HRPAYDEE2 - Nachrichtenklasse ELStAM

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDEE2: Nachrichtenklasse ELStAM.
It is part of development package P01T in software component PY-DE-NT-TX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Tax".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** RPCT2VD0_OUT ***
001ID number missing in IT 0012 for &1
002Only an initial registration is possible for 2012
003Initial registration not possible for &1
004Do not enter key date for initial registration/change of data provider
005Enter a registration/deregistration period
006Do not enter a registration/deregistration period
007Enter a key date for the initial registration/change of data provider
008For &1 &2, the start date for the procedure could not be read
009Date of initial registration not possible
010ELStAM procedure is not yet active, live run is not possible
011Initial registration no longer possible for 2012
012Registrations or deregistrations are in process; not possible to save
013Registration on date &1 with status 'New' was deleted
014Change of registration on date &1 with status 'New' wss deleted
015Deregistration for date &1 with status 'New' was deleted
016Initial/change of registration only possible on first day of the month
017First registration and change of data provider not possible at same time
018Not possible to display nonparticipants
019Notification on date &1: Notifications not possible before first registr.
020Incorrect return value in feature &1
021Error in determining the employment start date according to work contract
022No IT 0012 found
023 Is not participating in the procedure due to: &1
024Registration for key date &1 not possible due to more recent notification
025Deregistr. for key date &1 not possible due to more recent notification
026Key date not allowed for change of data provider
027Registration date &1 is before the start date acc. to work contract &2
028Force permitted for change of registration only
029Employment start date &1 must be greater than &2
030Mass registration and mass deregistration need to be started separately
031Old ER tax number on &3 required for mass deregistration
032There are notifications in quarantine; cannot save
033Change of ER tax number in period &1 to &2
034There is already a registration for &1
035Dereg. for &1 was not created since related reg. for &2 is incorrect
036Change of registration for EEs who have left only permitted for 'Force'
037Deregistration on &1 not poss. although work relationship is registered
038Invalid passport date &1. The day must be registered with 00.
039Notif. Date &1: Notifs before Init. Reg. Empl.Subj.Tx w.Rest. not poss.
051No authorization to delete the notifications (P_B2A)
052No authorization to reorganize the notifications (P_B2A)
053Initial reg. of employees tax w.restr. only possible as of &1.
054Error: Grouping Place of Work Subj. to Empl. Tax &1/&2 using feature &3
100*** RPCT2SD0_OUT ***
101No entry for GUID &1 exists in view V_P01E2_STATUS
102No processing data ticket exists
103Invalid date type: &1
104Internal error: No entry found for dummy GLBID &1
105No notification could be read for GUID &1 in field GUID_REF_ANAB(&2)
106No quarantine function selected.
107System fields in P01E2_ADM (GUID &1/Pr. No &2) do not match system &3/&4.
108Update of DB table &1 was not successful for GUID &2.
109Change of reg on &1 not possible due to monthly list creation.
110Error in statistics for notification
150*** RPCE2LD0_TODO ****
151Multiple selection only possible for identical custom text
152No additional ELStAM information can be determined
154If you want to access ELStAM information, only select one line
155You can't jump to master data maintenance
157If you want to jump to master data, only select one line
158If you want to display a notification, only select one line
170*** RPUE2ED0 ***
171The monthly list was incorrectly assigned (correct personnel number: &1)
179Not possible to compare data on &1 (tax year closed).
180Not possible to compara data on &1 (history problem)
181There is no registration for AGSTNR &2 on &1.
182The tax class is not equal to 6 on &1.
183There is no deregistrtaion for AGSTNR &2 on &1.
184A registration still exists under AGSTNR &1
185A deregistration is never forced if you 'prevent' deregistration.
186MA is registered on &1 despite "does not participate" special processing.
187It does not say to "force" reg. after "does not participate" in data rec.
188Clearing house has not responded regarding registration/deregistration.
189Clearing house has not responding regarding deregistration.
