HRPAYDEZFA - Datenaustausch mit der ZfA

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDEZFA: Datenaustausch mit der ZfA.
It is part of development package PC01 in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Germany".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Reserved for messages for data exchange with ZFA
001Select an output directory
002Select an input directory
003Select a storage directory
004Select different input and output directories
005PC directory &1 does not exist
006Path &1 could not be determined
007Missing authorization to read directory &1&2&3&4
008Missing authorization to write directory &1&2&3&4
009Input directory = storage directory &1
010Error while reading file &1
011Error when writing file &1
012Error during status update of B2A file &1
013Inbound directory does not contain XML files
014PC download successful: Path &1&2&3&4
015Application server download successful: Path &1&2&3&4
016Report start: &1 &2
017Simulation run, no database update
018No files to be processed found
019File path: &1&2&3&4
023Missing authorization to read file &1
024Missing authorization to write file &1
025Missing authorization to delete file &1
026File &1 already exists
027File &1 is not available
028Error opening file &1
030Tag '&1' not found
032Invalid notification reason &1
033File &1 contains no notifications
040Notification error
041Mandatory field "&1" is blank
042Invalid value '&1' in field '&2'
043Original notification not found
044Mandatory module '&' not filled
045Mandatory field '&1[&2]' not filled
046File &1 notification &2: Original notification not found
047File &1 has errors: &2
048File &1 notification &2: Assignment to personnel number not possible
049File &1 notification &2: &3
050File &1 of type 'ZE99' , ID = &2
051XML document cannot be displayed
052Character set conversion not possible
053XML document not available
054Notif. contains contribution data; can be sent only as of MeFin Rel. S06
055Notification data does not match master data
056Assignment to personnel number not possible
057&-Inbound Notification Without Associated &-Outbound Notification (Info)
058Negative amount &1 in field '&2[&3]' is not permitted
059Benefit year &1 not permitted. It is not possible to determine version.
100B2A Communication is not active
101B2A process ID for file &1 cannot be determined
103File &1 was not forwarded to B2A Manager due to an error
108Bonus number is valid too late
110Log &1 not available
111Inconsistent log structure &1: Evaluation cannot be carried out.
112File ID is not available.
113Return Code or message ID not available
114File is not marked as transferred (ID = &1)
115Unexpected content &1 in log &2, part &3, line &4
116ZKNN wit Zusy ID &1: Object is complete from a business perspective (&2)
117An error occurred when reading file &1: &2 &3 &4
118Required entry field tax ID for &1 on &2 is missing.
119Required entry field Tax ID of child for &1 on &2 is missing.
120Required entry field Tax ID of child all. benef. for &1 on &2 is missing.
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