HRPAYBR_EFD - Classe de mensagens EFD-Social
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYBR_EFD: Classe de mensagens EFD-Social.
It is part of development package PC37 in software component PY-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR settlement: Brazil".
It is part of development package PC37 in software component PY-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR settlement: Brazil".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Record &1: Mandatory fields not filled (&2 &3 &4). |
002 | There are no data of &1 for employee &2 |
003 | Record &1: Error while reading characteristic 37DIS |
004 | Record dependents: Dependent &2 was not correctly classified |
005 | Record &1: different break types for workday &2 |
006 | Employee &1 is not relevant for the event &2 (legal code &3). |
007 | Employee &1 is already being processed by &2 (user name &3). |
008 | Filling of a mandatory field. |
009 | Record &1: Excessive leave days |
010 | Record &1: Fill in the marital status |
011 | Record &1: Fill in the country of birth in infotype 0002 |
012 | Record &1: Fill in the nationality in infotype 0002 |
013 | Record &1: Mandatory fields are not filled. |
014 | Record &1: Fill in the instruction degree in infotype 0016 |
015 | Record &1: There are no values in the employee's fixed salary field |
016 | Record &1: Fill in the remuneration payment unit |
017 | Event &2: date &1 invalid; insert an end date different from 31.12.9999 |
018 | Operation not allowed. |
019 | Record &1: Error in read class |
020 | Record &1: Error reading table T550A |
021 | Too many records for &2 in table &1 |
022 | Record &1: Fill in the FGTS date in infotype 0016 |
023 | Record &1: Insert the FGTS date superior to the hiring date (IT0016) |
024 | Company & not valid. |
025 | The event &1 was sent, but the answer was not yet received. |
026 | There are duplicated events of type &1. |
027 | Event &1 cannot be generated, keep constant &2 in table &3. |
028 | Wage type &1 duplicated in table &2, in period from &3 to &4 |
029 | & is not valid. |
030 | Value &1 returned by property &2 is not valid |
031 | Record &1: insert planned date different from 31.12.9999 in infotype 0035 |
032 | Event &1 was not found for wage type &2 |
033 | Wage type &1 different between evaluation classes 06 and 15 |
034 | Wage type valuation basis &1 has a negative result. |
035 | Employee with value &1 empty. Fill in the field employee category. |
036 | Wage type &1 rejected because it is inform.type and it has negat.value |
037 | Wage type &1 generated w/only informat.type |
038 | Specification of & is mandatory. |
039 | There are no events for the specified employees |
040 | Company start date &1 is higher than the selection end date. |
041 | Company &1 not selected, erro while identifying its start date. |
042 | Error in event XML &1; unable to generate signature. |
043 | Error while generating digital signature for event: &1. |
044 | Error while positioning signature in event: &1. |
045 | Payment data were not saved and will not be available for event &1. |
046 | Error while converting event &1 to text. |
047 | Error while getting SSF info in table V_T7BREFD_CONFIG for company &1 |
048 | Error while converting XML of event &1. |
049 | Error while generating batch XML. |
050 | Job event &1, of type &2, was not generated yet. |
051 | In structure &1 of the event no structure of type &2 found |
052 | Event type &1 with information value &2 generated duplicated |
053 | Impossible to remove event link for the event identifier &1 |
054 | Register not found. Generate hiring event for employee &1. |
055 | Event &1 overwrote event &2 because it has different content |
056 | Event &1 was excluded |
057 | Event &1 rejected or manually cancelled; status changed to "obsolete" |
058 | The event &1 of exclusion was generated for event &2 |
059 | Event &1 is valid again; exclusion event &2 was excluded |
060 | The processed event content is identic to the event &1 already saved |
061 | Generate the initial registration event for employee &1 |
062 | Generate the hiring event for employee &1 |
063 | Employee &1 is out of the selection period |
064 | Include a text for personnel action, absence or presence |
065 | There is a non-accepted hiring event - preliminary record for employee &1 |
066 | The marital status "stable union" of employee &1 is obsolete |
067 | Indicator of exemption 01 of table T7BRB2 not supported by eSocial |
