HRPAYATLZ - Meldungen zu Lohnzettel-Funktionalit�t

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYATLZ: Meldungen zu Lohnzettel-Funktionalit�t.
It is part of development package PC03 in software component PY-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Austria".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**000-099: General - Payslip
001Technical contribution group &1 is not maintained
002Property type &2 on &3 not maintained for technical contribution group &1
003Invalid evaluation period '&1.&2' (MM.YYYY)
004No hiring action for &1 before leaving &2 &3 on &4
005No leaving action for &1 before reentry &2 &3 on &4
006No validation rule exists for application &1 on key date &2
007No check rule exists in view V_T5A7D for regulation &1/&2/&3
008No payslip notification selected
009No valid payslip application in view V_T596C on &1
010Evaluation year is before validity start date &1 for payslip applications
011Evaluation start is delimited with application validity from &1
012Payroll results seq. no. &1-&2 before validity of applications from &3
013Missing cumulation wage type &1 for application &2 for &3 in view &4
014Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4; operation cannot be executed
015No validation rule defined for application &1
016No checking rules defined for application &1
017Table &1 for payroll result for for-period &2; in-period &3 is empty
018Missing employer assignment &1 for company for date &2
019&4: payslip identified as containing errors by checking rule '&1'/&2/&3
020Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (illegal field name)
021Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (data not for arith. oper.)
022Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (type missing)
023Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (conversion error)
024Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (division by 0)
025Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (missing operand)
026Checking rule &1/&2/&3 incorrect in line &4 (invalid operation)
027Invalid tax number &1
028No leaving action for &1 before switch to tax procedure on &2
029No leaving action &2 &3 for &1 before arrears payment payslip on &4
030No payroll result after &1 or no leaving action for &2
031Table &1 is locked by user &2
032Status confirmation missing for &1 (&2-&3); amendments are to be reported
033Status confirmation missing for &1 (&2-&3); cancelation is to be reported
034No unconfirmed payslip data packages exist
035No leaving action found for &1 before &2
036Pers. no. &1 (&2-&3): check the manually corrected data
037Table &1 could not be locked
038Table &1 could not be unlocked
039Conversion of contribution account no. &1 for &2 and &3 contains errors
040Overflow of cumulation wage type &1/&2 in view V_T596I/J with key &3/&4
041Overflow of cumulation wage type &1/&2 in view V_T596I/J
042Make entries for tax number &1 in the year &2 in T5A2L
043Property category 12 not maintained for &1 on &2
051&4: electr. notification not possible; value in &1 field greater than &2
052&4: electronic notification not possible; value in &1 field less than &2
053&4: value in field &1 is below the permitted range from &2
054&4: value in field &1 is above the permitted range to &2
055&4: original value &1 in field &2 changed by system &3
056General message for mass system changes (rule &4); see long text
057&4: no valid value in field &1
069Specific persons are excluded from the live evaluation
070Specified period is after the current evaluation period (&1.&2)
071Specified period is in a past evaluation period before &1.&2
072Invalid evaluation period
073Personnel number &1 is excluded from live evaluations
074Selection contains no appropriate records for form output
075Select records
076&1 payslips sent to form output
077Selection variant &2 for data medium creation missing for program &1
078ELDA data medium to &1 could not be created
079Free data medium number not available for ELDA data medium to &1
080Year for forced evaluation must not be greater than &1
081Final status already set for all selected records
082&1 of &2 notification(s) accepted
083&1 of &2 notifications set to 'Declare as Correct or Adjust'
084&1 of &2 notification(s) set to 'Not Accepted'
085&1 of &2 notification(s) set to 'Electronically Sent'
086Action canceled
087Final status is not set for any of the selected records
088Final status revoked for &1 of &2 notification(s)
089Legacy data cannot be transferred; new payslip documents already exist
090Payslips cannot be created and managed; see long text
091Number of selected persons
092Number of Processed Persons
093Number of rejected persons
094Number of persons with payslips
095Number of persons with errors
096Data medium number &1 for AD notifications confirmed successfully
097Data medium number &1 for AD notifications cannot be confirmed
098You are not authorized to display the payslip
099Program error &1 &2 &3 &4
100**100-199: L16-Specific Messages
101&4: Only reportable amounts, but no amounts that require reporting
102No payslip L16 for tax procedure &1 exemption reason &2 from &3
103&4: Missing tax number for field &1 in view &2
104&4: Missing tax office number for field &1 in view &2
105&4: Value in field &1 is not equal to total &2
106&4: No amount in &1, but amounts in &2 different from 0.00
107&4: SI number of spouse/partner missing despite single par. deduction amt
108&4: No. children Sec.106(1) EStG 1988 missing despite single par. deduct.
