HRPAYDESVBEA - Fehlermeldungen BEA
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDESVBEA: Fehlermeldungen BEA.
It is part of development package P01S in software component PY-DE-NT-NI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Social Insurance".
It is part of development package P01S in software component PY-DE-NT-NI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Social Insurance".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Error while determining leaving date for personnel number &1 |
002 | There are notifications that need to be reported manually |
003 | Print statement and give to employee |
004 | Infotype 0700 subtype DSEU exists, DSAB is ignored |
005 | Error while determining entry for personnel number &1 |
006 | EU statements of employment won't be printed |
007 | Absence &1 has the obsolete indicator 06 |
008 | &2: Entry missing in the '&1' field |
009 | &2: Invalid country code '&1' |
010 | &1: Specified postal code is invalid |
012 | &1: Postal code missing although domestic address is available |
013 | &2: City missing in '&1' field |
014 | &1: Employer's house number contains several special characters in a row |
015 | &1: Employer's house number contains invalid special characters |
016 | &1: Employer's house number begins or ends with an invalid character |
017 | &1: Employer's house number is missing |
018 | DBAG: &1 field empty although &2 is filled |
019 | DBAG: No contact person specified |
020 | DBAG: E-Mail in '&1' field is invalid |
021 | DBSE: Specified tax class is invalid |
022 | DBSE: Factor for tax calculation is too high |
023 | DBSE: Factor for tax calculation entered although not tax class IV |
024 | DBSE: Specification of the tax exemption for children is missing |
025 | DBSE: Original tax data is not available |
026 | DBSA: Specified person group is invalid |
027 | &2: Date in the &1 field is not valid |
028 | DBSA. Specification for miners'/mine employees' pension insurance invalid |
029 | DBSA: 'MAMEI PI Valid From' data missing |
030 | Error while determining the error type indicator |
031 | Error while determining MOABW |
032 | &2: Date '&1' is before '&3' |
033 | Error while determining the vacation days |
034 | &2: Date '&1' is after '&3' |
035 | DBNE: Start and end of notification period don't match |
036 | DBNE: '&1' field contains invalid characters |
037 | DBNE: Date '&1' missing |
038 | DBNE: Net remuneration missing for non-recurring payment |
039 | DBNE: '&1' inidcator is invalid |
040 | DBNE: Combination of indicators for duration of employment rel. invalid |
041 | DBNE: Current SI gross does ot match contribution group key |
042 | DBNB: Specified working hours are invalid |
043 | DSHN: Delivery data missing although there is an output date |
044 | &1: Weekly working hours missing |
045 | &1: Weekly working time contains invalid characters |
046 | DBAZ: Comparable working time contains invalid characters |
047 | &1: 'Reason for change of working time' field contains an invalid value |
048 | &1: Original working time data does not exist or is not clear |
049 | &1: 'Working time valid from' date exists although there was no change |
050 | &1: Date required in 'working time valid from' field for work time change |
051 | DBEN: Invalid legal area indicator |
052 | &2: &1 field contains invalid characters |
053 | &1: Reporting period is too long |
054 | DBEN: Error in structure of data module DBEN |
055 | DBEN: Invalid indicator for vacation pay |
056 | DBEN: Invalid indicator for reduction of remuneration |
057 | DBEN: Date missing for 'start of reduction of remuneration' |
058 | DBEN: Date missing for 'end of reduction of remuneration" |
059 | DBFZ: Absence type is invalid |
060 | Error while determining data module DBAZ/DBEZ |
061 | DBFZ: Absence periods are inconsistent |
062 | DBFZ: There is an absence without an end date |
063 | &1: 'Temporary work relationship' indicator is invalid |
064 | &1: 'Temporary written contract for work relationship' indicator invalid |
065 | DBKE: 'Temporary Contract Extended on' date is missing, despite extension |
066 | &1: 'End of Work Relationship' date missing |
067 | &1: 'Contract Originally Limited To' date missign, despite limit |
068 | DBKE: 'Temporary Contract Concluded' date missing despite limitation |
069 | DBKE: 'Was temporary contract extended?' indicator is invalid |
070 | DBKE: 'Fixed Term > 2 Mths, Poss. Contd Emplymt' indicator is invalid |
071 | &1: 'Date of notice or disnissal' is invalid |
072 | &1: 'Irrevocable with Continfued Pay' indicator is invalid |
073 | &1: 'Irrevocable with Cont. Pay' date missing despite release from work |
074 | DBKE: Last payroll run was after the end of the employment relationship |
075 | &1: 'Dismissal/Notice by' indicator is invalid |
076 | DBKE: 'Written Notice Termination or Dismissal' indicator is invalid |
077 | &1: 'Term. for Operational Reasons Sect. 1a KSchG' indicator is invalid |
078 | &1: 'Claim for Unlawful Dismissal' indicator is invalid |
079 | DBKE: 'Communication Type' indicator is invalid |
080 | &1: 'Employee's Behavior Violates Contract' indicator is invalid |
