HRPADRU_COMMON_REPS - HR-RU: message class for common process of HR RU reports

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADRU_COMMON_REPS: HR-RU: message class for common process of HR RU reports.
It is part of development package PB33 in software component PA-PA-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data : Russia".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* Report Control Classes for DAQ
001Wrong Customizing for wage code &1(IN period) and DAQ field &3 section &2
002Type &1 is not compatible with &2
003Instance of object with ID &1 is not found in CL_HRPAYRU_REPORT_CONTROL
004Enter Payroll Date for Application for Allocation of Funds
005System calculates amount &1 times for DAQ field &2 section &3
006Enter correct value for parameter &1 matching pattern &2 in field &3.
007Component &1 does not exists in table &2
008Component &1 does not exists in structure &2
009Maintain value for field &1 in DAQ field &2.
010Object &1 must be initialized.
012Component &1 does not exists.
013Internal error &1 &2 &3 &4
014Source field (SOUFI) for field &1 does not match &2
015Source table (SOUTA) for field &1 does not match &2
016&1 No FIAS GUID found - check subtype &2 of the Infotype 0006
017Multiple subapplications are active on date &1 for report &2
121Feature 331TT has been not generated for &1
122Feature 331TA has been not generated for &1
123Feature 331TG has been not generated for &1
176Path &1 does not exist. Program is stopped
177Username &1
180Start date & automatically changed to the first day of the period
181End date & automatically changed to the last day of the period
182Year of start date &1 differs from the year of end date &2
210* Messages for HRULNDFL
226Employee does not have a Permanent Address
227&1 is not maintained for the employee
228There is no customising for Document Grouping &1 (check V_T7RU0290PRIOR)
229Employee is not insured in Pension Fund
230Employee without &1 cannot be processed in report SZV-M
240* Messages for PLTAXRUN
241No off-cycle payroll results exist for this employee
242Payroll areas must use the same period parameter. See long text
270* Messages for REPORT_CONTROL
271Passed object id can not be found in table &1
272Object &1 can not be added to table &2
273For Org.Key &1, heads for Object IDs &2 and &3 are different
274For Org.Key &1, two organization definitions exist in T7RU9A
300* Messages for HRULSICK_CS
301The interval for field &1 is overlapped. Check cum. over prd.(V_T5F99FD)
302Object &1 is not created for &2 and &3
400* Messages for OGRN Migration
401System has already migrated several entries
402Migrate to the new reference table for specifying OGRN
403Record "&1 &2 &3 &4" successfully migrated.
404Migration error. Record "&1 &2 &3 &4" could be already migrated.
405No entries for &1 language found.
500* Messages for HRUURU30
501You have no authorization to change database tables
502Can not lock table(s) for input. Lock set by user &1
503Error reading input file: &
504The following file name is not correct: &
505The following file does not exist: &
506Parameter RECNUM of program HRUURU30 has no value
507Loading from Local PC is not possible in underground mode
508Length of file name '&' on application server is more than 60 characters
509You are not authorized to read file '&'. Check object S_DATASET.
510Entry with employee &1 and period &2 didn't exist in T558B.&3
511Entry with employee &1 and period &2 doesn't exist in T558B.&3
512Tax class &1 didn't exist in table T7RUT1.&2
513Tax class &1 doesn't exist in table T7RUT1.&2
514Entries with key PERNR=&1 SEQNR=&2 can not be deleted.
515Entries with key PERNR=&1 SEQNR=&2 CNTR1/ID_1=&3 can not be deleted.
516Error: "&1 &2 &3" in row &4
518Wrong file name or path. Check customizing of logical file name &1
519&1 entries &2 successfully &3
520Entry that contains PERNR=&1, SEQNR=&2, NUMPO=&3 cannot be deleted
521Row &4 contains a dublicated entry with PERNR=&1, SEQNR=&2, NUMPO=&3
522No records with the additional key &1 &2 exist for the T7RUSVWCCODE table
551Tax deduction for wage type code &1 is not assigned to any income code
552Tax deduct. for WT code &1 and WT &2 not assigned to tax priv. class
553Wage type &1 code &2 was classified with two classes &3 and &4
554Multiple notifications for document grouping &1 in period &2 - &3
555No entry in Tax Privileges (CIS) (0299) infotype in period &1 - &2
556Record for document group &1 not found in period &2 - &3
601Tables & are locked by user &
620* eCatt data provider errors
621No data has been imported from memory ID &1
640* Permanent HWC determination
641No personal assignment data has been passed.
642No working conditions data has been returned for employee &1. Feature &2.
643Feature &1 hasn't returned any data.
644Relation type for object &1 wasn't defined.
645'&3' value returned by &1 feature for &2 employee has incorrect format.
646Invalid combination of PLVAR/OTYPE/OBJID : &1/&2/&3
647'&1' plan version does not exist.
648Organizational plan version is not specified.
649Object &1 with type &2 is not found.
650Wrong classification customizing: &1
666Use this function in conjunction with EHP 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 only
667Business function HCM_LOC_CI_19 is not active
700* Messages for HRPADRUT7RUN
701Check Start/End Dates!