190A registration is never forced if you "prevent" registration.
191No implementation of enhancement spot with filter value &1 available.
192Start of check period lies before the ELStAM start date ( &1 ).
193There is no registration as &2 on &1.
194The end of the check period lies before the start of the check period.
195The notification data does not correspond to tax data D (IT12) on &1.
196'Change by ELStAM' in tax data D (IT12) not set on &1.
197There is no ELStAM notification data for AGSTNR &2 on &1.
198ELStAM notification data correspond to Tax Data D (IT12).
199There are no time slices for personnel number &2 on &1.
200*** H99_B2AMANAGER ***
201Invalid value for constant MODE in table T50BK: &1/&2/&3
231Error with &1 of table &2
250*** CL_HRPAYDEST_E2_B2A ***
251Error when updating P01E2_HIST: &1
252Error when updating P01E2_ADM: &1
253Error: NDTIC already exists in P01E2_ADM: &1
254Error: PERNR &1 already exists in P01E2_ADM: &2
255Error when updating P01E2_STATUS &1
256Error when updating PB2ADATA &1
257Error when calling method STATUS_CREATE_TRANS: Missing parameter
258Error when writing P01E2_TRANS_ST: &1
259Error when writing P01E2_TRANS: &1
260Error when calling method STATUS_UPDATE_TRANS: Missing parameter
261No entry in P01E2_TRANS_ST (GLBID:&1/NDTIC:&2/GUID:&3)
262Error when updating PB2ADATB &1
263No entry for GUID &1 found in table P01E2_LISTMTL_ST
264Month lists for AGSTNR &1 not completely imported before date &2
265Month lists for AGSTNR &1 and date &2 not processed
266Method LIST_STATUS_SET - no GLBID available
267No notification found for AGSTNR &1 in tables for reg./dereg./change reg.
268No entry for GUID &1 found in table P01E2_ADM
269No status entry exists for GUID &1 in p01e2_status
270Error deleting GUID &1 in table &2
271Error calling method GET_STATUS_NDTIC
272No tax number maintained for &1/&2 on &3 in subapplication LSTZ
273No entry found for AGSTNR &1 in table V_P01E2_Status
274No notification exists for GUID &1 in table V_P01E2_STATUS
275Status update for outbound process in B2A Manager (GLBID &1) not possible
276No entry exists in view V_P01E2_MELD for GUID &1
277No entry with NDTIC &1 exists in P01E2_TRANS_ST
278Call of function not permitted in production system
279&1/&2: No entry for subapplication LSTK in view V_T596L
300*** RPCE2SD0_IN ***
301Method STORE: Error when updating P01E2_ADM
302No additional data for P01T_ADM
303Method GET_OPEN_LISTS: GLBID does not exist: &1
304Method STORE: Error when updating P01E2_ELSTAM - &1
305No assignment of processing data ticket/ID number possible: &1/&2
306Error for ID number &1 with GUID &2; not possible to update data
307No entry for processing data ticket &1 found in P01E2_TRANS
308Error updating B2A outbound process with GLBID &1
309No entry for &1 in the internal table for the month list
310No notif. (reg., dereg., chg. reg.) found for IDNR &1 in V_P01E2_STATUS
311No registration for IDNR &1 and AGSTNR &2 found in notification tables
312No RFC connection found for SYSID &1 and SYMDT &2
313&1/&2: Difference between AGSTNR(&3) Confirmation and AGSTNR(&4) Notif.
