HRPAYBE_B2A - Business to Administration: Belgium

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYBE_B2A: Business to Administration: Belgium.
It is part of development package PC12 in software component PY-BE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR accounting: Belgium".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Receipt file does not correspond to B2A process.
002Reference Origin incorrect or missing in receipt file.
003A receipt file is expected.
004A notification file is expected &
005Notification file does not correspond to B2A process.
006File &1 cannot be moved to &2
007File &1: There are no files to upload
008No open B2A process for uploading file &
009No path or directory &
010The file is empty
011Cannot open the file &
012Enter &
013Report cannot be run in background for option '&'
014File transfer rejected with error ID: &.
015File transfer rejected.
016File upload cancelled.
017Have you sent the & for B2A process with description & to Authority?
018& cancelled by user.
019Upload receipt file skipped by user.
020Upload receipt file succeed.
021& sent to authority.
022You haven't sent & to authority.
023& downloaded successfully.
024Time: &2 , Date: &1 , User: &3
025Consult answer checked. No errors found
026& not downloaded.
027Current Status: &
028Reference No. is wrong or reference origin is not 1.
029Notification file uploaded.
030No result in Notification file. Declaration terminated.
031Return code: &. Declaration succeeded.
032Return code: &. Declaration to be validated.
033Return code: &. Declaration failed.
034You need to continue the current declaration process.
035You need to start a new declaration process.
036DMUP consult request is created.
037DMUP consult request creation failed.
038Make sure you run creation properly and load TemSe.
039Status unchanged.
040Set to next status.
041Partial error in 'Consult Answer' check.
042DmfA Update process generated.
043DmfA Update file generation failed.
044Return code: &. Declaration update succeed.
045Return code: &. Declaration update failed.
046Return code: &. Declaration update terminated.
047Return code: &. Receipt file result incorrect.
048Declaration regeneration and TemSe loading successful?
049If yes, a new B2A process is created and the current is closed.
050A new B2A process is created and the current is closed.
051Regeneration failed.
052Process notification file
053Have you received a positive notification message?
054If yes, please input handle Ref.No. and status will be set 'OK' directly.
055If you want to upload notification file, please select Upload.
056If no, please select cancel.
057Process notification file cancelled.
058Notification file confirmed positive.
059You need to upload & again.
060The file you uploaded is not a consult answer.
061You need to reupload a correct consult answer in next step.
062The file you uploaded is not a update notification file.
063Update notification check failed.
064DMUP consult request is skipped.
065TemSe creation from XML file failed.
066Data not found in PB2ADATB for this declaration.
067Notification file is processed. Check out the result below.
068Open TemSe file & fails.
069Saving File Transmission Number fails.
070Receipt file confirmed positive.
071Temporary Receipt confirmed.
072Authorization check fails.
073Notification file result is negative.
074Action cancelled by user.
075The reject info have been registered in the status handler.
076Notification file cannot be opened correctly.
077Reference number is not 2 or reference type is not 3.
078Converting 'Consult Answer' to table failed. Check the content of C.A.
079Justification confirmed positive.
083Notification Anomaly: Error '&'
084Notification Anomaly: Error '&', Description '&'
085Notification Anomaly: Error '&', XML tag '&', value '&'
086Notification Anomaly: Error '&', XML tag '&', value '&', descr. '&'
087"Set Status Handler for employer" failed. Check DmfA employer keys.
088"Set Status Handler for employee" failed. Check DmfA employee keys.
089"Update Status Handler" failed. Check all employer and employee info.
090"Update employee reference number" in Status Handler failed.
091Fatal error in 'Consult Answer' check.
092This is a simulation run.
093Background run is completed. Results are available in Spool.
094&1 records have been prepared to insert into table &2
095&1 records have been inserted into table &2 with return code &3
096Duplicate records in table &1 - TYPRO: &2, GLBID: &3, ESSID: &4
097Database rollback work for status handler tables T5F99SR and T5F99SE
098Consult answer file uploaded.
099Reference number from file: &1
100Origin reference number: &1
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