HRPAY99RU_RMS_DB - RMS DB: Messages for RMS persistence layer
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99RU_RMS_DB: RMS DB: Messages for RMS persistence layer.
It is part of development package P99RU_RMS_DB_L2 in software component PY-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS Database and persistence API".
It is part of development package P99RU_RMS_DB_L2 in software component PY-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS Database and persistence API".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Display of object with type &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted |
002 | Creation of object with type &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted |
003 | Modification of object with type &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted |
004 | Finalization of object with type &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted |
005 | Deletion of object with type &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted |
006 | Display of object with type &1 in area &2 restricted |
007 | Creation of object with type &1 in area &2 restricted |
008 | Modification of object with type &1 in area &2 restricted |
009 | Finalization of object with type &1 in area &2 restricted |
010 | Deletion of object with type &1 in area &2 restricted |
011 | List of employees for report &1 in area &2 restricted |
012 | List of employees for report &1 in area &2 for employer &3 restricted |
013 | Missing authorization to read RMS content for personnel assignment &1 |
020 | * Internal date/time format conversion |
021 | Parameter &1 must not be initial |
022 | Parameter &1 has invalid value &2 |
023 | Postcondition violated |
024 | Precondition violated |
025 | Program condition violated |
026 | Current state of program is not expected |
030 | * XML request processing |
031 | XML request processing terminated with status &1 |
032 | XML request format violated |
033 | There are parsing errors during processing of XML request |
040 | * XML serialization/deserialization |
041 | Unknown error during XML serialization |
042 | Internal error during XML serialization for object &1 |
043 | Attribute &1 is mandatory for figure &2 in object &3 |
044 | Element &1 not specified for figure &2 in object &3 |
045 | Element &1 not allowed for figure &2 in object &3 |
046 | Value &1 for element &2 in figure &3 is not expected for object &4 |
047 | Element &1 is not expected in XML request |
050 | * Locking messages |
051 | System failure during locking operation |
052 | Object &1 is locked by user &2 |
053 | Link from &1 to object &2 is locked by &3 |
060 | * RMS Document messages |
061 | Record for document with key &1 does not contain database key |
062 | Document with key &1 referenced by reports and cannot be deleted |
063 | Document with key &1 does not exist in report &2 |
070 | * Messages for figure processing in RMS records |
071 | Figure &1, &2 does not exist in record &3 |
072 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 already exists |
073 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 must have currency |
074 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 contains wrong unit of measurement |
075 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 must have unit of measurement |
076 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 must have only one value |
077 | UOM of figure &1, &2 in record &3 cannot change |
078 | Value &1 for figure &2, &3 in record with key &4 invalid |
079 | Figure &1, &2 in record &3 has unknown datatype |
080 | Figure with name &1 is not permitted for record &2 |
081 | Figure name in record &1 cannot be empty |
082 | Figure &1, &2 cannot be used as record key for object &3 |
090 | * RMS object access error |
091 | Parameter &1 is initial |
092 | Record &1 cannot be changed; data in future exists |
093 | Invalid value &2 for parameter &1 |
094 | Object with key &1 managed by &2 cannot be changed using this instance |
095 | Program condition violated; internal program error |
096 | Postcondition violated; internal program error |
097 | Precondition violated; internal program error |
098 | Current state of object with key &1 is not expected |
099 | Object with key &1 not managed by required class agent |
100 | Object with key &1 is finalized and cannot be changed |
101 | Parameter &1 with value &2 in object &3 is not allowed |
102 | Parameter &1 must have value in object business key |
103 | Object with key &1 is to be created, but exists in database |
104 | Object with key &1 is to be read, but not found |
105 | Record &1 already edited with different in-period date &2 |
120 | * ABAP OS wrapping messages |
121 | Object with key &1 not found in database |
122 | ABAP OS reported system error: &1&2&3&4 |
123 | Internal check agent reported an error during update process |
124 | ABAP OS Query error: &1&2&3&4 |
125 | No entries matching the conditions of the query were found |
126 | Internal error: &1&2&3&4 |
127 | ABAP OS transaction started at &1 &2 |
128 | ABAP OS transaction completed at &1 &2 |
129 | ABAP OS transaction rolled back at &1 &2 |
130 | Operation with RMS interface completed with status &1 |
140 | |
141 | RMS record &1 must be written only since its for-period end date |