HRPAYCH_LSE - Meldungen f�r die Lohnstrukturerhebung
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_LSE: Meldungen f�r die Lohnstrukturerhebung.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | LSE BAdI: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | The employee's level of utilization is not defined. |
002 | The employee has no vacation entitlement. |
003 | The employee has no contractually agreed working time. |
004 | Output F: The employee subgroup grouping &1 is not supported. |
005 | The employee was not active in reporting year &1. |
006 | The employment period of the employee did not include October. |
007 | The basis for the wage calculation cannot be determined using char. &1. |
008 | Characteristic &1 for the basic wage calculation does not exist. |
009 | Characteristic &1 for determining the degree does not exist. |
010 | Unable to determine degree using characteristic &1. |
011 | Characteristic &1 for determining the contract type does not exist. |
012 | The contract type cannot be determined using characteristic &1. |
013 | To determine the contract type, infotype 16 should be maintained. |
014 | To determin the degree, infotype 22 must be maintained. |
015 | To determine the occupation, IT0039 should be maintained. |
016 | Cumulation wage type &1 is not evaluated. |
017 | Characteristic &1 for determining the job position does not exist. |
018 | The SI number is not specified in infotype 36. |
019 | Characteristic &1 for determining the education does not exist. |
020 | Training code 9 or initial values is not allowed. Feature: &1 |
021 | The BUR no. could not be determined using payroll unit &1 |
022 | The payroll unit of the employee could not be determined |
025 | Number of Lessons (<TotalLessonsOfWork>) '&1' > Maximum '&2' |
026 | Number of Lessons (<TotalLessonsOfWork>) in October '&1' > Maximum '&2' |
027 | Number of Hours (<TotalHoursOfWork>) '&1' > Maximum '&2' |
028 | Number of Hours (<TotalHoursOfWork>) in October '&1' > Maximum '&2' |
029 | Runtime Error 'ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW' in Period &1 (Subappl. &2) |
045 | Employee in Monthly Wage |
046 | Employee with Hourly/Lessons Wage |
047 | Employee with Commission, Flat-Rate, Piece Rate |
048 | Contract type not supported (ABART = &1) |
049 | Type of contract (ABART = &1) not specified (feature = CHBGI) |
050 | (Monthly Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid |
051 | (Hourly Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid |
052 | (Piecework Wage) &1: '&2' Invalid |
053 | Hours |
054 | Lessons |
055 | Statistics in October |
056 | Personal Data in Work |
057 | Capacity Utilization Level |
058 | Total Worked |
059 | Weekly Working Time |
060 | Indiv. Agreed Capacity Utilization Level |
061 | No Salary in Month of October of Year of Survey. |
100 | Permanent staff in pub. adm. cannot be determined (feature 'CHBJ') = <&1> |
101 | Invalid type of wage agreement for company |