HRPADINPE1 - P2E: API & UI Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADINPE1: P2E: API & UI Message Class.
It is part of development package PAOC_PAD_IN_P2E_API in software component PA-PA-IN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Policy Management API Objects � India".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Policy initiate data created successfully
001Policy initiate step data created successfully
002Policy initiate data not passed
003Policy initiate step data not passed
004Policy number not available
005Policy initiate data updated successfully
006Policy initiate data deleted successfully
007Policy number not available
008Policy validation data not passed
009Policy validation data created successfully
010Policy validation data updated successfully
011Policy closure data not passed.
012Policy closure data created successfully
013Policy closure data updated successfully
014Policy approval data not passed.
015Policy approval data created successfully
016Policy approval data updated successfully
017Screen field not passed
018UI element created successfully
019Policy initiate data not found
020Policy initiate data not updated
021Policy initiate data not deleted
022Request GUID not passed
023Not eligible for the policy
024Request rejected by approver
025Request GUID is not created
026Document number not generated
027Request GUID is not passed
028Not eligible for the policy
029Text in mandatory fields missing; fill in required data
030Select only one request to view closure action for policy
031Select only one request to perform closure action
032Request marked as deleted
033Attachment ID not passed
034Request under process; request updating not possible
035Error while updating database
036Request is in completed status; cannot be deleted
037& & & &
038Employee number under process; data cannot be updated for employee
039Closure Action Class/Method not maintained; contact administrator
040You must perform the closure action '&' manually
041Your email id is not maintained; Unable to send mail
042E-mail ID not maintained for sender; mail cannot be sent
043E-mail has been triggered
044Request under process; request deletion or resubmission not possible
045Request deleted successfully
046Template ID not found
047Select at least one request to perform closure action
048Select at least one closure action
049E-mail not sent for closure action '&'
050Policy saved successfully
051Enter policy name
052Select policy group
053Select policy type
054Select To be Availed by
055Closure action already performed successfully
056Closure action already performed with errors
057Data not Valid
058Area Key not passed
059Policy version not passed
060Policy initiator not passed
061Group ID not passed
062Policy type not passed
063Closure action step not defined for policy
064Request submitted successfully
065Employee number not found
066Request saved successfully
067No result found
068Select decision step in main policy catalog
069Subtype not maintained for Additional Payment (0015) infotype
070Approved amount and number, both are zero.
071E-mail configuration missing for closure action '&'
072Closure action '&' performed successfully
073Subtype not maintained for Addresses (0006) infotype
074Subtype not maintained for Bank Details (0009) infotype
075Subtype not maintained for Recurring Payments/ Deductions (0014) infotype
076Subtype not maintained for Family Member/ Dependents (0021) infotype
077Subtype not maintained for Education (0022) infotype
078Subtype not maintained for Objects on Loan (0040) infotype
079Subtype not maintained for Personal IDs (0185) infotype
080Policy succesfully activated in the system
081Decision step not maintained
082Validation details do not exist
083Approver details do not exist
084Maintain all details for closure
085Instance is not Created
086Select Validation/ Decision step
087Closure actions not maintained
088Closure action ID not maintained
089Drag and drop disabled in display mode
090Validation Attribute doesnot contain dataelement
091Validation attribute not configured; contact administrator
092Attribute does not contain any details; contact administrator
093Select approval step
094Select closure step
095Maintain Validation/ Decision steps in policy step catalog
096Selected policy step does not contain data
097Configuration of Validation/ Decision steps incomplete
098Configuration of Approval step incomplete
099File size exceeds the limit. Maximum allowed file size is &1 KB.
100Template ID not passed
101Search may result in long execution time
102Initiate step cannot be deleted
103Enter data in all the mandatory fields
104Activation date exceeds effective date
105Policy activated successfully
106File of this format cannot be uploaded
107Enter Agent Value
108Step ID is not passed
109Attribute Sequence is not correct
110End date is not passed
111Begin date is not passed
112Validation Attribute is not passed
113Validation Data is not passed
114And/OR condition is not passed
115Policy ID number range not maintained; contact administrator
116User does not exist or user not assigned to any employee number
117Maintain data in closure action attributes
118Policy GUID and version not maintained
119Incorrect data entered for validation criteria
120Request cannot be created; contact administrator for further information
121Request cannot be saved; contact administrator for further information
122Request cannot be submitted; contact administrator for further informatio
123Request cannot be deleted; contact administrator for further information
124Policy save successfully
125Request approved successfully
126Polcy step catalog does not contain any steps information
127Select only one request for display
128Error while request approval process
129Error while request rejection process
130Request processed successfully
131Validation criteria for count eligibility not maintained
132Closure Action Step not performed for request &
133Attach all mandatory documents for policy
134Policy deactivated
135Approver(s) not configured or maintained
136Error while modifying data
137Policy sent for approval
138Policy marked as deleted
139Policy under process; cannot be marked for deletion
140Policy sent to approver for deactivation
141In a decision step, one branch can contain only one closure action
142Closure action performed successfully for request &
143Closure step should always be at the end in Policy Step Catalog
144Effective date is in the past
145Request processed successfully
146Request cannot be processed
147Employee number not assigned; contact administrator
148There is no rolled
149Error while modifying data
150Enter 'Effective To' date
151Enter area key
152Enter 'Effective From' date
153Effective date outside permitted range
154Make changes in latest version of policy
155Initiate step already at the highest level in the sequential order
156Initiate step has to be at highest level in the sequential order
157Maintain closure step either in main catalog or inside Decision step
