The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYDE_TU_TEST_FUNC: .
It is part of development package P01_TEST_UTILITIES in software component PY-DE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utilities for eCatts and Unit Tests".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Interface &1 does not exist.
002Class &1 does not implement interface &2
003Instance generation &1 is not private or protected.
004Class &1 is not defined as a friend of &2.
005Several entries were found for key date &1.
006XML Transformation: Pack Error
007XML Transformation: Unpacking Error
008ASSIGN Error: ASSIGN instruction could not be executed.
009There are different data types and/or data lengths. Please check.
010Class &1 is not inherited from superclass &2.
011Update (eCATT) of the single field has several entries.
012Test function &1 is not available in table A01.
100**** Notifications for CHECKs
101Value &1 could not be converted to a valid date.
103Reason for terminating eCatts
110**** Notifications for Check Terminations
111ASSERT check (&1) not fulfilled
112eCatts check failed
201Syntax field assignment incorrect: missing literal '''' at end of &1.
202Syntax field assignment incorrect: missing literal '''' at start of &1.
203There are multiple text fields in table &1
204There's already an entry with the identical key in table &1
205MODIFY table &1: table entry &2 that you want to change doesn't exist
206INSERT table &1: Table entry &2 already exists
207INSERT: Table &1: There are overlapping time periods for table entry &2
208Table &1 doesn't have a text field. Field assignment isn't possible.
209Dynamic condition isn't supported in the basis release
210Line &2: Type &1 is unknown.
211Line &2: Type &1 is not a structure or database table.
212Line &2: The key is longer than the key of database table &1.
213Line &2: Key entered is initial.
214Line &3: End date &2 is earlier than start date &1.
215Line &2: Operation &1 is invalid.
216Line &3: Table &1 does not have any component with name &2.
217Line &2: There is no '=' in expression &1.
218Line &2: There must be a ';' between two '=' in expression &1.
219Line &2: There must be an even number of 's in expression &1.
220Line &2: There must be exactly one '=' in expression &1.
221Line &2: A ' is not permitted in field name &1 of expression &3.
222Line &2: Value &1 in &3 must be in double inverted commas ''...''.
223Line &2: Value &1 may only contain digits.
224Line &2: Date &1 must be entered in format YYYYMMDD.
225Line &2: Value &1 does not have a dot as a decimal separator.
226Line &2: Quotation marks must be replaced with inverted commas in &1.
227Line &2: BEGDA must be predefined (key field)
228Line &2: ENDDA must be predefined (key field)
229Line &2: table &1: Table entry &3 to be changed is not available
230Line &2: INSERT table &1: Table entry &3 is already available
231Line &2:INSERT table &1: Overlapping periods for table entry &3
232Line &2: There must be a space before and after '=' in expression &1.
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