068 | Temporary worker info must be filled to fill in substitution worker |
069 | Event type &1: &2 not possible to change because it is not SAP entry. |
070 | The event type &1: &2 is obsolete and will not be migrated. |
071 | Event type &1 will be migrated for event type &2 - Legal code: &3. |
072 | Event type &1: &2 will be excluded, because is not SAP, and has SAP name. |
073 | Event type &1: &2 will be deleted. |
074 | Event type &1: &2 will be entered. |
075 | Entry for event type &1 moved to &2: Infotype &3 field &4 |
076 | Entry created for event type &1: Infotype &2 subinfotype &3 field &4 |
077 | Code entry &1 for event type &2 with legal code &3 deleted |
078 | Code entry &1 for event type &2 with legal code &3 entered. |
079 | No customizing for custom.modif./workbench objects in this syst./client. |
080 | Error while entering objects in request. The changes were not saved. |
081 | The rule validation &1 resulted in rejection for the event type &2 |
082 | The rule validation &1 resulted in errors for event type &2 |
083 | The rule validation &1 resulted in warnings for event type &2 |
084 | Impossible to use flat structure log for event type &1. |
085 | Parameter &1 not configured or configured incorrectly. |
086 | Error in rule configuration for event type &1. |
087 | There is no definition for parameter &1. |
088 | It was not possible to find configured field in parameter &1. |
089 | The parameter configuration &1 is incorrect. |
090 | The field WTqtt for wage type &1 exceeds the maximum value allowed. |
091 | The polling job was created with identifier &1. |
092 | Error while opening input help (F4). |
093 | Batch &1 not queried because it does not have status "Waiting for reply". |
094 | Event with ID &1 was not found in the query to the eSocial environment. |
095 | The system was not able to query the batch &1. Please try again. |
096 | The batch status &1 was maintained for status "&2". |
097 | The batch &1 was not processed (status "In processing"). Try again. |
098 | Fill in field "Registration no. temp.labor company MTE" in V_T7BRC2. |
099 | Fill in the "Trainee contract" field in view V_T7BRB1. |
100 | Fill in the "PCD contract" field in view V_T7BRB1. |
101 | The connection with the eSocial TDF is not working. |
102 | Select only one event. |
103 | Select at least one event. |
104 | An error occurred while generating XML of event &1. |
105 | Unable to find registration type for minor trainee inst. |
106 | Insert a value for the registration type for minor trainee inst. |
107 | Unable to find CNPJ for minor trainee inst. |
108 | Insert a value for CNPJ for minor trainee inst. |
109 | Unable to find CPF for minor trainee inst. |
110 | Insert a value for CPF for minor trainee inst. |
111 | Insert a valid value for the registration type minor trainee inst. |
112 | Category code &1 incompatible with activity &2 for employee &3. |
113 | Fill in the field "info per." in view V_T7BREFD_CLOSE. |
114 | &1 out of &2 selected events were sent to SAP TDF eSocial. |
115 | Record in IT0736 name or CPF for pensioner &2 of employee &1. |
116 | Employee &1: Send to the government the payroll data with payment ID &2. |
117 | INSS value limit not found in view V_T7BRIS for company &1. |
118 | Wage type &1: review customizing of evaluation class 6 or WT nature. |
119 | CPF not found in event &1; open an incident on component PY-BR. |
120 | NIS not found in event &1; It can be mandatory for exclusion. |
121 | Reporting per.ind.not found in event &1; open incident on component PY-BR |
122 | Inform.period not found in event &1; open an incident on component PY-BR. |
123 | No data to generate deletion of event &1; open an incident on PY-BR. |
124 | Receipt code not found; The termination event must be accepted. |
125 | Wage type &1 w/value &2 in evaluation class &3 is not valid for eSocial. |
126 | Structure for event type &1 was not created. |
127 | Law jurisd./collective agreement &1 must be higher or equal to proc.month |
128 | Fill in the law jurisdiction/coll.agreement for agreement type &1. |
129 | Batch &1 is not in a valid status to be reprocessed. |
130 | The new event &1 was generated. |
131 | The new event &1 with link to event &2 was generated. |
132 | The change event &1 was generated. |
133 | The exclusion event &1 was generated. |
134 | The event &1 was excluded. |
135 | The workplace type is not FPAS differentiation; Fill in CNPJ/CEI number. |
136 | The workplace type is FPAS differentiation; Fill in CNPJ/CEI number. |
