HRPAYDEAVMG - AVmG Altersverm�gensgesetz
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDEAVMG: AVmG Altersverm�gensgesetz.
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1: Tax indicator &2 unknown in V0 (For per. &3, In per. &4) |
001 | Insifficient authorization for infotype 0699 (AvmG) |
002 | Technical problem while reading infotype &1 |
003 | Wage type &1: no suitable infotype record found (For per. &2, In per. &3) |
004 | Display variant &1 not found. Use the F4 Help |
005 | Period &1 &2 not found in T549Q |
006 | End period &1 &2 before start period &3 &4 is not advisable. |
007 | OED: Split ind. wage type &1 not in VBL (For per. &2, In per. &3) |
008 | OED: Investmt institution cannot be determined (For per. &2, In per. &3) |
009 | Taxation &1 in module &2 (T5DR4) can no longer be used as of &3 |
010 | Special processing by IT 0126: |
011 | Too many amounts recalled manually; wage type /2RR too high: EUR & |
050 | Notifications in the Payroll |
051 | Transfer Record Changes Through Transfer Posting |
052 | Incorrect call of function DAVMG |
100 | Notifications for infotype |
101 | Investment type and subtype must be identical |
102 | Different names for investment institution from infotype and T5DRB |
103 | Without module no fields can be filled |
104 | No entry &1 &2 in table T5DR4 for &3 |
105 | The share field cannot be filled |
106 | The contribution field cannot be filled |
107 | The field cannot be filled for investment type &1 |
108 | Contract model &2 cannot be augmented for investment type &1 |
109 | No entry for investment type &1 and contract model &2 in table T5DR3 |
110 | Incorrect module in contract model |
111 | Module &3 flagged as enhanced |
112 | Module &3 is not flagged as enhanced |
113 | No bank transfer details are allowed for investment type 'BVV' |
114 | Investmt institution key and additional bank details are not allowed |
115 | For investment type &1 and module &2 the field cannot be filled |
116 | Contribution class for amount &1 on date &2 cannot be determined |
117 | Contribution class &1 for processing routine '&2' is not permitted |
118 | Processing routine '&1' in &2 is not permitted |
119 | No entry for contribution class &1 in table &2 on &3 |
150 | *** Notifications for BVV Conversion ************************************ |
151 | No entry in table T5DRE for contract model &1 module &2 |
152 | More than two entries in T5DRE for contract model &1 module &2 |
153 | Manual module &1 is applied without changes |
154 | No entry in T5DRE |
155 | New investment type must be either 'PK' or 'UK' |
161 | Invalid combination of investment type &1/contract model &2 |
162 | Invalid combination of investment type &1/investment institution &2 |
163 | Invalid module |
164 | Error in contribution |
165 | Error in proportional contribution |
166 | Error in contribution class |
167 | Error in grantable employee contribution |
168 | Error in supplementary insurance number |
169 | Error in module of contract model &1 |
170 | Error in a module added manually |
180 | **** BVV Notification Report |
181 | No BVV company with FMA_ID &1 found |
182 | BVV company number for key date &1 could not be determined |
183 | SI number not available on key date &1 |
184 | Notification in &1 for &2: Company number has not been filled. |
185 | Notification in &1 for &2: Unknown value &3 in field &4 |
186 | BVV contract data is missing (infotype 0126, subtype 7) |
187 | TemSe object for notifications was created without errors: &1 |
188 | TemSe Object for DTS was created without any errors: &1 |
200 | **********AVMG:German Law to Strengthen Company Pensions |
201 | There is an entry/leaving/reentry in 2017. |
202 | A legal person changed in 2017 |
203 | The payroll results for 2016 could not be imported. |
204 | Calculation of converstion amounts |
205 | Calculation of quota deduction |
206 | Explanation of calcualtion of wages Sec. 100 EStG |
207 | Subsidy Elig. Sec. 100 EStG only allowed for asset types PK, PF, or DV |
208 | Reason for ER supplementary benefit only permitted for ER financing |
209 | Tax-free subsidy and flat-rate taxation exceeds maximum amount. |
