HRPAYCH_LSE - Meldungen f�r die Lohnstrukturerhebung

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_LSE: Meldungen f�r die Lohnstrukturerhebung.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr
Message Text
000LSE BAdI: &1 &2 &3 &4
001The employee's level of utilization is not defined.
002The employee has no vacation entitlement.
003The employee has no contractually agreed working time.
004Output F: The employee subgroup grouping &1 is not supported.
005The employee was not active in reporting year &1.
006The employment period of the employee did not include October.
007The basis for the wage calculation cannot be determined using char. &1.
008Characteristic &1 for the basic wage calculation does not exist.
009Characteristic &1 for determining the degree does not exist.
010Unable to determine degree using characteristic &1.
011Characteristic &1 for determining the contract type does not exist.
012The contract type cannot be determined using characteristic &1.
013To determine the contract type, infotype 16 should be maintained.
014To determin the degree, infotype 22 must be maintained.
015To determine the occupation, IT0039 should be maintained.
016Cumulation wage type &1 is not evaluated.
017Characteristic &1 for determining the job position does not exist.
018The SI number is not specified in infotype 36.
019Characteristic &1 for determining the education does not exist.
020Training code 9 or initial values is not allowed. Feature: &1
021The BUR no. could not be determined using payroll unit &1
022The payroll unit of the employee could not be determined
025Number of Lessons (<TotalLessonsOfWork>) '&1' > Maximum '&2'
026Number of Lessons (<TotalLessonsOfWork>) in October '&1' > Maximum '&2'
027Number of Hours (<TotalHoursOfWork>) '&1' > Maximum '&2'
028Number of Hours (<TotalHoursOfWork>) in October '&1' > Maximum '&2'
029Runtime Error 'ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW' in Period &1 (Subappl. &2)
045Employee in Monthly Wage
046Employee with Hourly/Lessons Wage
047Employee with Commission, Flat-Rate, Piece Rate
048Contract type not supported (ABART = &1)
049Type of contract (ABART = &1) not specified (feature = CHBGI)
050(Monthly Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid
051(Hourly Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid
052(Piecework Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid
055Statistics in October
056Personal Data in Work
057Capacity Utilization Level
058Total Worked
059Weekly Working Time
060Indiv. Agreed Capacity Utilization Level
061No Salary in Month of October of Year of Survey.
100Permanent staff in pub. adm. cannot be determined (feature 'CHBJ') = <&1>
101Invalid type of wage agreement for company
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