HRPAYDE_KGID - Nachrichtenklasse zum IdNr.-Kontrollverfahren Kindergeld

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDE_KGID: Nachrichtenklasse zum IdNr.-Kontrollverfahren Kindergeld.
It is part of development package P01O_KGIDNR in software component PY-DE-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Child Allowance ID No. Control Procedure".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Several notifications with the same period exist.
001Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Two IT0118 records lead to the same not. period.
002Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Colliding notification periods exist in IT0118.
003Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Too many loop runs when comparing notifications
004Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Unknown case constellation when comparing notifs
005Child &1 (child no. &2, date of birth &3) does not have any tax ID no.
006Notification for ID No. &1 could not be written to the database.
007The notification status for ID No. &1 could not be updated in datebase.
008Notification status for ID No. &1 could not be saved in the history.
009Statistics may contain errors.
010Infotype &1 could not be read.
011No infotype record &1 exists on &2.
012&1 children exist with the same ID No. &2.
013Child &1 (ID No.: &2): Notification cancellation required not permitted.
014The maximum number of files per day has been reached.
015File ID &1 already exists.
016You are not authorized to write file &1 to the file system.
017File &1 already exists in the file system.
018Error opening file &1
019Error when writing file &1
020The family equalization fund key contains errors.
021The file structure of file &1 is invalid.
022Invalid file name &1
023Element ELMAHeader of file &1 is inconsistent.
024No files were found.
025No BZSt number and/or account ID of family equalization fund &1 exists.
026Child &1 (ID No.: &2): New run necessary after sending file.
027It was not possible to generate a GUID.
028The system could not save the response to ID No. &1 to the database.
029An error occurred when moving file &1.
030Error while reading file &1
031No file was found for ID No. &1.
032Several files were found for the same File ID &1.
033An error occurred when writing the response assignments to the database.
034The same response has already been assigned.
035A different response already exists for the same notification.
036Element ELMAFEHLER of file &1 is inconsistent.
037BZSt rejected notification file &1 with error code &2.
038Child &1 (ID No.: &2): There are still some incorrect notifications.
039ID No. &1: It is not possible to restore the previous notification.
040It was not possible to change the status of the file with ID &1.
041The inbound directory and the storage directory must be different.
042Please specify an inbound directory.
043Please specify a storage directory.
044Directory &1 does not exist.
045Please specify an outbound directory.
046ID No. &1: The inbound status could not be updated on the database.
047ID No. &1: Error occurred when saving the assigned response to database.
048There are no changes to save.
049The response status could not be updated on the database.
050The status may not be changed from "&1" to "&2".
051Response with specialist procedure key &1 could not be assigned.
052No file was found.
053More than one file was found.
054There is no detailed view available.
055IT0118 records for inactive period are available.
056There is an error message from the BZSt for ID No. &1.
057There is an overlapping notification from the BZSt for ID No. &1.
058There's a processing note from BZSt for ID no. &1
059There's a special notification from BZSt for ID no. &1
060Status of the Notification Tool is initial
061Context class for Notification Tool has not been maintained correctly
062The file has already been rejected (File ID: &1).
063The file has already been processed by BZSt (file ID: &1).
064File ID &1 was not found.
065Evaluation &1 due to prev. destruction logs
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