210 | Minimum amount for eligibility sect. 100 EStG is insufficient |
211 | Database update IT0012 required |
212 | Error while writing to database (IT0012) |
213 | Test run was successful |
214 | Error during &1 of V0ZNR &2 |
215 | IT0012 is already filled |
216 | Flat-rate quota (Sec. 40b) is less than reservation (M856) |
217 | Tax year is closed, correction subsidy sec. 100 EStG is not possible |
218 | This entry is only permitted if the reas for ER Suppl. Benefit = 1 |
219 | EE conversion am &1 for invest. type &2 is stored in several ER all. mods |
220 | IT update is not permitted (module &1, contract model &2, invest.type &3) |
221 | Module &1 specified using selection is not permitted/not available. |
222 | Entry is only permitted if no basic investment type has been entered. |
223 | Entry is only permitted for ER-financed modules. |
224 | Test Run |
225 | Production Run |
226 | No IT0699 in selection period. |
227 | No infotype IT0012 with a start date that is after/same as &1 available |
228 | A type of calculation must be entered for this ER allowance reason. |
229 | Selected contract model is not permitted/not available. |
230 | Invalid investment type |
231 | The basic module does not match the selected basic investment type. |
232 | A basic module must be entered. |
233 | ER allowance from fictitious calculation cannot be distributed. |
234 | No levels found for model &1 on &2 in table T5DRH. |
235 | No level value &2 for for model &1 found in table T5DRH. |
236 | Constant contributio: AR allowance amt is greater than EE conv. in contr. |
237 | A proportion must be entered. |
238 | No proportion may be entered. |
239 | A contribution may not be entered. |
240 | Fict. Run BRS2: Max. No. of &1 Fict. Runs Was Reached. |
241 | Incorrect level value &2 for level model &1. |
242 | Total transfer amount &1 is not equal to the total stmt wage types &2. |
243 | Read payroll result IN &1 FOR &2 (SEQNR &3). |
244 | Contributions are corrected by payroll result (SEQNR &1). |
245 | Contributions can be corrected by payroll result (SEQNR &1). |
246 | No allowance calculation for module &1 &2 &3 |
247 | Basis module is not available. |
248 | Base module is financed by employer |
249 | ER all. module &1 already subsidizes base module &2. |
250 | Basis module &1 is not available in the payroll period. |
251 | Explanation of assignment of ER allowance modules to basis modules |
252 | Indicator "Portion Entry in Infotype" may not be set. |
253 | Contract model &1 is not permitted. |
254 | Module &1 is not permitted. |
255 | Subsidy amount was capped at &1 EUR (increase compared with 2016). |
256 | The subsidy amount specified is greater than the max. amount of &1 EUR. |
257 | Check wage Sec. 100 EStG in period &1. Default: &2 EUR. |
258 | Change of transfer prevented in retroactive accounting |
259 | Error when reading the maximum subsidy amount Sec. 100 EStG from T511K. |
260 | Error when reading infotype &1 |
261 | Invalid combination of subapplication &1 and cumulation wage type &2. |
262 | Choose a year that is after/the same as 2018. |
263 | Subsidy acc. to Sec. 100 EStG is only permitted for ER financing. |
264 | Subsidy acc. to. Sec. 100 EStG is always excluded for ER allowance. |
265 | Check the wage Sec. 100 EStG /for example, &2 euros in &1) or subapp.AVKP |
266 | Error reading amt eligible for subs. in acc. w. Sec. 100 EStG from T511K |
267 | Error when reading the wage in accordance with Sec. 100 EStG from T511K |
268 | A change of legal person is preventing IT0012 update for & |
269 | An entry/leaving/reentry is preventing IT0012 update for & |
270 | IT0012 update not possible |
271 | Conversion entitlement was exceeded. |
272 | It was not possible to determine V0 assignment. |
273 | Purpose is deleted |
274 | Indicator "Base Wage Type in Infotype" may not be set. |
275 | Invalid base wage type |
276 | Base wage types are not available in system. |
278 | No proposal values exist |
281 | BVV contract &1 &2 exceeds with &3 the maximum amount of EUR &4. |
282 | BVV increase rate &1 &2 although basic rate has not been reached. |