HRPAYNLLA - Meldingen voor Loonaangifte Nederland
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNLLA: Meldingen voor Loonaangifte Nederland.
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | 000 to 029: Reserved for Maintaining External Data |
001 | Payroll Period &1/&2 is Invalid for Period Parameter &3 |
002 | Reper &1 Invalid on &2 |
003 | Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 is being Created |
004 | Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 has already Been Created |
005 | Period &1/&2 Lies after the Current Return Period &3/&4 |
006 | Missing For-period will Be Filled in with In-period |
007 | For-period may not lie after the In-period |
008 | Indicator &1 not Allowed (Use the F4 Help) |
009 | Indicator &1 on &2 not Allowed (Use the F4 Help) |
010 | For Legal Person &1, the Return for Period &2 is not Possible |
011 | Legal Person &1 at End Date &2 of Period &3 not Valid (PERMO = &4) |
012 | No Data Available; Indicators are Proposed |
013 | No Autocheck Possible: LePer &1 is Allocated to RePer &2 |
014 | Not All Data Is Displayed (Insufficient Authorizations for LePer &1) |
030 | 030 to 039: Reserved for Function Group HRPAYNLLA |
031 | Wage Return Tables are Inconsistent |
032 | Cannot Determine Return Period (no Data in T549Q) |
033 | Internal Error &1 in Function Module &2 |
034 | Return Frequency for Legal Person &1 not Set Up |
035 | Indicator &1 Cannot Be Read |
036 | Indicate if a RePer or a LePer |
037 | Global ID not Found |
038 | No Condition Allowed |
039 | Invalid customizing in T549Q for PerMo &1, return period &3/&2 |
040 | 040 to 079: Reserved for Data Extractor |
041 | Selected Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2 |
042 | Processed Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2 |
043 | Rejected Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2 |
044 | Invalid Status for Current Return Period: &1 |
045 | 'Only Process errors': Actual Return Period is not yet Created |
046 | Error with Reading Legal Person on &1 |
047 | Contact for Legal Person &1 not Found |
048 | Payroll Area &1: Status '&2' of Period &3/&4 Inconsistent |
049 | Wage Return Tables are Inconsistent |
050 | Return for RePer &1, Period &2/&3 not Processed (Invalid Status) |
051 | Period Modifier &1 not Found in Table T549R |
052 | Return Frequency &1 and Payroll Frequency &2 cannot Be Synchronized |
053 | Invalid Payroll Periodicity: &1 |
054 | Return Frequency is not Identical for all Legal Persons (&1) |
055 | Period &1/&2 is not the Actual Return Period of Legal Person &3 |
056 | Infotype &1 not Found |
057 | No Rights for Infotype &1 |
058 | Period &1/&2: Incomplete Data for Table &3 |
059 | No Valid Authorizations for Legal Person &1 |
060 | RP &1, Return Period &2/&3 is Blocked for the Data Extractor |
061 | Legal Person &1, Period &2/&3: Incomplete Data for Table &4 |
062 | Test Mode: Status and Database Remain Unchanged |
063 | Error converting &1 to &2 |
064 | Leper &1 and Related Reper &2 Have Different Names |
065 | No Legal Persons Selected for Which You Have Authorizations |
066 | External Data Are for LP &1, Return Period &2/&3 Blocked |
067 | Personnel number (test) may only be filled in test mode |
068 | IT 0808 does not exist in return period &1 - &2 |
069 | Country grouping &1 not found in table T005 |
070 | Initials &1 contain invalid characters |
071 | Country grouping &1 not found in table T5N76 |
072 | Opened wage returns could not be closed |
073 | Wage return for LP &1, period &2 has been closed correctly |
074 | Ded. Emplymt Tax + Sum of FL - Sum of PR Not Greater Than 0 |
075 | Start date income relationship (LA-INDDA) is initial |
076 | SI days (/370) were negative and have been set to `0' |
077 | IR Number &1 originates in cluster /IT 0808 |
