HRPADSI_UTIL - Messages for Slovenia HR - util

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADSI_UTIL: Messages for Slovenia HR - util.
It is part of development package PC62 in software component PY-SI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Slovenia".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Could not parse XML file.
002XML file saving aborted by user.
003Error when creating XML file name for logical name &1.
004Error when displaying dialog window for XML file location.
005Error when saving XML file &1 on workstation.
006XML file &1 has been saved on workstation.
007Forbidden character in a parameter for logical name of XML file.
008General Messages
009Person-Specific Messages
011Selected Persons &1
012Persons Processed &1
013Successfully Processed Persons &1
014Persons Rejected &1
015Error while saving XML file "&1" on the application server!
016XML file "&1" has been saved on the application server.
017Error when validating XML file name for logical name "&1"!
018SECURITY: File (&1) cannot be saved on appl. server without logical name!
019No file has been selected.
020Data format on line no.&1 is incorrect.
021There are no data for processing.
022Unable to read payroll cluster directory.
023Cannot read payroll result for PERNR:&1,SEQNR:&2,MOLGA:&3.
025Runtime infotype &1 for period &2-&3 has been modified in BAdI.
026Runtime object with payroll result (SEQNR=&1) has been modified in BAdI.
027Payroll cluster directory is empty.
028Unable to initialize XML document from file '&1'.
029Runtime Cluster Directory Table (RGDIR) has been modified in BAdI.
030Table T5V2P is not initial - conversion from table T5V2Q is not possible!
031&1 records converted from table T5V2Q to table T5V2P.
032Infotype &1 for period &2-&3 doesn't exists in cache.
033Infotype &1 for period &2-&3 doesn't exists completely in cache.
034Unable to read infotype &1 for period &2-&3 from cache.
035Unable to read RGDIR from cache.
036RGDIR doesn't exists in cache.
037Unable to read payroll result with SEQNR=&1 from cache.
038Payroll result with SEQNR=&1 doesn't exists in cache.
039Date &1 is in incorrect format.
040XML Element '&1' has no value but value required. XML path '&2'.
041XML error. Node type '&1', name '&2', value '&3', path '&4'
042XML Element '&1' has not valid value. XML path '&2'.
043XML Attribute '&1' has no value but value required. XML path '&2'.
044XML Attribute '&1' has not valid value. XML path '&2'.
045Error in creation of XML element '&1'. XML path '&2'.
046Error in creation of XML attribute '&1'. XML path '&2'.
047Error in importing from XML element '&1'. XML path '&2'.
048Error in importing from XML attribute '&1'. XML path '&2'.
049Error in exporting to XML element '&1'. XML path '&2'.
050Error in exporting to XML attribute '&1'. XML path '&2'.
051Error in processing of XML element '&1'. XML path '&2'.
052Error in processing of XML attribute '&1'. XML path '&2'.
053Too many XML elements '&1'. Max.occurs '&2', XML path '&3'
054Not enough XML elements '&1'. Min.occurs '&2', XML path '&3'
055Error in TDC - &1 &2 &3 &4
056TDC variant '&1' already exists.
057Functionality not supported by this system release.
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