HRPAYDEPF - Fehlermeldungen fuer deutsche Infotyp-Modulpools: Pfaendung
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDEPF: Fehlermeldungen fuer deutsche Infotyp-Modulpools: Pfaendung.
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | >>> Message class reserved for garnishment Germany <<< |
001 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
002 | Enter data in all or none of the fields |
003 | Please specify at least one of the fields |
004 | Please specify only one of the fields |
005 | Enter the administrative data (infotype 0111) for &1 and &2 |
006 | The administrative data (infotype 0111) starts with &1 |
007 | The administrative data (infotype 0111) ends with &1 |
008 | Adjust the validity period of the dependent infotypes |
009 | Employee left on &1 |
010 | Notice of garnishment and third-party debtor declaration not possible |
011 | Apportionment incorrect; display concurrent garnishments |
012 | Garnishment not yet paid |
013 | Different versions for cluster &1 |
014 | No read authorization for cluster &1 |
015 | Inconsistencies between cluster &1 and &2 |
016 | No payroll result for garnishment &1 &2 |
017 | Please enter repayment date for status &1 |
018 | Please do not enter a repayment date for status &1 |
019 | Private bankruptcy: The infotype cannot be created |
020 | & & & & |
021 | Correspondance key &1 not intended for type &2 |
022 | Garnishment/cession of wages &1 &2 dormant, change status? |
023 | Check whether 'Dependency' field needs to be filled |
024 | New garnishment number cannot be determined |
025 | Delivery date &1 is later than current date &2 |
026 | Delivery time &1 is later that current time &2 |
027 | Any task record that is created will not be deleted |
028 | The address is missing or incomplete |
029 | Do not enter a percentage for this distribution type |
030 | Please enter the percentage rate for distribution type &1 |
031 | There is still no simulataneous garnishment record |
032 | Also enter the distribution type |
033 | There are concurrent garnishments, please enter distribution type |
034 | Schedule record not deleted |
035 | Please delete the other garnishment infotypes first |
036 | In private bankruptcies, distribution by debt not possible |
037 | The end date is before the start date |
038 | For interest type & enter an interest record |
039 | Only the foll. int. calc. types are allowed for int. type &1: &2 &3 &4 |
040 | Do not enter an amount for interest type &1 |
041 | Enter an amount for interest type &1 |
042 | Do not enter an interest rate for interest type &1 |
043 | Do not enter VAT, min. or max. limit for interest type &1 |
044 | Interest type &1 is only allowed for preferred garnishments |
045 | Garnishment number has already been assigned |
046 | Repayment sequence 1 is obsolete |
047 | Check of garnishment number not possible |
049 | Name affix &1 not intended for interest type &2 |
050 | Enter a special case |
051 | Please enter a value in field &1. |
052 | The number of maintenance beneficiaries is 0. |
053 | Make numeric entries |
054 | Select the indicator for normal determination |
055 | Enter the non-garnishable amount |
056 | Field &1 is initial and is calculated as 0%. |
057 | The percentage rate in field &1 may not exceed &2 percent. |
058 | Make entries in at least one of the blocks |
059 | Please select &2 contracts instead of &1 |
060 | For payment in instalments please do not make any entries in other blocks |
061 | Special decision entries are deleted |
062 | In special case &1 do not make entries in block &2 |
063 | In special case &1 entries are required in block &2 |
064 | In special case &1 please do not make entries in field &2 |
065 | In special case &1 please make entries in field &2 |
066 | The percentage in field &1 must be less than &2 percent |
067 | Do not enter a wage type for adjustment type &1 |
068 | Enter a wage type for adjustment type &1 |
069 | Enter a positive amount |
070 | Enter an amount that is not greater than the credit balance |
071 | Please change wage type &1 of additional payment accordingly. |
072 | Please also delete wage type &1 of additional payment. |
073 | The date of origin is before the administrative start &2 |
074 | Credit balance exists, clear first |
075 | Please do not enter a dependency for interest type &1 |
076 | Do not enter any transfer information |
077 | Enter first validity period |
078 | Do not enter an amount or a percentage for type &1 |
079 | Only enter the amount for type &1 |
080 | Only enter the percentage for type &1 |
081 | Payment method is initial (cash payment) |
083 | Types &1 and &2 cannot be mixed with other types |
