HRPADUAOS - Message classe for Ukraine HR-PA

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADUAOS: Message classe for Ukraine HR-PA.
It is part of development package PB36 in software component PA-PA-UA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Ukraine".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error during seniority processing.See func.mod. HR_SEN_CALCULATE_COMPLETE
001Error# &1 with 'WRITE_FORM' func.module. Call system administrator
002Error# &1 with functional module of Sapscript.Call system administrator
003Record must be created from first till last day of month
004Record IT0552 with subtype &1 is already exists from &2 till &3
005Code &1 is not present in the military catalogue T7RUM0
006Number must contain numbers between zero and nine
007Series must contain only uppercase Cyrillic letters
008Format of value '&1' must be '&2'. See F1 help.
260Specify only one date to determine the average rate for absence pay
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