HRPAYCH_ELM40 - Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_ELM40: Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001No company-wide work centers assigned
002Error while generating the <Timestamp> tag of the request message
003Error while signing element &1
004Error while creating HTTP client for RFC destination &1
005Error while sending the HTTP request message
006Error while generating the <BinarySecurityToken> tag for the request
007Error while reading the distributor certificate (WS security identity &1)
008'Subject' key missing in distributor certificate (WS sec. ident. &1)
009Error while reading the SAP transmitter certificate (WS sec. ident. &1)
010Error while checking the signature of the response message
011Calculated check sum (digest) of XML element with ID &1 is incorrect
012The response message was signed with an unknown certificate
013The time stamp of the response message is invalid
014The signature of the response message is invalid
015Error while decrypting the response message
016Message sent to RFC destination &1
017Number of children &1 w. deduction entitlement does not match tax rate &2
018No approved rate IT0038: Children w. deduct. ent. > 1 (rate cw. &1 to &2)
019Municipality number as per SSK directory is blank
020Entry does not exist in T5C1O_EX: canton &1, postal code &2, municip. &3
021No work centers for &1 found in table 'T5CSW'.
022No payroll unit found for application key &1 for &2.
023EMA: Exit from WhT obligation &1 without reason &2.
024Municipality number of cross-border employee is empty
025Municipality number &1 of cross-border employee is unknown (T5C1O_EX)
029Result Cannot Be Retrieved (AppKey. &1, Inst. &3)
030Error in printing the PDF form
031Canton &1 in Addresses (0006) infotype is missing or is invalid
032Certificate already exists in WS security identity &1
033(SAL) No WhT rate! QSTPF = &1 (&2/&3)
034No withholding tax rate defined (IT0038).
035WHT history: WHT category/pay scale missing in period &1 - &2
036Level of employment =&1 is invalid (FUPER=&2)
038WHT: Subapplication &1 does not contain cumulation wage types. (t596j)
039WHT: Constant &1 (t50bk) is invalid. (See note &2)
040WhT: No calculation variants defined. (t5c2c)
041WHT: No cumulation wage types defined. (t596g)
042WHT: Cumulation wage type &1 not defined. (See note &2)
043WHT: Error in exchange of cumulation wage types. amts for inact.period &1 (Seq no. &4,&3 CHF) amnts for inact. period &1 (seq no. &4, &3 CHF)
046WHT: Workplace identification must start with "#." (WORID: &1)
047WHT: Workplace identification (WORID) is not set.
048WHT: Invalid marital status (FAMST=&1) from &2.
050OASI/UI: Overlapping periods in relation to compensation fund switch
051OASI/UI Leaving notification: Employee has no SI number
052OASI/UI: No monthly notifications for employees under 18 years of age
053OASI/UI: Employee has no SI data for period &1
054AHV/ALV: Overlapping periods lead to a termination (&1).
055Payroll unit not part of the payroll unit (&1) of the enterprise.
056Leaving/re-entry in period (&1) is not relevant for reporting.
057Compensation fund number missing (payroll unit: &1)
060Error in the determination of the joining date of personnel no. &1
061Error in reading of infotype &1 for personnel number &2
062Invalid language &1 (infotype number 0002) for personnel number &2
063Postcode is missing for personnel number &1
064Error in Determining the Joining Date (Perso &1)
065Error in Corr. Wages: current month is the corr. period (ex.PerID: &1)
066Error in Corr. Wages: pair Old/New incomplete (Period: &3, ex.PerID: &1)
067Error when signing and encoding: XML file invalid (&1)
068Canton must be entered for addresses in Switzerland
069Municipality number must be entered for address in Switzerland
070Canton must be empty for addresses abroad
071Municipality number must be empty for address abroad
072Product is not certified for requested ELM version (&1)
074Address Check Deactivated ('V_T50BK', Constant '.ADRC' &1).
075Place Name <&1> and <&2> Different.
076Postal Code &1 is unknown in Canton &2.
077Invalid Employee Address (WHT Return)
078Invalid Employee Address (Annual Report)
079Invalid Workplace Address: &1
080Invalid Partner Address: &1
081Invalid Address of Enterprise: &1
082Postal Code=&1 Town/City=&2 Canton=&3
083Missing Personnel Subarea Extras for Enterprise &1.
085Work center: Application key &1 (V_T5C3J) for &2 not found.
100Product cannot be determined automatically
101Invalid Product ID (Check Implementation of BAdI 'HRPAYCHELM09')
102Invalid Product ID (Check B2A Constant 'APROD')
110Invalid wage (start date &1 later than end date &2)
111Incomplete company assignment when determining entry/leaving date
112Internal error when interpreting the response message (XML):
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