137 | Simultaneous event generation/sending for event type &1, company code &2. |
138 | Generate this event tp.only in test environm.and w/EnvTp.2 ( |
139 | This generation does not excludes events from system; clear local basis. |
140 | For event type &1, simultaneous generation and sending of events. |
141 | Transmission error. Check long text. |
142 | Enter greater than/equal notice period date for EE &1 in IT0035 |
143 | Enter greater than/equal notice period date for EE &1 in IT0035 |
144 | Check the date overlapping of the tables that originate the event. |
145 | Generate the hiring event for the employee &1. |
146 | The new event &1 was generated only with the absence start date. |
147 | The new event &1 was generated w/absence end date with link for event &2. |
148 | Absence corrections/deletions are still not automatic (event &1). |
149 | Absence start already reported at initial registration event &1. |
150 | Event &1 not sent; the sending is locked for event type &2. |
151 | Not possible to create configurations; table T7BREFD_CONFIG locked. |
152 | This eSocial configuration &1 already exists for the company code &2. |
153 | The eSocial start date was not found in constant EDFBD. |
154 | SSF application of digital certificate not found for company code &1. |
155 | Logical port not found for query for company code &1. |
156 | Logical port not found for sending for company code &1. |
157 | eSocial environment type was not found in view V_T5F99K2. |
158 | Start date was not found in characteristic 37EBD for company code &1. |
159 | Configuration entry &1 for company code &2 with value &3 will be added. |
160 | This configuration does not allow value in field CoCd.; Remove its value. |
161 | Employee &1: map eSocial code with hiring personnel action in V_T7BRT0. |
162 | Event &1 maintained with absence end and with link to the event &2. |
163 | Impossible to obtain processing result of batch &1. Error code &2. |
164 | Batch &1 was not sent because it has status &2. |
165 | Event &1 maintained as obsolete because it is already in a batch. |
166 | &1 configured as partial site, it will be informed in event S-1020. |
167 | There is already an event &1 with the same key with accepted status. |
168 | Event must have status Accepted so that you perform this action. |
169 | This report can only be run in background for sending to TDF eSocial |
170 | Payroll wage types &1 for EE &2 not relevant f/previous |
171 | Insert the receipt number in order to update the event. |
172 | The event status is not compatible to be updated to Accepted. |
173 | Review SIB contribution of other employment relationships of employee. |
174 | Category code &1 invalid for other employ.relationships in infotype 0437. |
175 | Employee &1 was not processed because employee &2 is locked (CPF &3). |
176 | More than 999 messages for this event. Check XML file. |
177 | The event status is not compatible to be excluded. |
178 | Event history cannot be created; Open an incident on component PY-BR |
179 | Event history cannot be updated; Open an incident on component PY-BR |
180 | Action not allowed. Check the new event status. |
181 | Action not allowed. Check the sending process of batch &1. |
182 | The event &1 cannot be maintained because it is still being sent. |
183 | Employee &1 has transfer measure but did not change company in IT0001. |
184 | Event &1 is not with the correct status to perform the resend. |
185 | The absence event start is previous to the eSocial migration date. |
186 | Fill in migration date later than eSocial start date. |
187 | EE &1: original payroll of payroll &2 not found; check for inconsists. |
188 | Make sure that the absence start was sent in the previous system |
189 | Exclude absence start in previous system before sending current event |
190 | Inconsistent data was removed. Open an incident in component PY-BR. |
191 | Inconsistent data was removed. Review your BAdI customizations. |
192 | Processing completed with success. The table & was updated. |
193 | Fill in the death certificate for employee &1 due to death. |
194 | Employee &1: difference in &2 between orig.and recalculated payrolls 1313 |
195 | Do not fill in the Rural Excl.field for period equal to or after July. |
196 | Fill in the mandatory address fields on infotype &1. |
197 | Fill in the CPF for the dependent &1 on infotype 0021. |
198 | It was not generated ID for event &1. Generate again for value below &2. |
199 | Generate the event &1 for company code &2 to generate the event &3. |
