HRPAYFI_KATRE - KATRE (Income Register)

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYFI_KATRE: KATRE (Income Register).
It is part of development package PC44_KATRE in software component PY-FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Income Register (KATRE) - Finland".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Country code is required.
001Feedback's delivery data does not match the original one.
002Error while modifying table &1.
003Error while updating table &1 (&2: &3).
004Error while selecting from table &1 (&2: &3).
005No XML found for the selected Personnel number.
006XML is invalid! Nothing has been saved.
007XML has been successfully updated!
008Error during updating the storage!
009No changes to be saved.
011Statuses have been successfully updated!
012No data to be processed.
013No Income types found in the table T7FIIR_IT.
014Payroll run &1 is in process by &2.
015You must resolve results from Data collector first.
016Data collector results contain invalid XML.
017No results to process. Run Data collector first.
018No results to process. Run Data creator first.
019Resolve results stored in B2A Manager.
020User &1 has locked this PY area! Try again later.
021Failed attempt to lock &1! Try again later.
022All rejected records must be resolved.
023Delete results prepared for payroll run &1
024Results for &1 PERNRs will be permanently deleted.
026You must resolve results from Data creator first.
027Run Data Submitter to store prepared results to B2A Manager.
028No results prepared in B2A Manager.
029Error while releasing the lock.
030Wrong B2A status for processing.
031No run found for Delivery ID &1.
032B2A manager record not found for GLBID: &1.
033No authorization for this action.
034Error during iXML to XSTRING conversion.
035Error while deleting from table &1 (&2: &3).
036Some PERNRs were skipped because of authorizations.
037Result before 1.1.2019: not sent to IR.
038Fill In-period Payroll run ID.
039Report has been automatically rejected after rejected Cancellation.
040Building final XML
041The Record has been manually rejected.
042Unexpected status for processing: &1.
043Invalid transition between processing steps (locked step &1).
044Internally accepted. Not send to IR.
045No Payroll area found!
046No. of items (&1) in the feedback doesn't match the No. of Reports (&2).
047Please, fill the &1!
048Error - Report couldn't be moved to a valid Record!
049& successfully deleted.
050Error during Record's status determination.
051Error during Report's status update (new:&1, old:&2, RepID:&3, DelID:&4).
052Wage type &1 does not have V0ZNR split which is expected for Company car.
053Missing reported results for previous payroll &1!
054Simulation Mode has been activated.
055ALV data cannot be set in an event handler!
056Error during the Record's deletion.
057Error during the Record's cancellation.
058Error during the Report's deletion.
059Error during the Report's cancellation.
060No authorization to run the report &1.
061Error during reading of the table &1.
062Error during Mass Cancellation Step 2!
063No relevant log has been found!
064Record (Delivery ID: &1) was manually deleted.
065Report (&1, &2) was manually deleted.
066Rejected Reports (Delivery ID: &1) were manually deleted.
067Cancellation can create a "GAP" in reported results!
068This function is OBSOLETE. Please, use the HFIKATRE report instead.
069This report cannot be run in a background job!
070XML cannot be previewed! It is probably not syntactically correct.
071Error during the in-period validation! (DELIVERY_ID: &1)
072Unresolved delta &1: &2
073Column &1 was not found in the WT Reporter output.
074Error during reading of a column no. &1.
075No Personnel numbers excluded by IT0041!
076Productive Mode has been activated.
077No relevant data found!
078Invalid date!
079No payroll result found for PERNR: &1, SEQNR: &2.
080Item in feedback reported as both valid and invalid.
081Feedback containts unknown report id.
100Processing payroll area &1.
101Last payroll run reported to IR: &1.
102The payroll run in process: &1.
103You have to complete or delete these results
104before you can process another payroll run.
105There is no payroll run in process. You can start new one.
106No. of PERNRs with payroll results:
107No. of successfully accepted PERNRs:
108No. of rejected PERNRs:
109No. of unreported PERNRs:
110You must resolve all rejected records!
111It seems that you have not reported &1 PERNRs.
112Make sure you report all before processing next payroll!
200Processing PERNR: &1
201Processed OK.
202Processed with error(s).
203Processed with warning(s).
204Critical error occurred during processing!
205Mandatory customizing is missing!
206Processing interrupted!
207Element <&1> is missing in the prepared XML.
208However, this element was part of previously accepted XML.
209Element's value is: &1.
210Element <&1> is missing in accepted XML.
211However, this element is part of prepared XML.
212Different elements on same position:
213Prepared <&1>, Accepted <&2>.
214Element <&1> has different value:
215Prepared "&1", Accepted "&2".
