HRPAYCH_ELM40 - Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_ELM40: Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | No company-wide work centers assigned |
002 | Error while generating the <Timestamp> tag of the request message |
003 | Error while signing element &1 |
004 | Error while creating HTTP client for RFC destination &1 |
005 | Error while sending the HTTP request message |
006 | Error while generating the <BinarySecurityToken> tag for the request |
007 | Error while reading the distributor certificate (WS security identity &1) |
008 | 'Subject' key missing in distributor certificate (WS sec. ident. &1) |
009 | Error while reading the SAP transmitter certificate (WS sec. ident. &1) |
010 | Error while checking the signature of the response message |
011 | Calculated check sum (digest) of XML element with ID &1 is incorrect |
012 | The response message was signed with an unknown certificate |
013 | The time stamp of the response message is invalid |
014 | The signature of the response message is invalid |
015 | Error while decrypting the response message |
016 | Message sent to RFC destination &1 |
017 | Number of children &1 w. deduction entitlement does not match tax rate &2 |
018 | No approved rate IT0038: Children w. deduct. ent. > 1 (rate cw. &1 to &2) |
019 | Municipality number as per SSK directory is blank |
020 | Entry does not exist in T5C1O_EX: canton &1, postal code &2, municip. &3 |
021 | No work centers for &1 found in table 'T5CSW'. |
022 | No payroll unit found for application key &1 for &2. |
023 | EMA: Exit from WhT obligation &1 without reason &2. |
024 | Municipality number of cross-border employee is empty |
025 | Municipality number &1 of cross-border employee is unknown (T5C1O_EX) |
029 | Result Cannot Be Retrieved (AppKey. &1, Inst. &3) |
030 | Error in printing the PDF form |
031 | Canton &1 in Addresses (0006) infotype is missing or is invalid |
032 | Certificate already exists in WS security identity &1 |
033 | (SAL) No WhT rate! QSTPF = &1 (&2/&3) |
034 | No withholding tax rate defined (IT0038). |
035 | WHT history: WHT category/pay scale missing in period &1 - &2 |
036 | Level of employment =&1 is invalid (FUPER=&2) |
038 | WHT: Subapplication &1 does not contain cumulation wage types. (t596j) |
039 | WHT: Constant &1 (t50bk) is invalid. (See note &2) |
040 | WhT: No calculation variants defined. (t5c2c) |
041 | WHT: No cumulation wage types defined. (t596g) |
042 | WHT: Cumulation wage type &1 not defined. (See note &2) |
043 | WHT: Error in exchange of cumulation wage types. |
044 | amts for inact.period &1 (Seq no. &4,&3 CHF) |
045 | amnts for inact. period &1 (seq no. &4, &3 CHF) |
046 | WHT: Workplace identification must start with "#." (WORID: &1) |
047 | WHT: Workplace identification (WORID) is not set. |
048 | WHT: Invalid marital status (FAMST=&1) from &2. |
050 | OASI/UI: Overlapping periods in relation to compensation fund switch |
051 | OASI/UI Leaving notification: Employee has no SI number |
052 | OASI/UI: No monthly notifications for employees under 18 years of age |
053 | OASI/UI: Employee has no SI data for period &1 |
054 | AHV/ALV: Overlapping periods lead to a termination (&1). |
055 | Payroll unit not part of the payroll unit (&1) of the enterprise. |
056 | Leaving/re-entry in period (&1) is not relevant for reporting. |
057 | Compensation fund number missing (payroll unit: &1) |
060 | Error in the determination of the joining date of personnel no. &1 |
061 | Error in reading of infotype &1 for personnel number &2 |
062 | Invalid language &1 (infotype number 0002) for personnel number &2 |
063 | Postcode is missing for personnel number &1 |
064 | Error in Determining the Joining Date (Perso &1) |
065 | Error in Corr. Wages: current month is the corr. period (ex.PerID: &1) |
066 | Error in Corr. Wages: pair Old/New incomplete (Period: &3, ex.PerID: &1) |
067 | Error when signing and encoding: XML file invalid (&1) |
068 | Canton must be entered for addresses in Switzerland |
069 | Municipality number must be entered for address in Switzerland |
070 | Canton must be empty for addresses abroad |
071 | Municipality number must be empty for address abroad |
072 | Product is not certified for requested ELM version (&1) |
074 | Address Check Deactivated ('V_T50BK', Constant '.ADRC' &1). |
075 | Place Name <&1> and <&2> Different. |
076 | Postal Code &1 is unknown in Canton &2. |
077 | Invalid Employee Address (WHT Return) |
078 | Invalid Employee Address (Annual Report) |
079 | Invalid Workplace Address: &1 |
080 | Invalid Partner Address: &1 |
081 | Invalid Address of Enterprise: &1 |
082 | Postal Code=&1 Town/City=&2 Canton=&3 |
083 | Missing Personnel Subarea Extras for Enterprise &1. |
085 | Work center: Application key &1 (V_T5C3J) for &2 not found. |
100 | Product cannot be determined automatically |
101 | Invalid Product ID (Check Implementation of BAdI 'HRPAYCHELM09') |
102 | Invalid Product ID (Check B2A Constant 'APROD') |
110 | Invalid wage (start date &1 later than end date &2) |
111 | Incomplete company assignment when determining entry/leaving date |
112 | Internal error when interpreting the response message (XML): |