HRPAYKR01 - Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYKR01: Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related.
It is part of development package PC41 in software component PY-KR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Korea".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Payroll related messages HR Korea
020No results for form print output.
101Date &1 does not exist for tax rate
102Tax rate does not exist for date &1
103Progressive taxation amount &1 does not exist for date &2
104No temse objects has been created
105Cannot read business place information
106Error reading pension insurance number
107Cannot find the leaving date
108Fail to read EE premium
109Fail to read ER premium
110Working month should not be zero
111Cannot retrieve the file name: invalid system
112Extension name of the file you selected should be 'txt', try it again
113No data that met your selection criteria retrieved
114No entry in simple tax table for Date &1
115No entry is maintained in T511P for name &1
116No entry is maintained in T511K for name &1
201No entry exists in table T7KRSI for subtype &1, SI agency &2
202Name format incomplete for personnel number &
203No entry in table T7KR24 for key &1, &2, &3, &4
204Change end date of relevant IT0014 record to repayment completion date.
300Leaving date was not found
301Personnel number does not exist
302Unknown error while finding the leaving date
400Error in finding the last day of month
401No business place data for personnel area '&1' and personnel subarea '&2'
402No data in subtype '&1' of infotype '&2'
403Error in finding business place information
404No payroll results for the given selection condition
405No payroll results
406No company name for company code '&1'
407The form is only valid since 2004.01.01
408The imported version of the cluster &1 is not current Imported version:&2
409Inconsistence between cluster directory and directory for payroll result
410Decryption of registration number failed for &1
411This function is only available from tax year &1
412Select at least one line to output
413Maintain "Date of Last Submission" field for re-submission
414Clear "Date of Last Submission" field for the first submission
415The date in "Submitted Date" field is earlier than the selection period
416Separation payroll &1 is inconsistant with separation infotype &2
500Entry date was not found
501Unknown error while finding the entry date
502Insert transaction &1.Return code=&2.
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