084 | Payroll result &1: Different versions (read &2, current &3) |
085 | The payroll result for period &1 could not be read |
086 | Credit available, please clear with status &1 |
087 | Make entries in both fields |
088 | Enter an amount for adjustment type &1 |
089 | Do not enter an amount for adjustment type &1 |
090 | Deduction is greater than amounts still to be repaid (&2 &3) |
091 | Infotype &1 can only be created via the garnishment menu |
092 | Display garnishments using the menu |
093 | Enter other income |
094 | Values for the unselected procedure are deleted |
095 | Summation only possible for normal calculation |
096 | Values for summation will be deleted |
097 | Currency changes in current period from &2 to &3 |
098 | A declaration by a third party debtor is not required for cessions |
099 | Capital formation savings payment contract &1 does not exist |
100 | Entries for summation of multiple incomes inconsistent |
101 | Gross overpayment &1&2 already exists in period &3 to &4 |
102 | Data for infotype 0114 (garnishable amount) was proposed |
103 | No garnishment number can be entered for subtype gross overpayment |
104 | Entry of unseizable CFSP ER contrib. only poss. with principle of origin |
120 | The interest type selected requires that an interest rate is entered. |
121 | The interest calculation type does not match the interest type. |
122 | The interest type selected does not allow an entry in field 'Amount'. |
123 | The interest type selected requires an amount to be entered. |
124 | Interest type selected does not allow an entry in field 'Interest Type' |
125 | Interest type does not allow entry in field 'Tax on Sales/Purchases' |
126 | The interest type selected is only permitted for preferred garnishments. |
127 | The interest type selected does not allow an entry in field 'Dependency' |
128 | Only enter the amount for seizability &1. |
129 | The garnishments selected may not be mixed. |
130 | Do not enter either the amount or percentage rate for garnishability &1 . |
131 | Only enter the percentage rate for garnishment &1. |
132 | Infotype &1 cannot be created without infotype 0111. |
150 | 150-170 reserved for RPCPL2D0 |
151 | Currency entered is not valid |
152 | Address entered for creditor &1 does not exist |
153 | No garnishments exist for selected personnel number |
154 | Error in tree structure |
155 | Error &3 when calling method &1 of object &2 |
156 | Print selected block |
157 | Select print output |
158 | Data inconsistency, more payroll results in cluster DP,DQ than in RD |
159 | Errors occurred; detailed messages are in the spool |
200 | Program error: ABAP Dictionary does not contain cluster structure &1 |
201 | No record in cluster &1 for key &2 |
202 | Program error granishment buffer: Incorrect personnel number (&1/&2) |
203 | Error while reading cluster &1 (error code &2) |
206 | Error while deleting cluster &1 |
207 | You are not authorized to delete cluster DP |
208 | You are not authorized to write to cluster DQ |
209 | You are not authorized to read cluster DQ |
210 | Cluster DT: Record already exists, insert not possible |
220 | So/PH/NW bonuses not coded uniformly (WType &1) |
230 | The unseizable amount of garnishment &1 &2 has not been reached. |
231 | Garnishment &1 &2: It was not possible to process the deduction from &3. |
250 | No record exists for infotype &1 at time &2 |
251 | No entry exists in payroll directoty (table RGDIR) |
252 | Technical error function module HRPY_DE_GET_PAYRESULTS |
253 | Position the cursor on the personnel number field |
254 | Incorrect payroll period in payroll control record &1 |
255 | Control record for payroll area &1 is not released for payroll |
256 | Garnishment type/number &1/&2 of creditor &3 with case number &4 |
257 | Program error CL_HRPAYDEPF_PAYROLL_PROTOCOL, attribute &1 missing |
258 | No entry exists for personnel number &1 in table RGDIR |
259 | The period output of personnel no. &1 is incorrect in &2 for &3 |
260 | No org. assignment exists for PersNo &1 in period from &2 to &3 |
261 | Analysis of garnishment for personnel no. &1 is incorrect in &2 for &3 |
262 | No currency was found in country &1 on &2 in table t500C |
263 | Subapplication PFEP is inactive for selected period |
264 | Calculation of garn. principle of origin not poss. for mult. In-periods |
265 | Transferred table &1 for determination of personnel number is initial |
266 | Schema &1 does not match schema &2 from variant &3 |
267 | Variant &1 from featurel PM004 for report &2 does not exist |
268 | Check garnishment in principle of origin with report RPCPCAD0_EP |
269 | No entries exist in the shadow cluster |