314Error when converting ELSTAM data from XML(IDNR &1)
315No entries exist for GLBID &1 in table P01E2_TRANS_ST
316Invalid status &1 exists in table P01E2_TRANS_ST
317Error - Entry exists with GUID &1 in table P01E2_ELSTAM (&2/&3)
318Creation of status entry GUID &1 table P01E2_STATUS not possible (&2/&3)
319Creation of entry with GUID &1 in table P01E2_ADM not possible (&2/&3)
320Error when creating additional status entries GUID &1 (&2/&3)
321Assignment to outbound notification GUID_CNECT &1 not possible (&2/&3)
322Status update of linked outbound notification GUID &1 not possible(&2/&3)
323GUID not filled - method ADD_MSG_SYS class CL_HRPAYDEST_E2_B2A
324Message not filled - GUID &1 (CL_HRPAYDEST_E2_B2A/ADD_MSG_SYS)
325Overflow error when converting ELStAM data (B2AID: &1 - IDNR: &2)
326Notifications with NDTIC &1 have already been processed
327Notifications with NDTIC &1 have the status With Errors (99)
328Month list &1 for employer &2 already processed
329No open change lists available
330Error during processing of change list B2AID: &1
331ER &1/month list &2: month list for future month &3 already exists
332ER &1/month list &2: gap between current and most recent month list &3
333ER &1/month list &2: First month list for employer tax number
334AGSTNR data provider SAP <> AGSTNR data provider list (&1/&2)
335IDNR &1 exists in multiple personnel numbers
336IDNR not filled
337AGSTNR not filled
338No Per. No. found for ID No. &1 and ER Tax No. &3 on &2 (VR)
339Notifications with NDTIC &1 were already processed (VH999999999).
340Notifications with NDTIC &1 were already processed (VH551001001).
341Changes of reg. for AGSTNR &1 and processing data ticket &2 not found.
342Change of reg. Status &1 cannot be set to "Rejected by Clearning House".
350*** RPCE2AD0_IN ***
351No employer tax number exists
352Transfer ticket &1 not available in the system
353Only values between 1 and 10000 are permitted
354Error - XML of return is not filled
355AGSTNR &1 not available in system; existing assignment AGSTNR &2
356Assignment of NDTIC &1 and AGSTNR &2 not possible
357AGSTNR &1 in change list (&2) not available in the system
358Only the values NEUE and ALLE are permitted entries
370*** RPUE2BD0 ***
371Status of change lists changed
372No authorization for "Detail View for Messages" (P_B2A)
373No authorization for "Convert Status of Messages" (P_B2A)
374Notification with GUID &1 deleted successfully
375Error deleting the notification with GUID &1
376Notification with GUID &1 does not exist
377Notification with GUID &1 does not have the status Deleted
378No entries exist for TFTIC &1
379Status change TFTIC &1; inconsistencies exist for status (GUID &2)
380Status change TFTIC &1; inconsistencies exist for TFTIC (GUID &2)
381Status of transfer ticket &1 changed (database update)
382Error during deletion - no entry with B2AID &1
383No entry in PB2ADATSTR with B2AID &1
384No entry in P01E2_LIST_ST with B2AID &1
385No entry in V_PB2AMGR with GLBID &1
386You have not entered a personnel area for the data provider
387Status change of transfer ticket &1 possible (test run)
400*** RPCT2VD0_IN ***
401Message for return code &1 not found
402No tax class or incorrect tax class in ELStAM procedure
403Error for tax exemption for children in ELStAM procedure
404Error for factor in ELStAM procedure
405No infotype &1 on &2 found
406Statement period on &1 cannot be determined
407Tax data after &1 is not changed by response on &2
408No personnel number found for ID number &1 and employer tax no. &3 on &2
409Personnel no. for ID no. &1 and employer tax no. &3 on &2 is not unique
410Authorization problem exists for personnel number &1
411Employee not relevant due to tax liability &1 on &2
412Employee not relevant due to special processing &1 on &2
413Change from main employer to secondary employer on &1
414Tax year could not be opened despite change on &1
415Enter the start and end of the person selection period
416ER tax number &1 is unknown
417Tax data is updated on &2 despite special processing &1
418Master data change on &1 without opening the tax year
419Tax year for &1 opened because of change in previous year
420Change as of &1 results in update to IT 0012 as of &2
421ID no. from ELStAM procedure and infotype &1 are different
422Statement period for &1 is initial
423ER tax numbers from ELStAM procedure &1 and master data &2 are different
424Infotype 0012 is being updated despite differing tax numbers
425Notif (GUID &1) in quarantine: Monthly list &2 (AGSTNR &3) not processed
426No outbound notifs for inbound notifs (GUID &1 - GUID_CNECT &2) found
427ELStAM data was transferred from the reporting period valid on &1.
