HRPADIT_DECLARATION - Messaggi per dichiarazioni varie (CUD 770 DM10...)

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADIT_DECLARATION: Messaggi per dichiarazioni varie (CUD 770 DM10...).
It is part of development package PC15 in software component PY-IT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR payroll: Italy".
Message Nr
Message Text
002The print process was started in background.
003Display sum totals related to the selected Personnel Numbers
004Block beginning flagged. Repeat this operation for block end
005Correction file loaded without errors
006ATTENTION! Please load correction file before entering it
007Error during initialization of Reporting Framework
008Error &1 during processing engine init
009Error &1 during DAQ engine init
010Error &1 during step &2 run
011Error: missing Customizing in table: &1
012Internal error &1 during determination of DAQ FROMS
013Postprocessing function module &1 not found
014Error during temse open operation
015Error during temse read next table operation
016Error during temse create operation
017Error during temse write table operation
018RP_GET_CURRENCY fails for molga 15
019Error during creation of DAQ object
020Error while determining DAQ permo
021Error during determination of DAQ payroll period
022Error &1 during DAQ run
023Error &1 during &2 file upload
024Error in &1 file data format
025PN correction status in period &1 could not be determined
026Error &1 during &2 temse reading
027Intenal error 90 in Corr Handler
028Internal error CORR in write_table_to_temse
029Error in Read_table_from_temse
030Error in write_corr_file_to_temse
031PNR &1 processed succesfully
032PNR doesn't have infotype &1
033PNR doesn't have infotype &1 in date &2
034The system gives an error for &1 HR_99S_GET_PERMO company
035Entry for table &1 on &2 permo = &3 missing
036Date not found through T5F99CD (IT_SEN). Use entry date
037Date not found through T5F99CD (IT_SETFR). Use entry date
038T5ITIE: entry missing for &1 class &2
039Can't create type &1 datum
040Can't assign a type &1 datum
041Can't find &1 component type
042Type &1 name unexpected
043Can't check user type datum (error code &1)
044&1 &2 &3 &4
045Upload_external_file called with blank path
046Upload file &1 error
047Mismatch in misc structure: &1 instead of &2
048The selected report template is not compatible with application
049Employees processed succesfully
050PNR processed with errors
051Employees contain errors
052Global messages
053Messages for employees
054All messages
055Internal error &1 in FILL_OUTPUT_TABLE TABS_HANDLER
056Assignment error in field &1 of structure &2
057Conversione error in field &1 value &2 structure &3
058Error: all fields must originate from one DAQ form only
059Error during DDIC generation for &1 DAQ form
060Assignment internal error (IAS_TABS_HANDLER-GET_TABLE)
061Error during writing of &1 temse file
062Employee &1 not hired yet on &2
063Employee &1 had already left on &2
064DAQ: function module &1 called for invalid &2 field
065Start date must be month-start
066End date not valid for this start date
067Error while assigning infotypes: EMPLOYEE component not found
068Can't generate sequence number for section &1 field &2
069Sequence numbers generator not initialized (sec. &1 field &2)
070Errore: form &1 can only be called for one month (&2-&3)
071Time processing results from &1 to &2 not found
072No corresponding CODEV for TPVE &1
073Can't read calculation results from &1 to &2
074No absences with abznr &2 during period &1
075Hours per week specification missing in infotype 7
076Couldn't find subsequent sickness source case &1 on &2
077&1 DAQ field is blank
078DAQ error: &1 condition is false
079Sec. &1 / field &2: fraction #&3 does not exist
080Sec. &1 / field &2: &3 DAQ section not found for employee
081Sec. &1 / field &2: &4 DAQ field (sec. &3) not found for employee
082Controller error: employee class wasn't initialized
083Sec. &1 /field &2: XML node not found in table T5ITUG
084Template &1: no root node per XML found in T5ITUG
085Template &1: more than one XML root node found in T5ITUG
086Templ. &1, sect. &2 / field &3: more t. one succ. of same type in T5ITUG
087XML: sec. &1 / field &2 not customized in table T5ITUG
088XML: sec. &1 / field &2 has no XML output in table T5ITUG
089DAQ: sec. &1 / field &2: &3 DAQ field not found. Check customizing
090PNR appears not to be subject to INPS contribution (T5ITCS)
091Past RHC not run for &1: month end doesn't exist
092Filed &1: &2 DDIC element doesn't exist. Check V_T5F99FF
093Previous month and Correction cannot be used simultaneously
094TemSe required for correction generation
095Select a TemSe
096Specify a value for Sent status
097Current declaration as Adjustment or with attribute Elimina?
