HRPAY99_CE - Nachrichten CE Payroll

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99_CE: Nachrichten CE Payroll.
It is part of development package PAOC_PAY_OCWB in software component PY-XX-OC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Off-Cycle Workbench for Concurrent Employment".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Withholding Wage Type &1 Is not a Person Wage Type (T7CCE_PERS_WGTYP).
002Target Wage Type &1 is a Person Wage Type (T7CCE_PERS_WGTYP).
003User &1 has no authorization for personnel number &2
010Payroll area &1 does not belong to a payroll area group
011Max. one assignment allowed for person ID &1 before CE start
012Person ID &1: Some personnel assgmts can not have payroll run separately
013Person ID &1: Some personnel assgmts can not have payroll run together
014Person ID &1: Change of payroll area not permitted because MPSD is active
015Payroll area change check for test example &1 was successful
016Retroactive accounting date &1 is before CE activation &2
017Earliest retroact. acct. date &1 of PY area &2 is before CE start &3
021Maximum of one assignment permitted before CE start
022Payroll for some personnel assignments cannot be run separately
023Payroll for some personnel assignments cannot be run jointly
024Change of payroll area not permitted because MPSD is active
027Earliest retroact. acct. date &1 of PY area &2 is before CE start &3
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