750* Messages for HRUU290CONV28TO29
751No driving license categories exist in subtype &1
752Infotype records overlap at the time period
753* Messages for SZV-M
754Enter a registration number in PFR for &1 form type
755Organization does not have &1
756No files to download
757All files are empty
758Multiple legal enitites with Reg. number in PFR &1
759Reg. number in PFR &1 does not exist in legal entities
760Enter a month between 1 and 12
761DAQ: sec. &1 / field &2: &3 DAQ field not found; check customizing
762"&1" is not a valid date; system date is used instead
763No data exists in T7RU9A for org. type &1, data type &2 and reg. no. &3
764&1 is not maintained for organization with key '&2' in T7RU9A
765&1 is not maintained for legal entity &2 &3
775* Messages for RUSP-grouped reporting
776Multiple organizations for org. type &1, data type &2, INN &3, KPP &4
777No organizations found for org. type &1, data type &2, INN &3, KPP &4
778Multiple legal enitites with INN &1, KPP &2 for grouping reason &3
779No legal entities found with INN &1, KPP &2 for grouping reason &3
780Default values for RUSP organization used: org. type &1 and data type &2
781Default value of grouping reason &1 used.
800* FSS Direct Payments Messages
801Number range for ID &1 with key &2 on date &3 exceeded
802Number range for ID &1 with key &2 on date &3 is locked
803Number range for ID &1 with key &2 on date &3 not updated
804XSLT error: &1&2&3&4
805DAQ structure generation error: &1 &2 &3 &4
806DAQ: Data element not specified for field &1, default &2 used
807DAQ: Data type &1 for field &2 is not supported
808DAQ: Data element & for field &2 does not exist
809Enter FSS registration number
810Enter FSS file name
811Employee does not have applications to FSS in this period
812No data to display in ALV List
813Select directory for output
814Employee does not have recalculated applications to FSS in this period
815Processing terminated due to errors; see error message in log
816Download path is not specified
817Download to presentation server is not possible in batch mode
818You have already downloaded files for this run
819Benefit type &1 is not supported by this report
820Download to application server failed
821File &1&2&3&4 downloaded
822This mode is not supported for single personnel number
823Multiple ogranizations selected for FSS Registration Number &1
824Batch &1 created in productive mode
825Death certificate is missing
826To use this report, activate FSS direct payment functions
827No address data defined for OGRN &1
828&4: No data in IT 0021 for subtype '&1', object ID '&2' and number '&3'
829Table RUAVE is empty
830Employee does not have identification document in grouping &1
831&4: No linked absence for application with type &1 on date &2 number &3
832&4: No record in IT 0006 for subtype '&1', object ID '&2' and number '&3'
833&4: No re#ord in IT 0009 for subtype '&1', object ID '&2'
834Application &1 &2 &3 &4 cannot be processed; see error message in log
835No XSLT program defined for this period
836Batch size changed since productive run; file inconsistent
837Error at DAQ Initialization
838No payroll calculation exists for application &1 &2 &3 &4
839Select all employees to print
840This is not &1 Type or Inherited
841Master Data in &1 not Maintained for &2
842No Relatives for Additional Absence From &1 To &2; Order &3
843Application &1 &2 &3 &4 is not signed by employee
844No data found for authorized person or child
845Productive run resulted in batch &1
846Personnel number &2 is locked by user &1
847Application &1 &2 &3 &4 has inconsistent batch number
848Multiple legal enitites with FSS Reg. number &1
849FSS reg. number &1 does not exists in legal entities
850Batch &1 created in test mode
851Selected directory is not available or does not exists
852Batch &1 created in correction mode
853Download of all files cancelled
854No data exists for selection criteria
855Certificate missing for an FSS application of type &1 and start date &2
856Report started on application server &1
857No data in table &1 for &2 &3 &4
858Sign date updated
859Application &1 &2 &3 &4 has been already sent to FSS
860No SI Application form for employee &1. See details in log.
861No data for Adobe PDF form
862Kind of work for employee is not defined
863Your settings for &1 field in the &2 form are incorrect
864&4:Payment start date does not exist for &1 statement (date &2;number &3)
865Add the BIRTH_CERT_GROUP parameter or enter its value
866Application &1 &2 &3 (sick list. N &4) is not paid by social insur. fund
867DAQ subapplication &1 does not exists in country grouping &2 on date &3
868&3: Wrong KLADR Code &1 related to Infotype 0006 Subtype &2
869Feature for selection of child subtypes is not correct
870No authorization to read payment card number (infotype 0105)
871No payroll calculation exists for application &1 &2 &3 &4
872Other child: missing certificate for application &1 on date &2
873ISO code is empty; missing data about citizenship
874Family member &1: missing relation type for application &2
875* NOOM organization controller
876Return value &1 of feature 33ONM does not match pattern NNNN/99999999
877Benefit type &1 is not supported by selected form.
878Certificate missing for an FSS application of type &1 and start date &2
890*CRT TOOL messages
891Use country-specific report: transaction HRPAYRU_CRT
892&1 No FIAS GUID found - check subtype &2 of the Infotype 0006
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