200 | Event &1 has status &2 inconsistent with the framework rules. |
201 | Event &1 has information value not supported by eSocial (&2). |
202 | Employee absence &1 changed. Hiring event must be corrected |
203 | Negative value f/; review BAdI HRPAYBR_EFD_EE_COMPL_ID_DATA. |
204 | Employee &1 has CPF change measure, but he did not change CPF in IT0465. |
205 | Inconsistent data was removed. Open an incident in component PY-BR. |
206 | Employee &1 has change measure of CPF, but not the eSocial registration. |
207 | Processed events |
208 | Rejected events |
209 | Successfully processed events |
210 | Revaluated events: only the last event of each period is valid |
211 | It was not possible to set selection dates for the event &1. |
212 | Fill in the nature of the training for the employee &1 in infotype 0016. |
213 | Fill in the level of the training for the employee &1 in infotype 0016. |
214 | Fill in the training end date for the employee &1 in infotype 0016. |
215 | Fill in the education institution data of the training for employee &1. |
216 | Fill in the CPF responsible for supervision in BAdI HRPAYBR_EFD_EEWNER. |
217 | Fill in the name of the training supervisor in BAdI HRPAYBR_EFD_EEWNER. |
218 | The employee &1 has no relevant change to generate. |
219 | Processed batches |
220 | Rejected batches |
221 | Successfully processed batches |
222 | No action was performed, because batch &2 is already locked by &1. |
223 | Event was not processed, because it is related to event &2. |
224 | No action was performed because event/related event is in a batch |
225 | No action was performed, because event &2 is already locked by &1. |
226 | Field &1 is mandatory when &2 has value &3 |
227 | Fill in the worker category in infotype 0016. |
228 | Check the accrual period beginning on day &1 and ending on day &2. |
229 | Check event data &1. It was not possible to read the event. |
275 | Fill in job and/or function fields occupied by the employee. |
276 | Fill in the workplace fields for the worker. |
300 | Fill in the reinstatement information fields |
792 | Fill in FAP in V_T7BRB2 table for company code &1, branch &2. |
793 | Event &1 not found during the event conversion &2. |
794 | Structure for event type &1 not implemented on version &2. |
795 | Configured version of layout is not supported on date &1. |
796 | Erro while saving events. Try to generate the event again. |
797 | Erro ehilw reading the event &1. Repeat the procedure. |
798 | Layout version &1 not supported for event type &2 |
799 | Event type &1 still not supported for production mode run |
800 | Event type &1 invalid for employer event generator. |
801 | Event type &1 invalid for this report |
802 | Name of parameter &1 is not valid |
803 | Data of parameter &1 is empty |
804 | Parameter named &1 already added |
805 | Invalid processing structure |
806 | Entry already locked |
807 | Impossible to lock entry &1. The event will not be generated |
808 | No entry available for current selection |
809 | Specify the date of use in production of the eSocial |
810 | Selecting employees for eSocial |
811 | Selecting company codes for eSocial |
812 | Processing event &1 |
813 | Generating output for event &1 |
814 | Preparing preview |
815 | Not possible to generate event. Dependent event &1 found. |
816 | User not authorized for event type &1 |
817 | User not authorized to execute events for company &1 |
818 | User not authorized to execute for company &1 area &2 subarea &3 |
819 | No action performed on the selected events; repeat your action |
820 | The termination event was not generated or was not approved |
821 | The event &1 cannot be generated because it depends on PA-PD component |
822 | Value &1 for period &2 is negative. |
823 | It is not possible to convert event &1 of version &2 to version &3. |
824 | Use of eSocial external cockpit activated; impossible to use monitor |
825 | Deadline calculation rule missing for event type &1 |
826 | Deadline calculation rule &1 not found |
827 | Not possible to create class &1 for deadline calculation |
828 | Event type &1 is not a valid termination event |
829 | No action was performed, because event is already locked by &1 |
830 | Event type &1 invalid for employee event generator. |
831 | Event type &1 invalid for table event generator. |
832 | Event type &1 invalid for payroll generator. |
833 | Event type not found |
834 | At least one document PIS/PASEP or NIT necessary |