078 | IR Number &1 originates in Table P05T_NUMIV_CURR |
079 | The new IR number &1 has been generated |
080 | 080 to 119: Reserved for XML Generator |
081 | Busy Creating XML File; Time: &1, Date: &2, User: &3 |
082 | XML File Created without Errors; Time: &1, Date: &2 |
083 | XML File with Errors (Process Interrupted); Time: &1, Date: &2 |
084 | No Entry Found in Table p05t_xml_version on Key Date &1 |
085 | The Document is Saved in the TemSe under Object ID &1 |
086 | No Return with the Status 'New' with In-period &2 for LePer &1 |
087 | Error with Writing to the TemSe (Error Code: &1) |
088 | Error with Reading Address Data of Contact RePer &1 on &2 |
089 | Error importing period end date &1/&2 for PERMO &3 in T549Q |
090 | Test mode: Status and TemSe object update is deactivated |
091 | Document stored in client under file name &1 |
092 | No original period in return for LePer &3 and period &1/&2 |
093 | Error converting status tables P05T_*_ADM_STAT |
094 | Status tables P05T_*_ADM_STAT successfully converted |
095 | Inconsistent collective return; period &1/&2, SEQNO &3, RePer &4 |
096 | Ind. "PrAWF" found with empty redundancy pay scheme table "P05T_AE_WGF" |
097 | No Return Found with the Status 'New' |
098 | Summary: &1 of the &2 Selected LePers Successfully Processed |
099 | &1 of the &2 Selected LePers with Errors |
100 | Inconsistent income period; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4 |
101 | Start date (P05T_IV_INKPER-BEGDA) is initial |
102 | Unknown special indicator &1 (P05T_IV_INKPER-SA) |
103 | Legal Person &1, for &2 (period &3/&4) |
104 | Processed For-Periods |
105 | Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2 |
106 | Inconsistent nominative return; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4 |
107 | "PrUFO", "PrAWF" or "PrWgf" must not occur simultaneously |
108 | Inconsistent initial income relationship; period &1/&2, period No. &3 |
109 | No income period found for this person |
110 | &1 is inconsistent in period &2, for &3 legal person &4 |
111 | Inconsist.adjustment balance (P05T_AE_CORSALDO); period &1/&2, RePer & |
112 | No entry found in table T549Q for period &1/&2 |
113 | XML tag &1 is filled with an initial value from field &2 |
114 | Local download in XML Composer is only permitted in test mode |
115 | Inconsistent reversal; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4 |
116 | No indication or IR number or PersNo found in table "P05T_iv_adm" |
117 | Cannot convert value "&1" to data type "&2" |
118 | "PrUFO" and "PrAWF" may not occur simultaneously |
119 | Error during client download: |
120 | 120 to 159: Reserved for CL_HR_B2A_NL_ST_LA06 (B2A Manager) |
121 | Return Successfully Downloaded to Application Server &1 |
122 | Error with Downloading the Return |
123 | Send the data and run the program again |
124 | XML generation successfully scheduled; job name: &1, job number: &2 |
125 | Error scheduling XML generation |
126 | Time: &2 , Date: &1 , User: &3 |
127 | Return successfully downloaded to local PC |
128 | File name: &1 |
129 | Application server: &1 |
130 | Personnel number: &1 |
160 | 160 to 169: Reserved for RPCLAAN0 (Close Wage Return) |
161 | LP &1: Return does not have the correct status |
162 | LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Does not Have the Status 'Sent' |
163 | LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Could not Be Blocked |
164 | LP &1: Wage Return for Return Period &2/&3 Closed |
165 | Test Mode: No Change in Status |
166 | LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Does not Have Status 'To Be Sent' |
167 | LP &1: Entry in B2A Mgr Does not Have Status 'In Process - Downloaded' |
168 | LP &1: Wage Return is Set to 'Sent' for Return Period &2/&3 |