081 | DBKE: 'Written Warning for Reason of Notice' indicator is invalid |
082 | DBKE: 'Written Warning for Reason of Notice' date missing despite warning |
083 | DBKE: 'Additional Notice Agreements' indicator is invalid |
084 | DBKE: 'Social Selection Made' indicator is invalid |
085 | DBKE: 'Check AA Key for Social Selection' indicator is invalid |
086 | DBKE: 'Employer Would Have Given Notice on' date missing |
087 | DBKE: 'ER Would Have Issued Termination Effective As Of" date missing |
088 | &1: 'Period of Notice' field contains an invalid value |
089 | &1: 'Time Unit for Period of Notice' field is invalid |
090 | &1: 'Reference Date/Time' field contains an invalid value |
091 | DBKE: 'Excluded from Termination' indicator invalid |
092 | DBKE: The 'Unlimited Exlusion from Terminiation' indicator is invalid |
093 | DBKE: 'Important Reason for Termination Contract' indicator is invalid |
094 | DBKE: 'Ordinary Notice with Benefits' indicator is invlaid |
095 | DBKE: 'Notice within Period with Benefits' indicator is invalid |
096 | &1: 'Benefits Payt after Work/Employment Relationship Ends' ind. invalid |
097 | &1: 'Reason for Uncertainty about Benefits Payment' indicator invalid |
098 | &1: 'Severence Pay' indicator invalid |
099 | &1: Amount of severance pay missing although payment was made |
100 | &1: 'Amount of Severance Pay' field contains invalid characters |
101 | &1: Enter the severance pay amount even though none was paid |
102 | &1: Amount of severance pay specified although severance pay is uncertain |
103 | DBKE: 'Length of service' field contains invalid characters |
104 | DBKE: Length of service missing although severance pay will be paid |
105 | &1: 'Remuneration after end of employment relationship' ind. is invalid |
106 | &1: 'Remuneration after end of emplyment rel.' missing despite exis. rem. |
107 | &1: 'Leave Compensation after Ende of Work Relationship' ind is invalid |
108 | DBKE: 'Leave Compensation after End of Work Rel.' missing despite leave |
109 | &2: Date in the &1 field is not valid |
110 | &1: 'Start of Work Relationship' is more than 100 years ago |
111 | &1: Company no. of sender incorrect (according to of circular) |
112 | &1: 'Version Number' field doesn't contain the value &2 |
113 | &1: Creation date of data record &1 is in the future |
114 | &1: Creation time of data record &1 is invalid |
115 | &1: 'Error Indicator' field doesn't contain the value '0' |
116 | &1: 'Number of Data Record Errors' field contains invalid value '0' |
117 | &1: Company no. emplyoer incorrect (according to of circular) |
118 | &1: Company no. os sender incorrect (according to of circular) |
119 | Error while determining length of service |
120 | &2: City in '&1' field is invalid |
121 | &2: Street in '&1' field is invalid |
122 | &1: Pension insurance number is invalid |
123 | &2: Data module &1 missing |
124 | &3: Content of &1 field regarding state of data module &2 is invalid |
125 | DBEZ: 'Average weekly working time' contains invalid characters |
126 | DBEZ: Specification of average weekly working time is invalid |
127 | DBEZ: Specification of average weekly working days is invalid |
128 | DBEZ: 'Average Weekly Working Days' contains invalid characters |
129 | DBEZ: 'Average Weekly Working Days' too high |
130 | DBKU: 'Vacation Duration after End of Work Rel.' missing/vacation exists |
131 | DBKU: 'Vac. Days after End of Work Rel.' missing, despite existing days |
132 | DBKU: 'Reason for Waiver of Entitlements' indicator is invalid |
133 | DBKU: Leave compensation not specified although vacation exists |
134 | DBEZ: 'Amount of Leave Compensation' field contains invalid characters |
135 | Couldn't find infotype 0700 subtype DSAB |
136 | &1: This combination of person group and contribution group is invalid |
137 | DBSA: Specified occupational code is invalid |
138 | Personnel number &1 does not have any payroll results |
139 | &1: 'Early Retirement Benefits after End of Work Rel.' ind. is invalid |
140 | DBKE: '&1' date missing although early retirement benefits exist |
141 | &1: 'Amount of RHC in Percent' field contains invalid characters |
142 | &1: Amount of RHC in percent missing, although RHC benefit exists |
143 | &1: 'Severance pay up to 0.5 monthly salaries' indicator is invalid |
144 | &1: 'Would severance pay have been paid?' indicator is invalid |
145 | DBKE: '&1' date missing although temporary contract was extended |
146 | Currently, the BEA procedure can only be piloted |
147 | Error when determining leaving date for pers. number &1 automatically |
148 | DBKU: The Length of Service field contains invalid characters |
149 | DBKU: Length of service missing even though severance is paid |
150 | Print statement and give to employee |
151 | Error during evaluation for module &1 for personnel number &2 |
152 | PDF form (&1 either doesn't exist or is damaged |
153 | Leave compensation for pers. no. . &1: error in personal work schedule |
154 | Payroll area &1: Error when reading the payroll control record |
155 | DBAG: Incomplete data on '&1' was not transferred. |
156 | DBFZ: Sick pay must be discontinued one day after end of employment. |