500*** RPCE2LD0 ***
550*** RPUE2PD0/RPIE2AD0 ***
551Employer tax number cannot be determined
552ID number is not unique
553Start date for ELStAM procedure cannot be determined
554No ID number exists
555Authorization problem when checking uniqueness of ID number
556Key date of conversion lies before the start date for ELStAM procedure
560*** RPUE2AD0 ***
561Report can be used in test system only
562VD for church tax deduction in ELStAM not permitted; replaced with ' '
563Invalid entry; Amounts can only contain characters 1234567890,
564No infotype 12 exists on key date &1
565No children permitted for tax class 6
570*** RPIE2BD0 ***
571Personnel numbers must be transferred
572Forced registration is only possible on the first day of the month
573Personnel number is not included in procedure due to other reasons
574Personnel number is already registered
580*** RPLE2AD0 ***
581Start date for ELStAM procedure cannot be determined
582Entry date cannot be determined
600*** RPCE2ZD0 ***
601Error when deleting data records for key date &1 notification type &2
602No notification selected
603&1 notifications were deleted
604Notification on key date &1 notification type &2 was deleted
605No authorization (on key date &1)
606Personnel number locked by user &1
607No status selected
608&1 notifications were changed
609Notification on key date &1 notification type &2 was changed
610& notifications were assigned
611Notification with tax ID &1 was assigned
612Notification with tax ID &1 has incorrect status
613No personnel number was found for tax ID &1
614Personnel number for tax ID &1 is not unique
615Authorization to read personnel number is missing for tax ID &1
616Error when updating status table
617Data record was assigned
618Key date &1: Status does not match notification type &2
619Key date &1: Related deregistration exists, deletion is not possible
620Key date &1: Related response exists, deletion is not possible
621Key date &1: Status is not new, deletion not possible in live system
622Status change not possible
623Error evaluating the selection parameters
624Runtime error when executing a database selection
625Not possible to update custom text
626Constant VRRFC in table T50BK contains no value or an invalid value
628No authorization P_B2A: &1
630There are too many notifications selected
631The notification type of the selected notification is incorrect.
632Incorrect ER tax number &1 for federal state &2.
633The date of deregistration &1 is earler than reference date &2.
634A deregistration with status &1 already exists.
635The system could not find any notification for GUID &1.
636No suitable notification exists for personnel no. &2 with GUID &1.
637The manual notification was created successfully.
638The notifications selected do not belong to the same personnel number.
639The notifications selected were linked with each other.
640The date of &1 &2 lies before the date of &3 &4.
641Both notifications are already linked.
642The notifications selected cannot be linked.
643Deregistration date &1 is earlier than registration date &2.
644A change of registration with status &1 already exists.
650*** RPUE2TD0 ***
651Specify RFC destination
652Do not specify RFC destination for "before/after" comparison
653Error for RFC access: &1
654Do not select Transfer Ticket and Processing Data Ticket together
660*** RPCE2SD0_OUT_VR ***
661RFC destination not available: &1
662Do not enter any RFC connection for the current system &1 &2
663Multiple maintenance of RFC connection &1 (&2/&3) on selection screen
664Notification with GUID &1 was collected multiple times (&2/&3).
665NDTIC in notification with GUID &1 was filled before collection (&2/&3).