218New announcement
219No changes were found.
220Deltas from transactions will be forwarded to the current result.
221No announcement is required.
222Income type &1 has negative value "&2".
223Negative delta from period "&1" can't be reported!
224You can use corrective wage type to resolve.
225Processed as retroactive original (late hire) - merged.
226No results created from payroll after DM step!
227Retro-depth change detected - reverted!
228Unprocessed reports! Prepared: &1; processed: &2
229Reporting was already performed for all PERNRs.
230No payroll or reporting was already performed.
231Period &1 was manually excluded via Infotype 0041!
232Infotype 0041: FP-FQ dates &1-&2 overlap the entry validity &3-&4.
233You are going to report changes in already accepted period!
234Please, make sure that you perform reporting to all future periods!
235Forced replacement mode.
236You are going to store prepared reports to B2A manager.
237This step is irreversible!
238Do you want to continue?
239Number of PERNRs prepared:
240Cancellation: &1
241Valid reports: &1
242Invalid reports: &1
243You are going to process prepared reports in SIMULATION mode.
246Envelope &1 created. Number of reports: &2
247Payroll Period is not customized (T549A, T549S, T549Q)
248Income type &1 has negative delta &2.
249Amount &1 is compensated from the current period.
250Comparison with the obsolete data version detected!
251Negative unjust enrichment!
252Amount &1 (from total delta &2) was compensated from the current period.
253UE/Recovery was automatically generated!
254Income Type 412 is only for tax cards A, L, V. Skipped!
255Company Car: Infotype 0442 not found for wage type: &1, V0ZNR: &2!
256No data found for infotype &1.
257No data found for infotype &1, subtype &2.
258Value &1 cannot be found in customizing table &2.
259Invalid customizing for Income type &1 (&2).
260Invalid value '&1' found in the feature &2!
261Integer value expected!
262Allowed values '&1'.
263Only cancellations prepared! Repeat this step after accepted by IR!
264Please resolve Cancellations in B2A first.
265Results already prepared in B2A! Excluded from processing!
266Negative delta &1 compensated from different income type &2!
267Try to resolve by income code swap method if possible!
269Unjust Enrichment can't be automatically created (&1: &2)!
270Status New prepared for different IPRUN! Excluded from processing!
271Special correction defined in T588D for wage type &1.
272Negative unjust enrichment can't be automatically resolved!
273Duplicate reports created (&1/&2/&3 IN &4)!
274Inconsistency in Overpayment Process!
275Unjust Enrichment is not allowed with Overpayment Process (&1)!
276Negative settlement can be only used in retro period &1!
277Adjusted amounts mismatch &1!
278Overpayment can't be retroactively lowered! (Income type &1)
279Unused negative settlement for overpayment &1!
280Negative delta &1 (&2) resolved via overpayment process.
281Overpayment Process used!
282Not enough amount in IPRUN for overpayment process (&1 < &2).
283Not enough amount to cover delta &1: &2.
284Overpayments must be deducted in the IPRUN!
285No data found in the payroll table &1.
286BI session &1 was created with ID: &2
287&1: Manual Unjust Enrichment amount (&2) exceeds reported amount (&3).
288Negative tax (402, 404) is not allowed with Recovery.
289Income types 402 and 362 can't be reported together.
290Income type 402 can't be reported with IncomeEarnerType=4 (Key Employee)
291All income types must have category. See SAP Note 3014727.
292No valid customizing found.
293&1:&2 Contributions can't be changed.
294&1:&2 Flag IC_IS_DEFAULT is inconsistent.
295Customizing is inconsistent! (Tables: &1).
600Expected element <&1>! Actual element <&2>.
601DOM ended but element <&1> is expected!
602Element <&1> must not have any children!
603Element <&1> must be child of <&2>!
604Element <&1> is empty!
605Element <&1> has invalid value "&2"!
606Unexpected trailing element <&1>!
607One of the elements <&1> and <&2> is expected!
608Elements <&1> and <&2> are exclusive and cannot be both used!
609Mandatory Element <&1> is missing!
610Element <&1> is not allowed to be used here!
611Income type &1: Tax-free compensations are lowered retroactively!
612Please check the IR instructions!
613XML part for Report on payday &1 is not valid!
614The income code &1 cannot be specified (missing &2).
615Negative amount is not allowed for income type &1.
616The income code &1 cannot be greater than &2.
620The data group Insurance exceptions is missing.
621The data group Occupation is missing.
622The data group Earnings-related pension insurance is missing.
623The data group Addresses is missing.
624The data group IncomeEarnerBasic is missing.
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