The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDE_KGBA: .
It is part of development package P01O_KGIDNR in software component PY-DE-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Child Allowance ID No. Control Procedure".
Message Nr
Message Text
000It was not possible to fill mandatory field "&1" of data class "&2".
001No implementation was found for BAdI "&1".
002No user ID has been stored in table T526 for administrator "&1".
003Implementation of authorized person is not inherited from SAP standard.
004It was not possible to determine the name affix in data class "&1".
005It was not possible to determine the nationality of "&1".
006It was not possible to determine the country of residence of person "&1".
007Please enter a file directory.
008Due to an error, it was not possible to save the files.
009Person is relevant for notifications but inactive on date of handover.
010Institution number "&1" is not stored in table T77PAYDE_KGBA0.
011Child &1 (Child No &2): Error during processing, see follow-on message
012Delimitation is not possible as the family equalization fund has changed.
013Family equalization fund with institute no. &1 is still active.
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