HRPAYBE_SOCIAL_RISK - Social risk declaration
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYBE_SOCIAL_RISK: Social risk declaration.
It is part of development package PC12 in software component PY-BE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR accounting: Belgium".
It is part of development package PC12 in software component PY-BE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR accounting: Belgium".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | The reference period has to be a (single) complete month |
002 | Official language entered in infotype 0100 for period &1 - &2 in unvalid. |
003 | Error reading personal work schedule for period & - &. |
004 | Payroll table &1 does not contain entries for period &2 - &3. |
005 | Error reading feature & on &. |
006 | Entry & & & not customized in table & |
007 | Infotype & not found for period & - & |
008 | Sector & Scenario & Condition & not customized in T5BR2 on & |
009 | No external work place address found using parameters & |
010 | Error in Working Schedule generation with return code & for period & - & |
011 | No implementation class defined for DAQ form &1 on &2 |
012 | Implementation class & defined in T5F99F0 does not exist. |
013 | Implementation class & defined in T5F99F0 is abstract. |
014 | Implementation class & defined in T5F99F0 is not public. |
015 | Ext. workplace undefined in IT 16 (P0109-WPADR) |
016 | No text modifier defined in feature &1 (using parameters: &2) |
017 | Sector & Scenario & not customized in T5BR2 between & and & |
018 | No SI Registration Number (RSZNR) for company (BUKRS) & at & |
019 | No text id & defined in view V_T5BR5 |
020 | Number of risks (&) is larger than the maximum allowed (&) |
021 | The form & is currently being processed at SI |
022 | No original declaration was sent to SI |
023 | Original declaration was already sent to SI. |
024 | Method & not defined in implementation class & |
025 | Error processing absence data for & |
026 | Reference period not large enough to detect all possible relapse |
027 | LastWorkingDay & more than 30 days earlier than Risk Start |
028 | Reference number & does not correspond to this B2A process. |
029 | & & & & |
030 | The process failed: can be due to pernr locked, authorizations... |
031 | Enter a period that is contained in one quarter only |
032 | The start date has to be the start date of the quarter |
033 | The end date has to be the end date of the quarter |
034 | You have entered a request ref. number; only one pernr can be selected |
035 | No payroll result simulated; check RPCALCB0 for pernr &1 |
036 | Employer SI Number field is mandatory for &1&2 |
037 | No SRD grouping defined in feature & (using parameters: &) |
038 | Number of closing periods in section CLPR is &1; only a max. of 6 allowed |
039 | Value entered for selection field &1 is not valid. |
040 | Form gen. date must not be earlier than Risk begin date &2 for EE &1 |
041 | No link to institution group 0027 (Prevention Service) found |
042 | No address for institution group 0027 (Prevention Service) found |
043 | No institution code &1 found for institution group Prevention Service |
044 | Update error for &1, start date &2 and end date &3; reason: &4 |
045 | Current date is earlier than activation date for automatic detection. |
046 | Cannot use type '9', automatic detection is not activated yet. |
047 | Reference of Request is only available when Create Mini-Dmfa is checked. |
048 | Run the Personal Calendar Generation (RPTGENB0) report first. |
049 | TemSe has already been generated. |
050 | Structure & does not exist. |
051 | Notification file is processed in backgound. |
052 | No data available for section ExceptionalSituationCalculationBase (90030) |
072 | No entry in table &1 for &2 on &3 |