158Maintain closure step at the end of decision branch
159Closure step should not be present in middle decision step
160Maintain closure step at the end of 'Decision-Yes Policy Steps'
161Maintain closure step at the end of 'Decision-No Policy Steps'
162Policy document cannot be saved without saving policy
163Select a record to display its policy document
164Value not provided for validation attribute
165Policy cannot be deactivated
166Once deactivated, policy cannot be reactivated
168Cannot calculate policy eligibility count without saving policy
169Approver does not exist in T7INPEW3 table
170Enter value for Approver &
171User ID does not exist
172Employee number does not exist
173Position ID does not exist
174Organizational unit does not exist
175Job ID does not exist
176Work center does not exist
177Previous level does not contain data; new level cannot be added
178Save the policy before submitting
179Effective date should not be less than effective date of previous version
180Record your changes in the most recent version of the policy
181Request approved by &
182Request rejected by &
183Request automatically approved
184Request automatically rejected
185Work item agent is not maintained against agent code
186Select the correct value for help from agent code
187Approval process triggered successfully
188Workflow completed successfully. Request Status: &
189Records saved successfully
190Subject for mail &
191Hello &
192This is a system generated mail
193Select the record to enter mail body
194Due to technical issues, you cannot proceed
195Select at least one request that must be forwarded to the approver
196Intimation mail sent to &
197Reminder mail sent to &
198Closure action already maintained in main catalogue
199Maintain step(s) for 'Decision-Yes Policy Step' in Policy Step Catalog
200Maintain step(s) for 'Decision-No Policy Step' in Policy Step Catalog
201Current step cannot be moved higher in the sequential order
202Select valid step
203Information Mail. Request No &1
204Effective to' date cannot be earlier than 'Effective from' date
205Policy sent for approval; cannot be processed further
206You are not authorized to create policy
207You are not authorized to edit the policy
208Save the policy to proceed with eligibility count
209Select a record for deletion
210You do not have authorization to approve the policy
211You do not have authorization to approve the request
212You do not have authorization to display the policy
213You do not have authorization to activate the policy
214You do not have authorization to copy the policy
215You do not have authorization to deactivate the policy
216You do not have authorization to delete the policy
217You do not have authorization to apply for any policy
218Data not maintained atleast for one step in step catalogue
219Policy already sent for approval
220Incomplete data for decision step
221Reminder Mail. Request No &1
222Policy sent for approval
223Policy sent for deactivation
224Policy sent for deletion
225Direct link to request creation:
226Copy the above link in roll out e-mail.
227Your request & has been approved
228Your request & has been rejected
229Your request &1 has been approved
230Subscription list &1 does not exist
231',' is not Allowed
232Request/Requests could not be forwarded
233Request/Requests forwarded successfully
234Request ID number range not maintained; contact administrator
235Long Text not found; maintain it
236Policy Key Information not passed
237Policy approval configuration is either not maintained or contain errors
238Workflow could not be triggered
239Validation atrribute is not used in any existing policies
241Select at least one request to display request status
242Select up to three records to display the request status
243Select a request to display request details
244Select only one request to display request details
245Select at least one request for deletion
246Select at least one request for editing
247Multiple requests cannot be edited; select only one request for editing
248Maintain approver for approver level & for policy step &
249No validation attribute is selected
250Select Template
251Documentation is not available for selected object
252Distribution list is not maintained
253Policy key details missing; Policy could not be locked for Save
254Maintain Group ID
255Maintain Policy Type
256Maintain Area Key
257Workflow Level can not be 0
258Maintain Approver
259Class &1 does not exist
260Class &1 does not have any public static methods
261Maintain Action Type
262Activate policy before sending mail
263Selected attribute does not contain any details
264Maintain Outcome ID
265Policy could not be saved
266Maintain reminder start day
267Maintain reminder frequency
268Maintain number of reminders
269Wage type not maintained for Validation attribute �&�
270Maintain Validation Step Details for the Policy
271Maintain Decision Step Details for the Policy
272Maintain Approval Step Details for the Policy
273Maintain Closure Step Details for the Policy
274Enter a valid year
275'From' month should be previous to the 'To' month
276Policy is already activated
277Select an attribute to view detailed information
278Select an approver to view detailed information
279Select an action to view detailed information
280Data accepted successfully
281You have not saved the data; choose Accept button to save
282Absence quota is not maintained for employee, contact administrator
283No Quota is available
284There are no policies for which user has required authorization
285You do not have authorization to create policy; contact administrator
286You do not have authorization to create any policy; contact administrator
287Maintain data in all the authorization fields; contact administrator
288Maintain atleast one validation attribute
289Request under process; closure action cannot be performed
290Record deleted successfully
291Select the record for deletion
292Select the record
293You do not have authorization to add entries
294You do not have authorization to delete entries
295Record delimited successfully, save your entry
296Template saved successfully
297Error while saving template
298Enter Approver Code
299Select a policy
300Enter Receiver Code
301Enter Start of Reminder Mails
302Enter Frequency of Reminders
303Policy GUID not passed
304Policy detail not found
305Area key is not passed
306Workflow Triggered Successfully
307Workflow level is approved
308Workflow level is rejected
309Information Mial. Policy No &1
310Enter Agent Type
311Multiple closure step for a path
312File not selected; Select a file before choosing upload button
313Closure action step not maintained for policy
314You must select the area key from the drop down list
315Enter the file name
316Template not saved; save the template before saving the policy
317No file chosen
318Upload or save template
319Select validation attribute to move
320Select approval agent to move
321Select closure action to move
322Enter the dates only within Policy validity Range
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