835 | No authorization for this report/action |
836 | Register CPF document in infotype &1, subtype &2 for employee &3 |
837 | Register contract data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
838 | Register personal data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
839 | Register organizational assignment in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
840 | Register planned working time in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
841 | Register basic pay data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
842 | Register address data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
843 | Register trade union membership data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
844 | Register foreigner visa document in infotype &1, subtype &2 |
845 | Register company instructions in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
846 | Register CTPS document in infotype &1, subtype &2 for employee &3 |
847 | No relationship data in infotype &1 for employee &2 |
848 | Driver's license record: Mandatory fields not filled in (&1 &2 &3 &4) |
849 | Error in the creation of conversion class of event type &1. |
850 | Decision tree result &1 contains invalid date format |
851 | Event &1 has an incorrect status to send |
852 | Register contact data for company code in view V_T7BRERCONTACT. |
853 | Email format &1 invalid |
854 | In view V_T7BRERCONTACT, check if DDD and telephone have 10 or 11 digits |
855 | Entry lock impossible. Batch processing was cancelled |
856 | Error in the creation of the processing class of the event type &1 |
857 | Error in the creation of the transfer class for the event type &1 |
858 | Error in the creation of the XML generation class for event type &1 |
859 | Error in transmission. Event type that generated error: &1 |
860 | Payroll event with payment identifier &1 has a negative value |
861 | Exclude and resend the event &1 to employee &2. |
862 | The use of TDF with eSocial is not active; impossible to use scheduler |
863 | Review your implementation of BAdI HRPAYBR_EFD_TDF_SEND. |
864 | A job was created with the identifier &1. |
865 | Event for per.&1 was not generated older than eSocial |
866 | Insert a valid calendar in the characteristic 37DDC |
867 | Event &1: Control final date &2 not updated; date &3 already delimited. |
868 | Tempory worker information must be filled to fill in repl.worker |
869 | The event &1 was updated. |
870 | There is already an event &1 with the same key in the send process. |
871 | The event &1 is being send, but it was not generated in the current run. |
872 | New calculated send deadline for the event &1. |
873 | Maintenance operation &1 was not identified, contact SAP. |
874 | Use the report only in non-productive systems. |
875 | There is no entry in table T000 for client &1. |
876 | Fill in the taxable classification field for the company &1, branch &2. |
877 | Close the payroll of the company code &1 to resend the reopening. |
878 | Reopen the payroll of the company code &1 to resend the closing. |
879 | Incomplete information for software house &1. |
880 | Error while validating dependents' age. Keep constant &1 in view &2. |
881 | Error while reading table &1 for company &2 branch &3. |
882 | No branch was found for company &1. |
883 | Processing structure &1 invalid; please contact SAP. |
884 | No generated events for wage type &1; review evt.S-1010 or eval.class 6 |
885 | Batch sending configuration not found; see note 2514483. |
886 | Batch query configuration not found; see note 2514483. |
887 | Conversion of XML not possible; open an incident on component PY-BR. |
888 | Transfer/query of batch not possible; see note 2514483. |
889 | Unkown proc.return XML; open an incident on component PY-BR. |
890 | Element &1&2&3&4 not found in XML; open an incident on component PY-BR |
891 | Before you generate event, send closing of periodic events (period &1). |
892 | This event cannot be generated for reopened periods (period &1). |
893 | This event has already reached the limit of &1 sendings for period &2. |
894 | Transformation (XML) &1 not found for event type &2. |
895 | Check the date overlapping of the tables that originate the event. |
896 | Register a name for company code contact in the view V_T7BRERCONTACT. |
897 | Register CPF for the company code contact in the view V_T7BRERCONTACT. |
898 | Event &1: Control final date was changed to &2. |
899 | Report can only be executed automatically and by the eSocial framework. |