101Load a declarant
102Data OK
103Data saved
104Without data to save
105The tax payer's reference number & of & is incorrect
106Attention: the second family member must be the spouse (if present)
107The income limit for the dependent family member has been exceeded
108PersNo rejected: Your 730-4 is of type Cancellation
109PersNo rejected: Your 730-4 is of type Standard
110730 integrative: do not fill delay
111Adjustment month: set adjustment, delayed or cancellation type
112Specify also the month of late tax declaration or correction
113Set either settlement type or adjustment type
114Indicate name for dataset for logical file &
115Personnel Number Rejected: 730-4 is not integrative
116Personnel Number Rejected: 730-4 is integrative
117Select integrative flag
118PersNo rejected: Your 730-4 is of type Adjusting
119Personnel Number Rejected: 730-4 is not correctional
120December legacy record (483) with incorrect dates. &1 &2
121Correction month is wrong: there is a late record for month &1
122It is not possible to run more than one correction.
123The correction is not allowed.
124Correction without record 483 previous occurrencies
125There is already a 483 record in the current year
126The selected file is a correction file.
127Municip. code not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for H/W municipal deduction)
128Municip. code not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for H/W municipal repayment)
129Municip. code not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for empl. municipal deduction)
130Municip. code not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for empl. municipal repayment)
131Regional deduction: wrong totals (tot. PS empl.): &1 &2 &3
132Regional repayment: wrong totals (tot. PS empl.): &1 &2 &3
133Mun. ded.: wrong totals (tot. PS empl.): &1 &2 &3
134Mun. refund: wrong totals (tot. PS empl.): &1 &2 &3
135Sep. tax ded.: wrong totals (tot. PS empl.): &1 &2 &3
136Late comp. poss. only if no further 483 records exist
137Integration without previous 483 record
138Batch input session not created, error
139Batch input session created (session ID: &)
140Impossible to find a personnel no. with tax no.: &
141Personnel no. with same tax no.: &1 as personnel no. &2
142Records entered into the batch input session: &
143Records existing in input file: &
144SP processing general data
145The employee is silent/consentient
146'SP Choice' is not defined
147Accrued SP: &1
148Contribution processing for pension fund
149Contribution processing for INPS Treasury Fund
150SP Choice definition: TYPE &1
151Search for Suspended SP
152No suspended SP values for arrears' generation
153The employee belongs to a company with less than 50 employees
154Accumulation of suspended SP
155Suspended SP amount: &1
156TreasFM constant for SP payment to INPS Treasury Fund is active
157Error: table T5ITP3 reading: Payment Calendar Indicator &1
158Error while reading table T5ITO2: &1 &2 &3
159SP accrued this month is less than 0
160Constant &1 is missing
161Could not create subtype 3 of IT548
162Failed to insert subty 3. Remaining operations on subty 1/2 interrupted
163Field "Choice detail" of subtype 3 cannot be determined
164The employee pays all SP to the SPF
165Tax ex. perc. for children &1 % is diff. from large fam. ded. perc.: &2 %
166Other tax exemption perc. for children, used large fam. ded. perc.: &1 %
167100% large families deduction percentage due to spouse absence in master
168Element ForzImpZero was created (tax scale missing)
169Munic. key not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for employee munic. surcharge AP)
170Munic. key not found in T5ITM4: &1 (for spouse munic. surcharge AP)
171Element RegimePost95 was not created(adjustment to feature ITR95 missing)
172Taxpayer ID No. of infotype 0483 does not exist in table T5ITPC
173Adjustment month missing in infotype 0483
1741st installment cannot be determined
175Local surcharge without region or municip. code in IT483
176There are more th.3 infotypes 0483 for year
180Employee &1 with tax number &2 in file, but not selected
181&1 tax payers in the input file 730 have been rejected
182The object &1 is currently locked by the user &2
183Tax payer with TN '&1' fr. CC with TN '&2' locked in the table
184The send log 730-4 can contain only numbers
185Unexpected XML path: '&1'
186The employee belongs to comp.code '&1' but the subst.indicated is '&2'
187Saving not activated in table V_T77PAYIT_730_R
188Saving activated in table V_T77PAYIT_730_R
189No file selected
190&1 Standard 730-4 processed from file
191&1 Standard 730-4 not selected from file
192&1 Integrative 730-4 processed from file
193&1 Integrative 730-4 not selected from file
194&1 Adjusting 730-4 processed from file
195&1 Adjusting 730-4 not selected from file
196&1 Cancellation 730-4 processed from file
197&1 Cancellation 730-4 not selected from file
200Error on CEI result exporting &1
201The result is already consolidated
202User not authorized to consolidate CEI result &1
203User not authorized to reset status of CEI &1
204User not authorized to create/update CEI result &1
205CUD result not found
206Deceased employee: 730 settlement locked
207Block of deductions by flag "Adjustment special conditions"
208Inconsistency between sect.T5ITF24 record and CBI file sect. balance rec.
