HRPAYAT_0042 - Meldungen am IT0042: Steuer

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYAT_0042: Meldungen am IT0042: Steuer.
It is part of development package PB03 in software component PA-PA-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Master Data: Austria".
Message Nr
Message Text
100Invalid combination of payslip type & and procedure/exemption & &
101Combination of tax procedure exemption invalid on &1 according to T5A2D
102Tax procedure adjusted to tax exemption reason
103Tax procedure invalid on &1 according to T5A2D
104Tax procedure/exemption combination does not permit DTC values
105This value is not permitted for DTC
106Austria is not a foreign country
107No. of children acc. to Section 106(1) EStG 1998 missing despite AVAB
108No. of children acc. to Section 106(1) EStG 1998 missing despite AEAB
200***** 200-250: Family bonus plus (2019)
202Residence state for sole wage earner/single parent missing for & children
203State of residence for family bonus plus missing for & children (2019).
204Relationship entry missing for & children (problem with payslip Tax).
205Procedure & invalid; child & & attained majority on &
206Procedure & invalid; child & & does not attain majority until &
207Children excluded from payroll account with relevant data: &
208Invalid country of residence & for child & &
209Empty insured person's number part 1 for child & &
210Empty insured person's number part 2 for child & &
211Empty insured person's number for child & &
212Invalid insured person's number for child & &
213Inconsistency in payroll, HASH: & & & &
214Inconsistency in payroll, IT0021-BEGDA: & & &
215Inconsistency in payroll, IT0021-ENDDA: & & &
300*** RPU42FA0: Conversion of tax office number ***
301Tax number already converted: &1
302Tax number converted successfully: &1
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