HRPAYCH_QST21 - Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_QST21: Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Invalid calculation variant <&1> (canton: &2, liable to WHT: &3, &4) |
002 | The calculation step requires the active subapplication 'QST3'. |
003 | The calculation step does not allow the active subapplication 'QST3'. |
010 | Pers. no. '&1': Invalid cumulation '&2', wage type &3 (&4 CHF) |
011 | Invalid WHT scale code 'D' second job (IT0038-QSTAB = '&1') |
012 | Invalid WHT scale code 'O' (IT0038-QSTAB = '&1') |
020 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) Before Calculation Step: |
021 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) After Calculation Step: |
022 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) New Wage Types: |
023 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) Changed Wage Types: |
024 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) Not Changed in Calculation Step |
025 | Table &1 (PerNo: &2) Was Changed in Calculation Step: '&3' |
030 | Extrapolation of rate determination: Other employment (WGType &1) |
031 | Capacity utilization level (&1, BETRG): Other employment = &2 [%] |
032 | Capacity utilization level (&1, ANZHL): IT0008 (or IT0007) = &2 [%] |
033 | Capacity utilization level (&1, BETPE): Total = &2 [%] |
034 | WHT non-recurring payment (deduction for occupational expenses): &1 |
035 | Rate determination '/313' before extrapolation = &1 |
036 | Rate determination '/313' after extrapolation = &1 |
037 | Extrapolation: ( &1 / &2 ) * &3 = &4 |
038 | &1 withholding tax calculation as of 2021 &2 |
039 | Generation of wage type &1 based on wage types of PC &2 (value &3) |
040 | Capacity utilization level from infotype (default): &1 |
041 | Calculation of capacity utilization level [%] of other employment |
042 | Gross from additional employments (PC &1, value &2): &3 |
043 | Gross wage: &1 |
044 | Capacity utilization level: ( &1 / &2 ) * &3 = &4 |
045 | Total capacity utilization level &1 (incl. other employment) > 100 [%] |
046 | Missing categorization of other employments in IT0038 |
047 | Total capacity utilization level (incl. other employment) = 100% |
048 | Capacity utilization lev&l &1% changed to &2% (BAdI: HRPAYCH_QST21_BSGRD) |
055 | EE works abroad; no working days in CH defined! |
056 | Working days in CH defined; EE does not work abroad |
057 | Working days in Switzerland ('/3B3-BETRG'): &1 |
058 | Working days in Switzerland cumulated ('/3B4-BETRG'): &1 |
059 | Effective working days ('/3B1-BETRG'): &1 |
060 | Effective working days cumulated ('/3B2-BETRG'): &1 |
061 | A: Total of all wage types paid out for the current month: &1 CHF |
062 | B: Total of all wage types paid out for the current year: &1 CHF |
063 | WHT basis before clearing with 'Working Days CH': &1 CHF |
064 | WHT wage 'Working Days CH' ('/3B5-BETRG'): &1 |
065 | WHT wage cumulated 'Working Days CH' ('/3B6-BETRG'): &1 |
066 | ->C: Total of wage types paid out in prev. years (for ex., bonus): &1 CHF |
067 | ->Number of effective working days cumulated for previous years: &1 |
068 | ->Number of working days CH cumulated for previous years: &1 |
069 | Base days = &1 (working days CH) + &2 (days abroad) > 20 |
070 | Base days = &1 (working days CH) + &2 (days abroad) < 0 |
071 | &1(base days '/3B1')=&2(working days CH '/3B3')+&3(days abroad '/3B7') |
072 | No. of days abroad = &1, working days CH = &2, cap. utilization lvl = &3 |
075 | WHT basis '&1' (BETRG=&2) will be deleted in inactive period |
080 | Calculation of rate determination from 2021 |
081 | A = WHT RD periodic cumulated (&1): &2 CHF |
082 | B = WHT RD aperiodic cumulated (&1): &2 CHF |
083 | C = SI days cumulated (&1-ANZHL): &2 |
084 | D = WHT days (&1-BETPE): &2 |
085 | WHT RD wage year (&1) = (A / C) * D + B = &2 CHF |
086 | WHT RD wage (&1) = &2 / 12 = &3 |
090 | Processing of payments after leaving (inactive periods) |
091 | Outflow (&1) of wage type '&2' (amount &3 CHF) after period &4 |
092 | WHT basis non-recurring payment (&1) before processing: &2 CHF |
093 | WHT basis non-recurring payment (&1) after processing: &2 CHF |
094 | Inflow (&1 -> &2) (amount &3 CHF) in period &4 |
100 | &1 RD monthly model: payment after leaving &2 |
101 | A = WHT RD periodic (last active period): &1 CHF ('&2') |
102 | B = WHT RD aperiodic (inactive period): &1 CHF ('&2') |
103 | C = WHT RD wage = A + B = &1 CHF ('&2') |
106 | Hourly wage from previous month (wage type '&1' PF &2 (val. &3))): &4 CHF |
107 | Periodic inflow (hourly wage) from previous month (wage type &1): &2 CHF |
108 | Reduced aperiodic inflow (wage type &1): &2 CHF |
109 | Hourly wage previous payroll run (wage type &1 PF &2 (val. &3)): &4 CHF |
110 | Hourly wage current payroll run (wage type &1 PF &2 (val. &3)): &4 CHF |
111 | Difference amount hourly wage (wage type '&1'): &2 CHF |
115 | Per. allowance from preior month (WTy. '&1' PC &2 (value &3)): &4 CHF |
116 | Periodic inflow (allowance) from prior month (WTy. &1): &2 CHF |
117 | Reduced aperiodic inflow (wage type &1): &2 CHF |
118 | Per. allowances of previous payroll (WTy. &1 PC &2 (value &3)): &4 CHF |
119 | Per. allowances of current payroll (WTy. &1 PC &2 (value &3)): &4 CHF |
120 | Difference amount periodic allowances (WTy. '&1'): &2 CHF |
130 | WHT calculation in inactive period without retroactive accounting |
131 | Setting of amount '&1 CHF', wage type <&2> in BAdI '&3' |
132 | WHT calculation in period <&1>, 'ST-INAKTIV = &2' |
133 | WHT amounts of inactive period <&1> = &2 CHF |
134 | No other employment (IT0038-ANDBE) defined |
135 | No working days in CH (wage type: M772) defined |
136 | IN-period (payment period) is the same as FOR-period |
137 | Number of SI days = 30 |
138 | No WHT inflows in inactive period |
139 | No WHT outflows in inactive period |
140 | ==> No tax calculation in inactive period |
144 | Increase of periodic WHT basis '/108' by guaranteed net amount: &1 CHF |
145 | Increase of aperiodic WHT basis '/117' by guaranteed net amount: &1 CHF |