HRPAYAT00 - HR-AT: Nachrichten allgemein

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYAT00: HR-AT: Nachrichten allgemein.
It is part of development package PB03 in software component PA-PA-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Master Data: Austria".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***000-050 Data model AT
001No data found in table T5A0P for personnel area/subarea &1/&2
002No address key found for employer assignment unit &1
003Employer assignment unit has not been maintained in table T5A0P for &1/&2
004No entries exist in table T5A0A for the following ER assignment unit: &1
006No address found in T536C for the following key: &1/&2/&3
007No subapplication found in table T5A09 for the following report: &1
008No account number found in T5A1S for the following key: &1/&2/&3
009Address type &1 in T536D not supported
010Address type &1, key &2: Stairway &3 too long (3 characters permitted)
011Address type &1, key &2: Apt. no. &3 too long (3 characters permitted)
012Error in BAdI HRPAYAT_LZ_AD_ADRES for personnel number &1
013You have made invalid parameter entries:
014No employees in receipt of subsistence payments from &1 to &2
015SI group &1, SI body &2: &3
016For the following employer assgmt unit, no entry exists in T5A0A_NEW: &1
017No account number for following key exists in T5A1S_NEW: &1/&2/&3/&4
018There is no ER account number &1 in table &2
019No entries exist in table T5A0A for the following ER assignment unit: &1
020There is no valid entry for gender &1 and &2 in T5AGNDR_MAP
099* New messages that actually belong in AO (but it has been "frozen")
100+ free text element
101Enter a value for earned income.
102No IT record at end of company pension plan
103Fill the checkbox and text field for the payment in kind together
200COMMENT: 200-299 reserved for ELDA check messages
201End of employment must be entered for chosen dereg. reason (0400).
202End of employment cannot be entered for chosen dereg. reason (0401).
203Error during UE/UA periods and/or pay in lieu of notice
204Reason 30 only for "Work and remuneration sick pay" (70, 71)
205Reason &1 no longer allowed as of &2
206Enter the correct reason for deregistration
207The reason must be specified for deregistration reason 00
208End of MV must be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
209End of MV must not be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
210UE start/end must be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
211UE start/end must not be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
212KE start/end must be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
213KE start/end must not be filled when a deregistration reason is selected
300Comment: General Messages in Area of Payroll
301Feature &1 could not be evaluated.
302A program error has occurred or there is an inconsistency
303This function is not yet supported
304Enter a percentage between 0 and 100
305Short-time work starts before the allowance period &1 - &2
306An internal reference number has not been created yet
307Short-time work ends after the allowance period &1 - &2
308Notification (T5A1O) &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 - contains non-supported chars
309Wage type customizing is not set up correctly for function ADIST
310Wage type &1 without CNTR2 split is used on payslip L16 (finance)
311Further SI splits due to changes in continued pay
320Val. for specifications that are short-time work for COVID-19 still exist
321The number of children is irrelevant for COVID-19 short-time work
322Only gross commitment or guaranteed net amt is allowed for COVID-19 STW
323Enter either a percentage or amount as gross commitment
324Net difference &1 is greater than tolerance value &2
330&1: IT3232 exists only as of &2
331&1: Associated STW granting period starts on &2
332Include the pers. no. &1 in the AMS project file for period &2 if applic.
333&1: No simulation payroll could be created for &2
340Check the default implementation of the BAdI &1
401Inflow from previous year &1 will be ignored in current in-period
500***500-550 Copy from EA-HR message class HRITFAT
501Incorrect entry in feature &1. &2 &3 &4
560BAdI &1 is implemented
561Method &1 is active
562Technical error in &1
563&1 is below age limit &2
564Personnel number is not processed further
565Statement period is set from &1 to &2
566The counting period is from &1 to &2
567BAdI &1 is not implemented
568Method &1 is not active
569Heavy labor category &1 according to position &4 from &2 to &3
570Heavy labor category &1 according to infotype 3205 from &2 to &3
571Heavy labor category &1 according to job &4 from &2 to &3
572No pension insurance obligation from &1 to &2
573Night shifts: &1; month = &2; Z1 condition fulfilled from &3 to &4
574Not enough workdays = &1 from &2 to &3 with heavy labor category &4
575Payroll results up to &1 available
576Night shifts: &1; month = &2; Z1 condition not fulfilled from &3 to &4
577Workdays = &1 from &2 to &3 with heavy labor category &4
578Check Z1: Night shifts: &1; minimum number &2; from &3 to &4
600***600-650 Messages for payroll functions in general
601&3: The tolerance value &1 has been exceeded &2
602Rounding correction &1 has been applied &2
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