The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99RU_RMS_DB_ILM: .
It is part of development package P99RU_RMS_DB_L2 in software component PY-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS Database and persistence API".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The system did not find any objects that match your selection criteria
001Object will not be archived
002Object will be archived
003Logical report will be archived
004Archiving of object &1 in area &2 restricted
005Access to archived object &1 in area &2 restricted
006Archiving of object &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted
007Access to archived object &1 for employer &2 in area &3 restricted
008Finalize report to archive it
009Program running; &1% (&2 of &3)
010Table &1 is not in archive file; deletion terminated
011Object was archived and deleted from the system
012Program completed
013Object was archived
014Object snapshot was created
015Object can be destroyed
016Archive file contains more than 1 entry for table &1
017Update of logical report with ILM status failed
018Object was not deleted because session was interrupted
019Archiving session interrupted
020Enter report type and country grouping
021Activate AS infostructure for object &1
022Archiving object &1 not assigned to subtype of infotype Legal Hold (3246)
023Logical report is not archived due to legal hold on one of the employees
024Employee has legal hold on RMS data
025Logical document is not archived due to links in a report
026Logical report has a link on document
027Report &1 was destroyed; content cannot be accessed
028[message text is not used]
029Infostructure &1: Duplicate entries with key &2
030Entry from table HR99RU_RMS_D_RST will be deleted
031Entry from table HR99RU_RMS_D_RST deleted
032Record &1 not found in file indexed by AS structure &2
033Logical record is not archived due to links in a document
034Logical document has a link on record
035Object was destroyed
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