enter an end year
220Enter a start month
221Enter a start year
222Enter a completion month
223Enter a completion year
224Working city is not mapped to the province in view V_7CNDE_CITYC
225You cannot input the &1 field for non-resident employee
226Tax Group is changed, Entry Date is filled with &1 as default value.
227The Tax. Entry Date is earlier than the Begin Date.
228Tax Group is changed, Entry Date should be concered.
229The Tax. Termination Date is earlier than the Entry Date.
230Certification Issued Date should be less than Expired Date.
231You�re not allowed to use �&1� because entry date &2 is earlier than &3.
232The employment type as intern doesn't apply to non-resident employee.
233Date type &1 does not exist in view V_T548Y.
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