170 | 170 to 189: Reserved for RPCLAFN0 (Error Classification) |
171 | Restriction using per. nos only possible for errors in data extractor |
172 | LP &1 (&2/&3): Wage Return Set to 'Error' in Data Extractor |
173 | LP &1 (&2/&3): Wage Return Set to 'Error' when Generating XML File |
174 | LP &1: No Valid Entry Found in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT |
175 | LP &1: No XML created, but "Error in XML File" selected |
176 | LP &1: Check whether return for &2/&3 must also be set to 'Error' |
177 | LP &1: Check whether adjustment for &2 must also be set to 'Error' |
180 | Response message has already been processed |
181 | Response message does not belong to the selected wage return |
182 | File does not have XML structure |
183 | Confirmation of Receipt Expected instead of an Error Message |
184 | Response message could not be opened |
185 | Response message could not be opened |
186 | The Processed Message is not a Response Message |
187 | Error Message Expected instead of a Confirmation of Receipt |
188 | The Selected Wage Return does not Have the Status 'Sent' |
189 | Insufficient authorization to process response message for LePer &1 |
190 | Response message processing successfully simulated |
191 | Response message &1 successfully processed for LePer &2 |
192 | Response message with version &1 cannot be processed |
193 | XML file is not a response message |
194 | Resp.mess.does not belong to curr.wage return and has not been processed |
195 | Response message cannot be processed: Incorrect B2A Manager status |
196 | Response message belongs to LePer &1, not to the selected LePer |
197 | Response message cannot be processed: incorrect type &1 |
198 | Response message processed |
199 | Error Occurred While Processing File |
200 | 200 up to and incl. 249: Reserved for RPULACN0 (wage return check report) |
201 | Feature &1: '****' is an invalid value |
202 | Feature &1: Only example of SAP customizing |
203 | LePer &1 not found in table T001P |
204 | Feature &1: LePer &2 and RePer &3 do not have the same technical name |
205 | Feature &1: LePer &2 is not valid in return period &3 - &4 |
206 | Feature &1: No valid relation for RePer &2 in return period &3 - &4 |
207 | Feature &1: No tax authority relation for LP &2 in period &3 - &4 |
208 | Feature &1: Tax authority RePer &2 not found |
209 | Feature &1: No date found for LePer &2 |
210 | Feature &1, LePer &2: date &3 lies before validity date &4 (LA06) |
211 | Feature &1: Validity could not be checked for LePer &2 |
212 | Incomplete entry in SAP table &1 |
213 | Invalid risk group &1 in table T5N12 |
214 | No entry in &1 for REPER &2 |
215 | LP &1: Invalid sector &2 in table T5N14 |
216 | LP &1: Invalid PerMo &2 in table T5N14 |
217 | Feature &1, LePer &2: date &3 lies before RePer validity date &4 |
218 | LP &1: There is no entry in &4 between &2 and &3 |
219 | LP &1: No SI group &2 found in T5N1L |
220 | LP &1: The combination sector &2 and risk group &3 does not exist |
221 | LP &1: SoFi number &2 cannot be validated |
222 | LP &1: Registration Number Not Found |
223 | LP &1: Invalid Registration Number: &2 |
224 | LP &1: Withholding Agent Name Not Found |
225 | LP &1: Withholding Agent Name Not Found in Language &2 |
226 | LP &1: No Data Found for Contact |
227 | LP &1: Error Importing Contact |
228 | LP &1: No Name Found for Contact &2 |
229 | LP &1: No Telephone Number Found for Contact &2 |
230 | Feature &1: No Errors Found |
231 | Standard Customizing: No Errors Found |
232 | Table &1: No invalid entries found |
233 | Relationship Management: No errors found |
234 | P_NL_LA06: Unlimited access to legal person &1 |
235 | P_NL_LA06: Access to legal person &1 only allowed in read mode |
236 | P_NL_LA06: Legal person &1 may not be changed |