676You may only include emplys subj. to tax w. restrictions from Jan 1, 2020
700*** RETURNCODES Clearing House ***
701552010103 refDatumAG is not in month of inbound
702552010001 No changes for employer tax number &1 month list &2
703552020402 refDatumAG is not after the stored refDatumAG
704552020208 refDatumAG is before the employment start date
705552020103 Change of main employer; new RefDatumAG &1
706552020213 RefDatumAG of registration must be after &1
707552020214 Registration after grace period, new RefDatumAG &1
708552020215 Main working relationship already exists on registration date
709552020306 Employment end date changed: Old &1, new &2
710552020307 Change of main ER, deregistration only with refDatumAG = &1
711552020101 No access authorization, already accessed elsewhere
712552010105 Dereg./change reg. rejected; change elect. process with regist.
713552010106 Registration not successful; hardship working relationship
714552020304 Deregistration not poss. since dereg. dte is before ref. dte &1
715552010102 The state communicated in the reg./chg. of reg. (ER:&1) differs
716552010000 No particular information for the EEs contained in the list
717552010002 Special information for at least one employee
718552010100 Duplicate ID no. in reg./dereg./chg. of reg. list rejected
719552010104 02/29 specified in a non leap year (ref. date ER)
720552020001 Deregistration successful
721552020204 Ref. date ER is before start of procedure
722552020209 Only proc. start date permitted for ref. date ER after registr.
723552020210 No exemption request possible for main employment relationship
724552020212 02/29 specified in a non leap year
725552020305 Deregistration not possible since dereg. data is in the future
726552020900 Processing terminated - contact your company office tax office
727510005200 Data provider with tax number &1 was not found
728551000009 A new tax number &2 has been assigned for tax number &1
729551005010 Employer &1: Invalid interface version in &2 &3
730999999999 Technical error occurred when preparing data.
731552020900 Processing was terminated for resaving across federal states.
732552020104 Resaving due to change of federal state of ER on &1
751No notification exists for the task
780Select at least one line
781No tasks found
782Use transaction &2 to call report &1
783No related notifications found &1
784No message available
785For GUID &1, no entry was found in view V_P01E2_MELD
800*** RETURN CODES Clearing House
801550000000 Successful, no error
802550001001 General error
803552001013 No call authorization
804552000020 Deregistration successful
805552001010 Exemption reduced
806552001002 Employee unknown
807552001011 No authorization to register
808552001012 Registration not possible before start of employment
809552001014 No access authorization, already accessed elsewhere
810552001015 No more access authorization as of &1
811552001021 Deregistration of employee not possible
812552005024 No suitable employment relationship with start &1
813551005006 No employer ID found
814552020200 No registration authorization
815552020203 Not possible to register again
816552020201 Not possible to register before start of employment
817552020202 Employee unknown: ID number cannot be verified
818552020300 Change/Deregistration not possible as no employmt relationship
819552020100 No more call authorization
820552020302 No authorization to deregister
821552020206 Registration date is before the start of the year
822552020207 Registration date is before the start of the previous year
823552020211 Exemption amount reduced, volume of additional amount too small
824552020303 Ref. date of ER different from that in deregistration = &1
825552020400 No authorization to change registration
826552000003 Employer &1: No changes exist in month list &2
827551001001 Employer &1: Validation error in &2 &3
828552020102 No authorization as of &1
829552020205 Ref date ER is before date of Revival
830551005008 Tax number &1 is not registered as an employer
831550001002 General error - tax number &1
832550000001 General error: ELSTER request not processed
833550003011 Communication error
834550003012 No communication with ELStAM possible
835550003013 No communication with IdNrRecherche possible
836550003014 No communication with Zobel possible
837551000001 Validation error
838551000002 Error processing the processing data
839551000003 Error processing the processing data string
840551000004 Error processing CO_ELSTER
841551000005 Error processing the template
842551005001 Error during processing in Zobel
843551005002 No employer in request
844551005003 The data provider is registered as not being alive
845551005004 Data communic. service provider for tax no. cannot be confirmed
846551005005 The employer for tax number &1 cannot be confirmed
847551005006 No employer ID found
848551005007 The employer &1 is registered as not being alive
849552020000 No special information
850*** Generic error messages ***
851&1 &2 &3 &4
860*** T596M ***
861Do not enter a date type
862Enter a date type
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