270 | Garnishment principle of origin locked in IT&3 in period &1 with WT &2 |
271 | Garnishment type/number &1/&2 |
272 | Garnishment type/number &1/&2 For-period &3 In-period &4 |
273 | Payroll period &1 not yet settled |
274 | Garnishment &1/&2: No cluster created for period &3; pers. no. not active |
275 | Garnishment &1/&2 is no longer active in the current period |
276 | Garnishment &1/&2: A more current in-period is available for period &3 |
277 | Across all periods the repayment diff. for garnishment &1/&2 is cancelled |
278 | Int. rate diff. for garnishment &1 in &2 in repaymt for item type &3: &4 |
279 | No old relevant cluster results exist |
280 | No active garnishment exists |
281 | The last active garnishment ended on &1 |
282 | There is not a report variant "&1" for report &2 |
283 | No check necessary since no cluster (DS/DT) exists |
284 | Loan exists in infotype 0117 |
285 | Difference of &1 for garnishment &2/&3 is due to loan |
286 | Garnishment &1/&2: Cluster exists for period &3, although garn. inactive |
287 | Irrelevant differences for the cluster tables &1 |
288 | Garnishment &1/&2: Remaining debt 0, repayment difference is ignored |
289 | Garnishment &1/&2:Capping to guar. net amt &3, repayt diff. ignored in &4 |
290 | Garnishment &1/&2: Repayment is larger than garnishable amt in period &3 |
291 | Garnishment &1/&2: Multiple clusters with same for-per./in-per. &3/&4 |
292 | Garnishment &1/&2: Negative guaranteed net amt in period &3 (KAPP-DIFFP) |
293 | Garnishment &1/&2: cluster for period &3 obsolete since garn. not active |
294 | Garnishment &1/&2: Garnishable amount/repayt 0, differences in &3 ignored |
295 | Garnishment &1/&2: difference net in period &3 to amount of EUR &4 |
296 | Cleanup data saved |
297 | Notification date changes for garnishment &1/&2 on date &3 |
298 | Employee left the company on &1 |
299 | Payroll was run for payroll area &1 (period &2/&3) |
300 | Wage type &1 &2 for &3 does not exist in table T512W |
301 | Error while reading table T596i/j with subapplication PFEP |
302 | Wage type &1 is used in infotype &2 |
303 | Garnishment &1/&2: Negative repaid amount (&3) for period &4 |
304 | Not possible to update cluster with status &1 |
305 | No need to save as no records are available to save |
306 | Garnishment &1/&2: Diff. repayt = diff. garnish. amt < &4 ignored in &3 |
307 | Garnishm. &1/&2: Guar. net amt PAP change, repayt diff. &3 ignored in &4 |
308 | Garnishment &1/&2: No rel. diff. repayment, other diff. ignored in &3 |
309 | Garnishment &1/&2: Difference seizable amt &3 > amount limit in period &4 |
310 | Error category &1 not relevant for cleaning up the cluster |
311 | In case of cleanup, PFEP must not be locked in the period |
312 | Garnishment &1/&2: Neg. amt for repayt or rem. debt in period &3 (DP) |
313 | Additional options cannot be used without debugger authorization |
314 | Garnishment &1/&2: Missing old cluster (for-period/in-period &3/&4) |
315 | Not saved since no personnel number has been selected |
316 | The report is not currently released for general use |
317 | Update only possible with 'Rebuild for All In-Periods' option |
318 | Update not permitted during check of current cleanup |
319 | Update is not permitted during payroll for payroll area &1 |
320 | Garnishment &1/&2: Difference seizable amount (&3) exists in period &4 |
321 | Set earliest personal retroactive accounting date (infotype 0003) to &1 |
322 | Periods with the status "To Check" saved |
323 | Cannot update "To Check" periods if status &1 |
324 | Not saved: None of the personnel numbers had status "To Check" |
325 | Not saved: None of the personnel numbers had status "To Be Processed" |
326 | The selection does not fully cover garnishment &1/&2 |
327 | Garnishment &1/&2: After Cleaup &3, repayment difference ignored in &4 |
350 | Garnishment fictitious run control (function DPFBT, parameter &1) |
351 | Simulation key &1 |
352 | Start fictitious run &1 &2 &3 |
353 | Difference table RRDPL deleted |
354 | Principle of origin: Function DPFBT EPCA missing in schema |
355 | Garnishment principle of origin not active for current In-period |
356 | Function &1 with parameter &2: Calculation garnishment principle of orig. |
357 | Use report RPCPCAD0_EP for more details about the calculation |
358 | Garnishment principle of origin locked for current In-period |
359 | Differences in statutory deductions from retroactive accouting |
360 | Statutory deductions without repayment gross overpayment from not. calc. |
361 | Structure of request for statutory deductions from GOP wage types |
362 | Repayment of requests for statutory deductions from GOP wage types |
