HRPAYDEAL - Deutschland Allgemein
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDEAL: Deutschland Allgemein.
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Maintain infotype data for person &1 |
001 | PSubarea &1 does not exist in table T001P |
002 | Plant data &1 does not exist in table T001W |
003 | PArea/PSubarea &1 does not exist in table T001P |
004 | EEGrp/subgrp &1 does not exist in Table T503 |
005 | Maintain the infotype working time &1 |
006 | Error, processing terminated |
007 | Fixed values of domain &1 could not be read |
008 | Changes to Customizing not possible in this client |
009 | Wage type &1, module &2: Infotype Actions (0000) could not be read. |
010 | Simulation Run; No Database Update |
011 | There is an invalud value for field &1 in table &2. |
012 | Symbolic module name &1 was not found on &2. |
013 | Module &1 does not exist in program &2. |
014 | Function DKRAN is active but not set up. |
015 | Several BAdI implementations are active at the same time. |
016 | Specify the manual wage type corresponding to infotype 0700. |
018 | Invalid Social Benefit Type &1 |
019 | No entry for social benefit type &1 in table T77PAYDE_DKRAN on &2 |
020 | Return value of BAdI HRPAYDE_B_DKRAN for indicator B/N is incorrect. |
021 | WPBP is not available for key date &1. |
022 | BAdI &1 does not have any active implementation. |
023 | Return value of BAdI HRPAYDE_B_DKRAN for indicator B/N is incorrect. |
050 | Error when reading cumulation wage type for subapplication &1 |
070 | As specified, batch input session was not created |
071 | Batch input session &1 with &2 infotype records was created |
072 | Error occurred while creating the batch input session (&1) |
100 | Generated TemSe object: &1 |
101 | Error during call of RP_TS_HELPVIEW with report &1 (SUBRC = &2) |
102 | Error while opening TemSe object &1 |
103 | Error during generation of a TemSe object with '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' |
104 | Error while writing TemSe object with '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' |
105 | Error while closing TemSe object with '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' |
106 | Error in TemSe |
107 | Download successful: &1 &2 |
108 | Successfully written to application server: &1 &2 |
109 | TemSe object not generated; content only pre- and postprocessing record |
110 | Error during deletion of TemSe object &1 |
111 | TemSe object &1 deleted |
112 | No TemSe object exists |
113 | End: Error in TemSe |
120 | Authorizations missing |
121 | Insufficient authorization for RFC (authorization object S_RFC) |
150 | Structure &1 unknown |
151 | Initialization not executed |
152 | Mapping of &1 to &2 not supported -> Use BAdI (Definition &3) |
153 | Customer implementation for BAdI &1 is active |
154 | BAdI error |
155 | BAdI for definition &1 cannot be instantiated |
170 | 170 - 180 distributed reporting |
171 | Distributed reporting (client '&1' job number '&2' job name '&3') |
172 | Communication or system error (&1 &2) |
173 | Variant &1 for report &2 does not exist. Use the F4 help |
174 | Printer parameter invalid |
180 | Symbolic name &1 from T596F is unknown. |
181 | No class is stored for symbolic name &1 on key date &2. |
182 | No class is stored for &1 on key date &2 (view V_T77PAYDE_CL_CU) |
183 | No class &1 is known in view V_T77PAYDE_CL_CU. |
184 | Coding: incorrect call |
200 | Data successfully copied to &1 |
201 | Error while determining target file |
202 | Error while importing TemSe object &1 |
203 | Error while copying file &1 to PC or file system |
204 | Data medium not copied. No target file was specified |
205 | No file selected |
206 | Insufficient authorization while opening file &1 on file system |
207 | Error opening the file &1 (&2) |
208 | Error while reading file &1 (&2) |
209 | Error when writing file &1 (&2) |
210 | Error closing file &1 (&2) |
211 | Insufficient authorization while writing file &1 to the file system |
212 | File &1 already exists |
213 | Error occurred when deleting file &1 (&2) |
214 | File &1 was deleted. |
215 | File name inconsisten: &1 &2 |
216 | An error occurred when moving file &1. |
217 | Exception &1 occurred when calling class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES. |
218 | The hard drive is full. |
219 | The hard drive is read only. |
220 | The disk drive is not ready. |
221 | Access was denied to file &1 in directory &2. |
222 | Access was denied to the source and target file. |
223 | No authorization for file operation &1. |
224 | File &1 was not found in directory &2. |
225 | File &1 already exists in directory &2. |
226 | Path &1 does not exist. |
227 | Error when deleting file &1 in directory &2 &3. |
228 | Error when opening file &1 in directory &2 |
229 | Error when reading file &1 in directory &2 &3. |
230 | Data of file &1 in directory &2 cannot be interpreted. |
231 | Error when writing file &1 in directory &2 &3. |
232 | Path details are incomplete. Please complete. |
300 | No entry in &1 on key date &2 for &3 &4 |
400 | 400 - 449 Form tables / form calls |
401 | Form name indeterminable (logical form name '&1') |
402 | Function module indeterminable (physical form name '&1') |
403 | Function module &1: &2 |
404 | Form '&1' not printed |
450 | 451 - 460 BATCH mode |
451 | Background job &1 number &2 could not be released |
452 | Background job &1 for report &2 could not be created |
453 | Background job &1 &2 for report &3 could not be scheduled |
454 | Background job &1 number &2 has been ended |
455 | Error in background job &1 number &2 |
456 | Background job &1 number &2 was released (&3). |
457 | Report &1 was started. |
458 | WAIT UP TO &1 SECONDS was triggered by &2. |
491 | Enter switch wage type (for example, /EBV). |
500 | An error has occurred; "&1" |
550 | Gender &1 is not permitted. |
551 | Manual default wage types do not match absences. |