HRPAY99RU_RMS_DL - Messages for Document Processing Level (international part)
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99RU_RMS_DL: Messages for Document Processing Level (international part).
It is part of development package P99RU_RMS_DL in software component PY-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS Document Layer".
It is part of development package P99RU_RMS_DL in software component PY-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS Document Layer".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No suitable open report type for reporting area &1 on date &2 |
001 | Report already exists in the database |
002 | Value for obligatory input parameter &1 is not provided |
007 | Failed to define report relevant to provided data |
009 | No processing class for report type &1 (CntryGr &3) on date &2 |
010 | Processing class &1 for report type &2 (CntryGr &3) does not exist |
011 | Failed to get instance of class &1 |
012 | Attribute &1 has initial value |
013 | Read report query ended with status '&1' for report &2 |
015 | No processing class for document type &1 (CntryGr &3) on date &2 |
016 | No processing class for record type &1 (CntryGr &3) on date &2 |
017 | Corrupt response from database operation |
018 | Document management system reported an error |
019 | Open report is not found for key &1 |
020 | Document data not found for specified document key |
021 | Failed to update document data in the RMS database |
023 | No processing class for rep.type &1, op.type &4 on date &2 (CntryGr &3) |
024 | Failed to create operation processing class instance of type &1 |
025 | Report is already finalized |
026 | Report is locked |
027 | Operaton type &1 is not supported by class &2 |
028 | No parameters for operation type &1 processed in report type &2 |
029 | Operation parameter &1 is missing (operation &2, report type &3) |
030 | Execution of XML transformation program &1 ended with error |
031 | XML transformation program &1 does not exist or is inactive |
032 | No documents found for report &1 &2 &3 &4 |
033 | Failed to create dialog screen for operation parameters maintenance |
034 | Specified employee &1 does not exist |
035 | No open document &1 found for report &2 &3 &4 |
036 | Requested form cannot be shown because report data is not found in DB |
037 | PDF form name cannot be defined for form variant &1 |
038 | Failed to get information about fields of DAQ-form &1 |
039 | Failed to save file &1 |
040 | Operation canceled |
041 | Employees without batch filename present in report data |
042 | Failed to initialize process &1 with parameters |
043 | Failed to create process for &1 on date &2 |
044 | You do not have authorization to run transaction &1 |
045 | RMS: rep.area &1, period &2, rep.type &3 |
046 | Selection program variant is undefined for report type &1 |
047 | Process Model identifier is undefined for report type &1 |
048 | There are no employees relevant to the processed report |
049 | Connection between report type &1 and document type &2 not defined in &3 |
050 | Failed to create a background job for the operation |
051 | You do not have authorization to display Logical Report List |
060 | Operation &1 does not allow background run |
100 | * Attachment Service in RMS |
101 | Logical report attachment &1 is locked by &2 |
104 | Logical report has DMS document for operation &1, which will be deleted |
105 | DMS document for operation &1 was deleted |
106 | &1 completed with unexp. status &2 for &3 |