209Inconsistency between totals of record T5ITF24 and CBI file
210CBI file must be generated in order to be sent
211CBI file has status "sent"
212CBI file is marked as "sent"
213CBI file was generated
214Identifier of original result &1
215Identifier of compensated result &1
216Compensation error - Incorrect result
217Identifier of normalized result &1
218Zero or credit delegations are generated in a separate file
219Total debit is not enough for compensating credit delegations
224Element PayrVarNoteToPayee created with value: &1 (employee type &1)
225Flat Tax on rental inc. ded.: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
226Flat Tax on rental inc. refund: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
227First installment of Flat Tax: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
228Second or single inst. of Flat Tax: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
229Solidarity Contribution to be ded.: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
230Refund for Flat Tax: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
231Refund for Solidarity Contribution: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
232The specified file is not a valid XML file
233IRPEF first installment: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
234IRPEF second or single installment: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
235Refund for IRPEF: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
236Deduction for IRPEF: Wrong totals (EE Sp. Tot.): &1 &2 &3
237Enter PerNo data or the certificate number
238Please inform the process period in years
239Certificate number &1 not found
240Inconsistent data for certificate &1
241Please inform a correct period in years
242Please inform the XML file name
243Error while reading the XML file
244PerNo does not have infotype 002
245PerNo is locked
246Cluster Update is not possible
247Tax no. &1. Event preceding document &2(&3) &4 not found
248Cannot update event previous to document 1 &2
249Document &1 not found (cancellation)
250INPS code in certificate not curr. employee INPS Cd. in IT0154
251Negative amount in box &1 &2 part &3. The amount was kept as negative
252Negative amount in box &1 &2 part &3. The amount was set to 0,00
253Document number &1 exists already
254Tax no. &1. Entry not allowed for collision. Document &2(&3) &4
255Document start date &1 changed (previous absence, document &2)
256CUD migration not allowed after 2012
257Tax no. &1: PerNo not active in period of document &2 Ini &3 Fin &4
258Element <NumDenIndiv> calculated: &1
259Integration of type 2 is possible only if no original record 483 exists
260Supplementary 730 of type 2: enter month and late settlement type
261Supplementary type is not valid
262PersNo Rejected: The integrative 730-4 differs from the entered type
263Element &1 discarded
264Tax Payer's Ref.No.&1 Correction &2 - Previous certification not found &3
265INPS Code in certificate does not correspond to Employee INPS Code
266Subsequent Sickness &1 more than 30 days from the end of previous event
267Amount to be refunded and to be deducted are not allowed simultaneously
268Enter Municipality Surcharge amount
269Enter Municipality Surcharge code
270Enter Regional Surcharge code
271Enter Regional Surcharge amount
272Short CU result not found
273730 is standard, but "Gen. int. for adj." is selected
274Supplementary 730: Enter correction month and type of delayed settlement
275Correction month is different from start date
276Enter the correction month
277The number of instalments must be between 2 and 5
278The number of instalments entered is too high
279Cancellation 730 is possible only if a previous record 483 exists
280Supplementary 730 of type 1 is only possible in November or December
281Supplementary 730 of type 1 is only possible if a previous record 483 ex.
282Correction month must be between July (07) and December (12)
283Form &1 is not available
284Table &1 contains no data
285Unknown residence on January 1st. &1
286Garnishment is missing for beneficiary: &1
287Section Garnishment with errors
288Incorrect compilation for logical cond.: Annotation: &1
289Incorrect reading for logical cond.: Annotation: &1
290Error while generating output for annotation: &1
291Table &1: Inconsistent data
292Error while generating VARTAB
293Problems in FI data determination
294Enter correct add. information for the event &1 of day &2
295Form &1 not available. Verify form name or ADS server
296File &1&2 could not be downloaded
297Box T0802/T0803/T0804 is set to zero because box T0801 is zero
298Save TemSe
299Enter deleg. date if TN of the A record is different from TN of B record
300Enter A record TN different from B record TN, if deleg. date entered
301Absence &1 hs not been processed by DAQ
302TemSe &1 is not available
303An adjusting 730-4 already exists in month &1
304Element '&1' is not expected. Expected element: '&2'
305The current status is already initial
306Only the last sent declaration can be returned
307Returned status: the declaration can be sent again
308Cluster PC1I2 cannot be exported for employee &1
309The UniEmens directorate cannot be found for ID &1 XML TemSe
310Reversal 730 with value zero not considered as standard 730
311No. installments for EE with and tax no.&2 changed fr.&3 to &4
312The F24 identifier &1 does not exist for company code &2 and period &3
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