HRPAYAT_PAYROLL_ST - Nachrichtenklasse Steuerberechnung in ABAP-OO

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYAT_PAYROLL_ST: Nachrichtenklasse Steuerberechnung in ABAP-OO.
It is part of development package PB03 in software component PA-PA-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Master Data: Austria".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***** 1-99: General Messages *****
001& & & &
002Tax calculation (tax split &)
003Influencing Factors
004Tax procedure &1 and tax exemption reason &2
005Tax procedure & without exemption
006Table ST
007Table WPBP
008Call Parameter ASTES (&1|&2)
009Simulation/426 difference:
010At least one split with DTC exemption
011Inconsistency in data exchange structure (see log)
100***** 101-199: Calculation of Tax (Regular) *****
101Factors for reduction: numerator &1, denominator &2
102Initial Amount - Current Split:
103Monthly Deductions (Before Tax)
104Amount for Annual Projection
105Amount After Annual Projection
106Annual Deductions (Before Tax)
107Amount for Effective Tax Calculation
108Deduction Amounts (After Tax)
109Tax Amount for Year
110Tax Amount for Split Period
111Not a commuter rate because mainly tax exemption for constr. proj. abr
112Number of tax days in current split &1: &2
113Increase to 30 tax days although inactive part period within period
114Basis for calculating increased deductible amount for pensioners:
115Reduction with Tax Days
116Reduction with distrib. of tax exem. for construction proj. abr.
117Active days in period:
118Currency is: &
119Transferred amount is annual value
120Output value is split-related (default)
121Output value is annual value
122Company car via surrendered wage type /49R
123Company transportation via surrendered wage type /49T
124Reduction with tax days (due to /426 differences)
125Reduction with tax days (due to DTC exemption)
126Job ticket via surrendered wage type /49V
127Additional kilometers for commuter deduction available using /49Z
128Current basis of income-related costs for expats: &
129Cumulated bases for expats: &
130No. monthly income-related costs for expats: &
131Income-related costs for expats already offset: &
132Severance pay for pensioners: &
133Severance pay for pensioners is 1/3 tax-exempt
134No. of months for which tax was already reduced acc. to EStG 103(1a): &
140** home office vs commuter rate
142ST &1 and WPBP &2 intervals overlap
143Invalid value &1 for ST-PPFKT
144Calculated working days &1 less than PPFKT (&2) lower limit &3
145Commuter days factor home office &1 > original &2, continue with &3
200201-299: Tax Calculation for Special Payment
201Taxation of Special Payments
202Distribution Wage Types
203Tax Wage Types
204Payments Already Made
205Previous Periods / Current Exemption (VAR C42B)
206Previous Splits of Current Period
208Not taxed previously
209Due to exemption limit
210Current special payment
300301-399: Tax Calculation for Statutory Severance Pay
301Severance Pay Amount
302Number of months acc. Sec. 23 AngG
303Special Payment Portion
304Tax-Free Portion
305Monthly Deductions
306Annual Gross Tax Amount Deductions
307Annual Tax Amount Ded.
308Employee SI portion
309Notional Monthly Pay
310Termination; number of monthly salaries acc. to Sec. 23 AngG missing
311Termination; no severance pay exists that is suitable for taxation
312Automatic Determination Active
313Simulation values for taxation of severance pay transferred
314Plausibility problem: /419 unequal to severance pay amount
315Basis for notional monthly pay
316Termination; no leaving action with severance pay
317Termination; no leaving actions in processing
318Termination; leaving does not exist in payroll month
319Termination; severance pay amount does not exist
320Termination; more than one severance pay in payroll period
321Termination; negative base cannot be processed further
322Number of monthly salaries according to Sec. 23 AngG is missing
323No. of months (&1) of tax relief possible acc. to Sec.103(1a) reached: &2
324Processor of family bonus + not found (& & & &)
400401-499: Family bonus plus
401Inconsistencies in IT0042 regarding children from IT0021 (see long text)
402Precalculation family bonus + from 2019
403& children attain majority between & and &. Check IT0042.
404Child & & attains majority between & and &. Check IT0042.
405Child name & cannot be processed by PCALZ due to &.
406You may enter 'E'or 'V' for one child only.
407You may enter '2' for one child only.
408Child with '2' entered; enter a child with 'V' or 'E'.
409Child with '3' entered; enter a child with 'V' or 'E'.
410Child with '3' entered: enter a child with '2'.
411Child with '3' must not be older than child with '2'.
412Child with '2' must not be older than child with 'V' or 'E'.
413Child with '3' must not be older than child with 'V' or 'E'.
414No valid IT0042 record for family bonus from January 1, 2019.
415The family bonus procedure is not valid for the following children.
416Check family bonus plus procedure for child & & with date of birth &.
417Correct invalid SI number child & & due to L16
418Correct empty SI no. child & & due to L16
419Correct empty SI no. part 1 child & & due to L16
420Correct empty SI no. part 2 child & & due to L16
421Children saved in IT0042, but without valid IT0021
500501-549: Offset sixth optimization
501Check / offset "Sixth Optimization" (EStG sec. 77 para. 4a)
502Check of preconditions
503Favored special payment (&) > effective sixth (&), with &
504No check of sixth optimization
505Wage type for check not set
506Effective sixth(&) < exempt. limit (&): Rolling for & /4JX with &
507Default sixth (&) <> effective sixth (&)
508Dates of default sixth (&) and effective sixth (&) are different
509Wage type /4JW together with /4JV not possible
510Wage type /4JY without /4JW not possible
511T5A2_J6 record &-& disrupts correction &-&
512No sixth control calculation since all previous periods are tax-exempt
513STW factor missing: IT0014, /4JF with &1% in number/unit as of &2
514STW control sixth &2 in /4JX required with &3
515STW factor: Delete STW factor /4JF from IT0014 (as of &1)
516&1 and &2 correction not possible at the same time (&3 - &4)
517Default sixth (&1) less than effective sixth (&2)
518Default sixth (&1) greater than effective sixth (&2)
519Surplus &1: /401(&2) < /4JW(&3), RA for &4
520Surplus &1: /4JX(&2) < /4JW(&3), RA for &4
521Automatic RA from sixth control calculation on
522Default sixth /4JX:
523Short-time work factor /4JF will be generated
524No RA from sixth control calculation required
525Stop fully automatic RA due to sixth
526Default sixth &1 will be overwritten with &2 through full automation
527STW factor &1 will be overwritten with &2 through full automation
528Enter differing default value in IT0014 or IT0015
529Class &1 not suitable for annual sixth automatism
530RA due to sixth control calculation not possible before &1
531Class not suitable for annual sixth automatism (see SAP Note 3032397)
532Call of repeat run might fail at IT0003
533&1 invalid for &2 (SAP Note 3104551)
534Default sixth (&1) <> effective sixth (&2) (P layer &3)
800**** 801-899: Exceptions
801Message handler could not be created.
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