HRPAYFR_DSN - Classe de messages pour la DSN
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYFR_DSN: Classe de messages pour la DSN.
It is part of development package P06_DSN in software component PY-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)".
It is part of development package P06_DSN in software component PY-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | The &1 class does not exist or is an incompatible type |
001 | No class is populated for category &1 on the date of &2 |
002 | No class populated for section &1 on date &2 |
003 | SIRET &1 excluded from processing (assignment of &2 to &3) |
004 | Section &1: the &2 class does not exist or is an incompatible type |
005 | Section &1/Field &2: mapping impossible for value &3 |
006 | DSN file &1 created and table &2 updated successfully |
007 | Number of employees in the file: &1 (for a total of &2 DSN) |
008 | Error occurred during update, no personnel number taken into account |
009 | Personnel number taken into account for DSN nature &1/type &2 |
010 | No structure populated for category &1 on date &2 |
011 | The &1 structure does not exist or is an incompatible type |
012 | No attribute &1 exists at the level of class &2 |
013 | Personnel no. excluded from processing, no payroll result for period &1 |
014 | Personnel no. taken into account for DSN nature &1/type &2 (contract &3) |
015 | The B2A could not be created for this personnel number |
016 | The B2A has been created for this personnel number |
017 | The Status Handler has not been created for this personnel number |
018 | The Status Handler has been created for this personnel number |
019 | Infotype 3331 has not been created for this personnel number |
020 | Infotype 3331 has been created for this personnel number |
021 | Personnel number &1: &2 |
022 | An unexpected error has interrupted the processing of the section |
023 | No plan defined for this personnel number in the &1 contract |
024 | No record found |
025 | No data found |
026 | The &1 file cannot be created. |
027 | The &1 file is empty: The GIP server was unavailable |
028 | Export content of section and all sections at same level? |
029 | Action terminated by user |
030 | &1 (Table &2) |
031 | &1-&2 |
032 | For &1 in &2 |
033 | Select section to download. |
034 | Export in &1 file failed. |
035 | Select transport to generate eCATT variant. |
036 | Value &1 not within admitted range of values for &2. |
037 | Value &1 does not match file specified for &2 (Regular expression &3) |
038 | Length value &1 is incorrect, field &2 (length &3-&4 admitted) |
039 | Value &1 of &2 field contains non-alphanumeric characters. |
040 | Regular expression &1 of field &2 could not be analyzed. |
041 | Data type not found for &1 |
042 | Contr. &1 defined in &2 for &3 no longer exists: amt &4 not dir.redistr. |
043 | &1 amount redis. to contract &2 (start &3) for an amount of &4 |
044 | You cannot view the file corresponding to this status |
045 | Cannot generate "section" and "integration" variants simultaneously |
046 | File passed all checks! |
047 | No entries in CTT table of payroll cluster. No DSN possible. |
048 | Intermediate delivery: execution reserved for charter clients |
049 | SIRET: &1 Number of S30: &2 |
050 | Division of declaration in section S20 failed |
051 | Section &1 in T5FDSNTDCPSECTN: sign inconsistent |
052 | Component &1 could not be found in TDC parameters |
053 | DSN file |
054 | Loophole value &1 has been generated |
055 | &1 / &2 |
056 | Generated &1 &2 (&3) |
057 | Contract &1: decl. field (&2) not consistent with health plan (&3) |
058 | Processing Mod. &1 ID &2 |
059 | Perform action &1 |
060 | Update successful. Old status: &1 New status: &2 |
061 | Inconsistent customizing: no entry in &1 table for role &2 &3 |
062 | You are going to declare data for &1 employees. Continue? |
063 | Select &1 employee(s) |
064 | No employee selected |
065 | Select one or more entries. |
066 | SIRET: &1 |
067 | Declaration for &1 employees, use search function to display. |
068 | No anomaly found for employee &1 |
069 | Partial view: no authorization over entire population |
070 | No new response file available |
072 | Sender SIRET is required |
073 | Sender Contact is required |
074 | CRE Recipient is required |
075 | There is no address under the name &1 |
076 | Group &1 contains no addresses. |
077 | Password decryption failed. |
078 | Password encryption failed. |
079 | No value found for field &1, structure &2 |
080 | No data available for personnel number |
081 | The previous declaration has not yet been closed (sequence number &) |
082 | You must select declaration type & to generate the declaration |
083 | Declaration sent but no certificate of conformity loaded |
084 | A similar declaration has already been created but not yet closed & |
085 | Unable to calculate field |
086 | Version &1 not updated. Choose an earlier version. |
087 | Declaration nature &1, reason &2, last day worked &3, No. &4 already sent |
088 | Several infotypes 0034 in &1. Only the first record counts. |
089 | No reason for dismissal in the T5F30 table for MASSN &1 MASSG &2 |
090 | &1 entries removed |
091 | Value &1 replaced by &2. Contact the agencies concerned, if necessary. |
092 | No 0218 infotype record found for pension policy &1, option &2 |
093 | No contribution found for infotype 0218 with pension policy &1, option &2 |
094 | Contr. &4 : no entry in T5F1BAP for MODAS &1, RTMOD &2, CBMOD &3 |
095 | Parameter is not authorized |
096 | Required seniority type &1 has not been created. |
097 | &1 group contains multiple contacts. Sender &2 has been kept |
098 | The value of the seniority type &1 cannot be equal to zero. |
101 | Number of migrated employees: &1 |
102 | Number of employees already migrated: &1 |
103 | Employee successfully migrated |
104 | Real mode: B2A created but errors found! |
