HRPAYDESVBN - Beitragsnachweis

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDESVBN: Beitragsnachweis.
It is part of development package P01S in software component PY-DE-NT-NI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Social Insurance".
Message Nr
Message Text
001HI fund list not available
002Incorrect entry in T5D4Y_MAP
003No estimation available for previous month
004Error determining the payroll office for personnel area &1 &2
005A collective fund &2 already exists for the company number &1
006Enter run number left-justified and continuous
007List of Health Insurance Funds Not Available:
008Legal areas of employer &3 and payroll office &1 are different
009PY office &1 &2 is used for persons with miners' ins. and normal ins.
010Reversal of a contribution statement reported manually
011Correction of a contribution statement reported manually
012There are already notifications; repetition run required
013No sequential number available
014Paying office number missing for personnel (sub)area &1 &2
015There are notifications that need to be reported manually
016Health insurance fund &1 is merged
017Printing was canceled
018Actual payroll instead of estimation procedure &2 for PY area &1
019Payroll office &1 &2 is used for active and exempt employees.
020There is an invalid character in the object number of the TemSe object.
021Incorrectly selected contribution statement: &1
022Inconsistent payroll results for personnel number: &3
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