HRPAYCH_WHT - Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYCH_WHT: Meldungen f�r Quellensteuer.
It is part of development package PC02 in software component PY-CH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Switzerland".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The witholding tax obligation could not be determined
001WhT duty: Missing payroll results (&1)
002WhT duty: No data in tax, period (&1 to &2)
003WhT duty: No wage limit (Canton &1, WHTD: &2, &3)
004WhT duty: IT0002 cannot be determined, payroll period (&1)
005WhT duty: Error in BAdI: &1
007WhT commission could not be determined (payr: &1, canton: &2, &3)
008The access proxy for withholding tax has not been initialized
009The Customizing handler for withholding tax has not been initialised
010The context for Switzerland has not been initialized
011WhT calculation step (class '&1')
012&1: Transfer table OST to ST for PERNO &2
013Input: Tables/data read from the context.
014Output: Tables/data that is written to the context.
015Tax table 'ST' for PRNR: '&1'
016Tax table 'OST' for PRNR: '&1'
017Table 'QSTG' (assign canton to working days) for PRNR: '&1'
018&1: Copy WhT data to OT for PERNR &2
019Event table 'OT' for PRNO: '&1'
020Results Table 'ORT' for PRNR: '&1'
021Workplace/basic pay table 'WPBP' for PRNR: '&1'
022Workplace/basic pay table 'OWPBP' for PRNR: '&1'
023Current entry in 'ST' for PERNR: '&1'
024Input table 'IT' for PRNR: '&1'
025Copied wage types in IT for PERNR: '&1'
026&1: Copy WhT data from IT for PERNR &2
027Copied wage type: '&1'
028Processed wage type: '&1'
029&1: Copy WhT data from ORT for PERNR &2
033Event table 'RT' for PRNO: '&1'
034Variable Table 'VAR' for PRNO: '&1'
035Processed wage types from ORT
036Wage types transferred to IT
037Wage types transferret to RT
038Payroll Unit: &1
039Canton: &1
040Witholding Tax Calculated: &1 CHF
041Determination of Commission Rate: 1
042Withholding Tax Commission Rate: &1
043Calculated Commission: &1 CHF
044Witholding Tax Bases
045Subject to Witholding Tax: &1
046Witholding Tax Rate: &1
047Calculation Variant: &1
048Clearing Month: &1
049Withholding Tax Amount from Infotype 0038: &1 CHF
050Withholding Tax Percentage from Infotype 0038: &1
051Withholding Tax Rate Determination: &1 CHF
052Withholding Tax Basis: &1 CHF
053Applied Percentage: &1
054Percentage to be Applied from T5C2D: &1
055Maximum Percentage from T5C2D: &1
056Percentage to be Applied from T5C2D: &1
057Annual Clearing Geneva with Last Valid Rate: &1
058Switch Wage Type: &1
059Split Period from &1 to &2
060Projection Hourly Wage Earners: &1
061Wage Type Partial Period Factor: &1
062Partial Period Factor: &1
063Wage Type Witholding Tax Basis: &1
064Witholding Tax Basis: &1
065Wage Type for Hours Given Up: &1
066Hours Given Up: &1
067Projection Procedure: &1
068Project to &1 Hours
069Projection Monthly Wage Earners: &1
070Wage Type SI Days: &1
071SI DAys: &1
072Leaving in Month: &1
073Entry in Month: &1
074Unpaid Absence in Month: &1
075CTarget: &1
076Generation of witholding tax bases
077Wage type witholding tax basis -partial period dependent: &1
078Withholding tax basis - partial period dependent: &1
079Wage type witholding tax basis -partial period independent: &1
080Witholding tax basis -partial period independent: &1
081Profit tax deduction: &1
082Wage Type Witholding Tax Basis Fixed: &1
083Witholding Tax Basis Fixed: &1
084Wage Type WhT Basis One-Time Payment: &1
085WhT Basis One-Time Payment: &1
086Wage Type WhT Basis Partial Period: &1
087WhT Witholding Tax Basis Partial Period: &1
088Applied Minimum Tax Amount: &1
089Copied wage types with processing class 69 Value 3:
090Retroactive Change of Witholding Tax Duty: &1
091Unablet to read table ST
092Unable to read table T5C2C. Canton: &1, Maintainability: &2
093Processing error
094For cross-border employees from France exempt from WhT, percentage not 0
095Wage type &1 does not exist
096WPBP cannot be evaluated
097Unable to read table T5C2D. Canton &1
098Person wage type &1 missing in table &2
099No person wage types in &1
100(BAdI): Change of WHT wage type &1 from &2 CHF to &3 CHF
101(BAdI): WHT percentage set to &1
102(BAdI): WHT amount set to &1 CHF
103(BAdI): WHT correction wage type &1: &2 CHF (&3 percent)
104Tax scale (table &1) cannot be determined
105Canton: &1 scale: &2 wage: &3 key date: &4
106Copied Wage Type (PF &1 Value &2): &3
107No form in view V_T5C2C (canton &1, WhT duty &2, date &3)
108CE: Distribution of commission '/3A0' active
109CE: Distribution of commission '/3A0' deaktiviert
110Commission dist. LGART &1 = &2 (SUMLG = 'QSTV', APPL = 'QPR1')
111Commission distribution activated by Par3 = '1'
112Commission distributioh not activated by Par3 <> '1'
113More than 1 wage type is not permissible (SUMLG = 'QSTV', APPL = 'QPR1')
114(WHT calculation on annual basis): WHT percentage set to &1
115(WHT calculation on annual basis): WHT amount set to &1 CHF
116(WHT calculation on annual basis): Annual salary &1
117(WHT calculation on annual basis): Theoretical annual salary &1 (IT0008)
118Extrapolation of annual salary &1 with level of employment &2 percent
119Inconsistency of tax data in table 'ST' (IT0038)
120Error when projecting the tax data (table 'ST') to person level
121Summary of split period (&1/&2): &3 - &4 (table 'ST')
122Tax split (CNTR2: &1): &2 - &3
123Change of legal person '&1' (JUPER).
125Change of WHT Rate Determination (Processing Class '&1' -> '&2')
126Monthly Basis (Wage Type &1): Amount &2 / Number of Months &3 = &4
127Change of WhT Rate Determination (Wage Type &1): '&2' + '&3'
128New WhT Rate Determination (Wage Type &1): &2
129Person/Contract (&1): Wage Type &2 Number &3 Amount &4
130<<Calculation of Monthly Basis of Retroactive 'Periodic Payments'>>
133Payments/Deductions (pay type &1): &2 CHF
134Cumulative annual value non recurring payment from LArt '/109': &1 ('&2')
135Withholding Tax Compensation Calculation in Canton '&1' for period: &2
136WhT on annual basis (extrapolated): &1 CHF
137WhT on monthly basis '/313' for record determination: &1 CHF
138Split Period: &1 - &2 (CNTR2: &3)
140(WHT Calculation on Annual Basis): Theoretical Annual Salary &1 (&2)
143Selection Conditions (Switzerland)
144Options for Special Cases and Support
145PyrUnit WHT ELM ('QSTE')
146Totals Lines (Person)
148Create control list
150WHT accounting: &1 - &2
155Transfer WTax Wage Type (&1, CNTR2: &2) to Active Contract &3
160RT wage type &1 does not match person-related wage type &2 (table &3)
161Invalid WHT scale: &1 (with church tax) -> &2 in the canton of &3!
162Invalid WHT scale: &1 (without church tax) -> &2 in the canton &3!
164WHT percentage (= 0%) undefined for negative rate determination: &1
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