109&4: Nursing allowance specified in field KZPFG, but field &2 is empty
110&4: Type of payslip L16 (field &1) is not permitted in standard system
111&4: Amount in field &1 is not permitted for payslip type(s) &2
112&4: Amount in field &1 is permitted for payslip type(s) &2 only
113&4: Amount in field &1 is greater than total &2
114&4: Amount in field &1 is not permitted for social statuses &2
115&4: SI number of partner exists but ded. amt for sole wage earner missing
116&4: No. child. S.106(1) EStG 1988 missing despite ded. amount sole earner
117&4: Value in field &1 is initial, but value in field &2 is not initial
118&4: Value in field &1 is less than the total &2
119&4: Values in field &1 and field &2 are initial
120&4: Values in field &1 and field &2 are not initial
121&4: Value in field &1 for ER contr. to foreign pension fund not permitted
122Log cannot be called in new mode
123Tax procedure &1 &2 is not supported in T5A2D on &3
124&4: First part of SI number for employee is missing
125&4: amount in field &1 is not permitted for payslip type(s) &2
126&4: &1 exists and &2 does not exist
127&4: value exists in field &1, and AVAB/AEAB do not exist
128&4: increased PAB exists, and AVAB or AEAB also requested
129&4: country ID (int. license plate number) required for payslip type 24
130&4: Number of children specified and no specification for fam. bonus+
131&4: Fam.bonus+ only possible in comb. with spec. of 'Number of Children'
132&4: lump sum for income-related costs expatriates &1 above max. amount &2
133&4: When entering the amount in field &1, &2 must also be specified
134&4: value in field &1 (home office per diem) above absolute maximum value
135&4: value in field &1 (home office per diem) above maximum daily value
150&1: Define action &2, reason &3 as hiring action in T5A7L?
151&1: Define action &2, reason &3 as leaving action in T5A7L?
152&1: No leaving action before reentry &2 &3 on &4
153&1: No entry action before leaving &2 &3 on &4
154&1: Define inactive action &2 &3 on &4 in V_T5A7L with 6 (start PS)?
155&1: Multiple actions for &2; please check
156&1: Value in field &2 is below the permitted range from &3
157&1: KZ210 is &2, but there is no entry action in T5A7L on &3
158&1: Value in field &2 is not equal to total &3 (&4)
159&1: Difference is &2
200*200-249: BGN General
201&4: Data for partial remuneration is incomplete (fields &1, &2)
202&4: Details for employee pension scheme are incorrect
203&4: Insurance policy number must be entered.
204There is no SI data between &1 and &2; check IT0044
300* 300-349: BG2-Specific Messages (BGN for BVA)
301&4: Assessment bases are not assigned to any insurance branch
302&4: Actual assessment basis &1 is greater than value of &2 &3
303&4: PV is not permitted if Representative or Pensioner
304&4: Only values 1, 5, B, P, X, Y, and A are permitted in field ARAN
350* 350-399: E18-Specific Messages
351&4: Type of work performed (field &1) is not permitted
400* 400-449: AD-Specific Messages
401&1: Only one address can be displayed in L16 paper form
450* 450-499: Messages for Manual Corrections
451No authorization for table changes
452No authorization to delete change documents
453Maximum number of subroutine pools reached
454Large amounts of selection criteria can lead to termination of selection
455Table &1 is not the correct type
456SAP editing function is activated
457You are not authorized to change table &1 for &2
458You are not authorized to display table &1
459Technical settings have been saved
460Large amounts of selection criteria can lead to termination of selection
461Maximum number of subroutine pools reached
462Entry &1 locked
463Error while writing change document
464Error while saving changed data due to &1
465Function code &1 could not be executed
466Select entries
467Selected entries added to transport request
468Variant &1 deleted
469No authorization to delete variant &1, &2
470Variant &1, &2 already exists
471Variant &1 was saved
472Variant &1, &2 does not exist
473Numerous rows can cause performance problems
474No previous entry exists
475No values found
476Table &1 is not the correct type
477Variant & saved
478Variant name & contains the illegal character &
479Program termination; error in routine &
480You are not authorized to call transaction &1
481Select an existing layout
500* 500-549: Messages for Status Confirmations
501Data medium number not found or already processed
502No record selected for update
503Table &1 cannot be locked
504Status confirmation failed; try again
505Table &1 cannot be unlocked
506Status confirmation (test run) was successful
507Status confirmation with update was successful
508Revoking of status confirmation failed
509Revoking of status confirmation (test run) successful
510Revoking of status confirmation with update successful
550* 550 - 560: Conversion
551Incorrect format for tax number, perform conversion
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