363 | Error occurred in SIMU_O |
364 | Filling tables GIT and GRT |
365 | Tables IT/RT were copied to table GIT/GRT in full. |
366 | Garnishment &1/&2: Cluster was not generated (for-period/in-period &3/&4) |
367 | Wage type /T01 (GOP Repayment /F01) was deleted. |
368 | Adjust retroactive accounting differences of statutory deductions. |
369 | No processing in fictitious run |
370 | Garnishment preparations for principle of origin |
371 | Processing is not taking place |
372 | Parameter EPRR of function DPFBT is obsolete. |
373 | Strict inflow principle: Error in garnishment calculation |
400 | Class CL_HRPADEPF_ALLOC_REPAYMENT (repaymt deferrmt principle of origin) |
401 | No repayment results for garnishment &1 &2 and For-/In-per. &3/&4 |
402 | No information on repayment sequence for garnishment &1 &2 |
404 | Garnishment calc. due to change of legal person in last partial period. |
405 | Check for change of legal person is not possible. |
406 | Garnishment &1: Seized amount is greater than payment amount. |
407 | The following bases apply for the period from &1 to &2: |
408 | Garnishment &1 &2 is not delimited for date of change of legal person. |
409 | Garnishment &1 &2 does not exist for the complete payroll period. |
410 | Garn. &1 &2 neither delimited nor available for complete payroll period. |
450 | Net Method for Fictitious Runs - Function DPFNT |
451 | Fictitious run result for fictitious run no. &1 |
452 | Infotype 0115 with Type &1: &2 |
453 | Unseizable ER share capital formation savings payment contract |
454 | Processing Class &1 Value &2: &3 |
455 | Percentage Rate: &1% |
456 | Amount: &1 &2 |
457 | This wage type is evaluated after factoring. |
458 | Reduction of the wage types to be transferred from RRDPL |
459 | Additional fictitious run due to payments without garnishment protection |
460 | Additional fictitious run due to tax and SI inflows in the in-period |
461 | No fictitious runs in periods with SIMU_O payroll runs |
462 | In this period there are no fictitious run results. |
463 | Original amount in wage type &1: |
464 | Amount garnishable regular in inflow wage types: |
465 | Amount garnishable other in inflow wage types: |
466 | Total amount regular in inflow wage types: |
467 | Total amount other in inflow wage types: |
468 | Amount transferred to wage type &1: |
469 | Portion of regular payments in wage type /A11 |
470 | Portion to be transferred to /A11 due to garnishability of regular pymts |
471 | Amount transferred regular in wage type &1 |
472 | Amount transferred other in wage type &1 |
473 | Inflow for garnishment: &1 &2 &3 |
474 | Inflow from for-period &1 &2 |
475 | Inflow from previous periods in wage type &1: |
476 | Negative tax inflows and social insurance inflows could not be processed. |
477 | Transfer of Saved Net Fictitious Results for Garnishment &1 &2 |
478 | Fictitious Run Result for Garnishment &1 &2 &3 - &4 |
479 | Fictitious Run Result for Current Period &1 &2 |
480 | Deductions from old fictitious run result of actual payroll |
481 | Wage type &1: Key of processing classes 72 and 73/74 inconsistent |
482 | Ungarnishable Remuneration Conversions for Garnishment &1 &2: |
483 | Additional amounts after consideration of conversation wage type groups |
484 | Comparison calculation with consideration of conversation wage type grps |
485 | Conversion carried out directly in primary wage type |
486 | Correction of derived wage type &1 at &3 &4 in the IT table |
487 | Fictitious run PFNG is inserted and current fictitious run is repeated. |
488 | The basic wage is transferred from the result of fictitious run PFNG. |
489 | Fictitious run result of comparable garnishment &1 &2 is transferred. |
490 | Correction of wage type &1 derived from T512C with &3 &4 |
491 | Net amount /PA3 is not considered as of validity of subapplication PFAV. |
500 | Payroll simulation by locking principle of origin can not be executed |
501 | Payroll run cannot be completed due to empty table GRT. |
502 | Payroll run cannot be completed due to empty table DGIT |
503 | There are no entries for subapplication PFAV in table T596D. |
504 | Please check and if necessary, manually implement AVmG ctrt &1 &2 on &3 |
505 | Personnel number &1 could not be locked. |
506 | The key date/start of subapplication &1 is &2. |
507 | Principle of origin is locked as table DGIT is not filled. |
508 | Subapplication PFPR is not active in selected period. |
509 | Period start &1 lies before personal earliest retroactive accounting &2 |
521 | Garnishment &1 &2: No up-to-date infotype record 0112 exists |
525 | Delimit the finished garnishment &1 &2. |