105 | Version &1 not supported, execution of program cancelled |
106 | &1 table successfully updated (&2 records processed) |
107 | type &1 moved to &2 |
108 | B2A created |
109 | Status Handler created |
110 | B2A could not be created |
111 | Shared B2A file: one of the B2As has an error --> no B2A created |
112 | All B2As with the same file as this B2A will also be removed! |
114 | Actual DSN can only be created on live client |
115 | No data in periods starting from &1 |
116 | Please select at least one node |
117 | Nature &1 DSN ignored - similar to declaration number &2 |
118 | Nature &1 DSN to cancel-replace: new remuneration in retro |
119 | No new 'non-productive time' declaration for extension change |
120 | No declaration number generated - number range inconsistent! |
121 | Multiple employees not authorized for same reporting DSN |
122 | DSN of type &1 blocked - Dispensatory mode entered |
123 | The payroll area HR_FR_DSN does not have the interval '01' |
124 | Parameter 'CONTRIB_BEG_SHFT' not mainained in view V_T5FDSNPAVAL |
125 | Inconsist. OPS type &1 of role &2 and one assigned to ID OPS &3 type &4 |
200 | &1 schema not executable. Executable schemas shown in F4 Help |
201 | &1 schema does not contain report category "C" |
202 | &1 schema not authorized for this country. |
203 | &1 schema does not exist. Valid schemas are shown in F4 Help. |
204 | No employee found |
205 | There is a problem with running the payroll driver |
206 | The payroll driver has not yet generated a log |
207 | The data in the table are already shown in the period view |
208 | The data in the table are already shown in the employee view |
209 | No data have been changed. |
210 | All entries linked to modified employees will be saved |
211 | Data saved |
212 | Payroll period must be &1 &2. |
213 | You must first set the logical file (transaction: FILE) |
214 | You must specify the file path and name |
215 | You must set the logical file |
216 | The file could not be created. |
217 | The file has been created |
218 | The file name is not that configured in SFILE |
219 | Cannot read file in XML format |
220 | The &1 column contains a date in an incorrect format &2 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
221 | The uploaded Excel page is not that of the selected table |
222 | &2 amount does not respect xxxxxxx.xx format for &1 column |
223 | Value &1 is not an admissible value for &2 |
224 | The data have been saved in the table |
225 | No data in the Excel page: the table has not been modified |
226 | At least one entry on the Excel page has the same DB key |
227 | No change made in DB |
228 | The file does not exist |
229 | The file already exists, so if you continue the file will be overwritten |
230 | Data incorrectly formatted in Excel file: date, amount, etc. |
231 | No block has been selected. Please select at least one DSN block. |
232 | Payroll year must be lower than &1. |
233 | No update performed for employee for period &1 &2 |
234 | Updated performed for employee for period &1 &2 |
235 | Prohibited to delete last record of contract declared by DSN |
236 | New contract &1 not yet recognized by GIP-MDS |
237 | No value found |
238 | At least one employee detected for workplace declared as having no EEs |
239 | &1 type DSN ignored - no change in remuneration found |
241 | The creation of a PASRAU declaration requires the PASRAU version. |
242 | The selected version can only generate PASRAU declarations. |
243 | The simultaneous PASRAU and DSN declaration generation is not allowed. |
244 | Contract &1 : contract valid only for one DSN PASRAU (nature 11) |
245 | Version &1 is inconsistent with selected nature &2. |
246 | A version of the DSN or PASRAU must be selected. |
247 | No DS entry for &1 period matching the selection criteria |
248 | Nature &1 dedicated to "TOPAze" service has to be selected exclusively. |
249 | Employee excluded, a NIR is mandatory for the "TOPAze" service |
250 | Nature &1 can only be generated from version &2 on |
251 | Appeal date not available FCTU, generation impossible |
252 | Nature &1 can only be generated from period &2 on |
253 | No DS entry matching the selection criteria |
254 | No employee selected. Enter a value in one of the &1 fields. |
255 | The period cannot be changed. Only B2A is authorized. |
256 | The results display generated an error. |
257 | Personnel No taken into account for a DSN of nature &1/type &2 (block &3) |
258 | Period &1 in &2: no entry found in PAS (deduction at source) table |
259 | Personnel Number selected but not included in any declaration |
260 | Local file download impossible during background execution |
261 | Nature &1 declaration generation of type none/no person |
262 | Block 54 exists, but no block 51 with corresponding remuneration class |
263 | You cannot select nature &1 and &2 simultaneously. |
264 | Rate &1 in retro not allowed, value in field 51.013 reset |
265 | Rate is &1 for in-period, block 51 type &2 not maintained |
266 | No income class in table REM. |
267 | Payroll in-period is &1 &2. Updating table &3 impossible. |
268 | With reason 100, you must alwayse select the flag 'Transfer' |
269 | Flag 'Transfer' needs to be associated with reason 100 |
270 | Missing at hiring and excluded from DSN as MSA enrollment exists |
271 | Block 2 P�le-Emploi: more than invalid 1 payment ID, DSN terminated. |
272 | Personnel n� excluded from processing, no lag pay for period &1 |
273 | Personnel n� excluded from processing, no amount found for exempt. overt. |
274 | Pyroll period is mndatory for using the search help. |
275 | No Record Number found for period &1.&2 |
276 | Job Code not corresponding to selection (&1). No DSN possible. |
277 | DSN w/ nature &1 blocked - non-productive time reason code &2 not allowed |
278 | Decl. FCT/FCTU to be cancelled: already been cancelled or never submitted |