HRPAYFR_DSN_POST - Message classe for the POST process of the DSN

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYFR_DSN_POST: Message classe for the POST process of the DSN.
It is part of development package P06_DSN in software component PY-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Unable to find selected declaration
002SIRET not set in postprocess SETUP table
003You cannot instantiate class cl_hr_t5fdsnppopssetup
004You cannot instantiate class cl_hrpayfr_t5fdsnp20hdb2a
005No B2A found for Finalize Payment step
006You cannot instantiate class cl_hrpayfr_dsn_post_proc_mgr
007SIRET already sent --> no payer SIRET modification possible
008Cannot find payer SIRET declaration
009Payer SIRET declaration already processed --> notify the payer SIRET!
010Declaration no. &1 for month (&2) is not closed: please close it
011Please close obsolete declarations
012Multiple declarations open for payer SIRET: Please close unnecessary B2As
013SIRET declaration already closed --> please create a new one
014All non-payer SIRET declarations must have the Finalized Payment step
015The Finalized Payment step was executed before the last parameter setting
016Unable to find SIRET in file &1
017There is no payer SIRET file for this SIRET number yet
018A declaration for the payer SIRET has been sent but not closed
019The Finalized Payment step has already been executed for this SIRET
020Unable to access file: &1
021Please resolve errors in order to complete the process
022There is at least one more payer SIRET that has not been executed
023Unable to find payer SIRET for key &1 &2 &3 &4.
024Section 20 '&1' has no subsection 55
025Double clicking is only authorized for view by file.
026Payer SIRET declaration already sent --> no further changes permitted
027Multiple B2As open for SIRET --> choose one for payer SIRET
028SIRET &1 non-payer and closed, no B2A created.
029SIRET &1 non-payer and not closed, no B2A created.
031Only monthly declarations can finalize payments
032No OPS assigned in key for section 20: "&1"
033B2A &1 has no Finalized Payment step and is not closed
034No entry found for table T5FDSN_PP_CONSOL: &1/&2/&3
035A negative amount (&1) exists for: &2 (block 20 deleted).
036Source run &1 does not have a target run in SETUP table: &2
037A negative amount (&1) exists for: &2 (block 20 cleared at 0EUR).
038The OPSID RPLDSNF0 '&1' differs from the one in the SETUP table '&2'.
039No block 20/82/22/42/44/30 found in original declaration
085Declaration does not correspond to nature 01(PAS) / 11 (PASRAU)
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