237 | LP &1: Invalid length for telephone number &3 of contact &2 |
238 | Parameter &1 missing in table V_T50BK |
239 | Incomplete entry in SAP table &1, subapplication &2 |
240 | Incomplete entry in customizing table &1 |
241 | Wage return valid from &1 to &2 |
242 | Trans. FILE: Variable &1 has path &2 |
243 | LP &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2 |
244 | SI group &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2 |
245 | LP &1: Identical payroll taxes number as LP &2 between &3 and &4 |
246 | RP &1: different return frequencies (&2, &3) in &4 in table T5N14 |
250 | 250 up to and incl. 254: Reserved for RPULADN0 (delete wage return) |
251 | Deleting wage returns not allowed in production |
252 | Selected wage returns of legal person &1 will be deleted |
253 | Current wage return does not exist for legal person &1 |
255 | 255 up to and incl. 299: Reserved for RPULAEN0 (extended checks) -> 320 |
256 | IT &1: No LePer &2 found in table T5N14 |
257 | IT &1: LePer &2 and LePer &3 do not have the same technical name |
258 | IT &1: LePer &2 is not valid in return period &3 - &4 |
259 | IT &1 does not exist in return period &2 - &3 |
260 | No errors found |
261 | IT &1: Country indicator missing |
262 | IT &1: Street name is missing |
263 | IT &1: City is missing |
264 | IT &1: Postal code is missing |
265 | IT &1: SI group is missing |
266 | IT &1: No sector &2 / risk group &3 found in table T5N13 |
267 | IT &1: CSN [BSN] number is missing |
268 | No valid country indicator found for the Netherlands in table T005 |
269 | IT &1: Invalid indicator in house number &2 |
270 | IT &1: Supplement is filled; house number is missing |
271 | IT &1: Infotype maintained (&3) for date of birth (&2) |
272 | IT &1: Insured in &2; however, falls outside age group |
273 | IT &1: &2 not filled; however income code is equal to &3 |
274 | IT &1: &2 not filled, however, LP sector &3 is equal to "52" |
275 | IT &1: Invalid country grouping &2 in field &3 |
276 | IT &1: Invalid character in initials &2 |
277 | IT &1: Last name is missing |
278 | IT &1: Date of birth is missing |
279 | IT &1: Person is locked between &2 and &3 |
280 | IT 0060: Double CSN [BSN] with &1 (&2) in period &3 - &4 |
281 | IT &1: Letters in initials &2 are being converted/deleted |
282 | IT &1: House number is missing |
283 | IT 0002: Characters from &1 (field &2) will not be sent |
284 | IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond w/ SoFi No. &2 in infotype 0060 |
285 | IT 0059: Invalid value &1 in field "ZVW" Code in period &2 - &3 |
286 | Selection period is outside validity interval of wage return |
287 | No ISO country indicator found in table T005 for country indicator (&1) |
288 | &1: Required element (risk group sector) has no value |
289 | &1 : Invalid code for nature of work relationship (code: &2) |
290 | &1 : Invalid code for phase schedule F&&Z (code: &2) |
291 | &1 : 'Zvw' insurance rel'ship code (&2) does not match WT table code (&3) |
292 | &1 : 'Zvw' insurance rel'ship code (&2) does not match WT table code (&3) |
293 | &1 : Invalid collective agreement code (code: &2) |
294 | &1 : Code for effect of insurance obligation is invalid (code: &2) |
295 | Country identifier (&1) in table T005 not found |
296 | Infotype &1: House number (&2) is too long |
297 | IT &1: Nationality is missing |
298 | IT &1: Gender of employee is missing |
299 | IT &1: invalid or empty income indicator (Code: &2) |
300 | 300 up to and incl. 309: Reserved for RPULALN0 |
301 | No return found with status "To Be Sent" |
310 | 310 up to and incl. 339: Reserved for XML generator |
311 | Table &1 is inconsistent |
312 | No more than 1 return period allowed per return |
313 | Invalid indicator number &1 |
314 | Date has initial value |
320 | 320 till 339: reserved for RPULAEN0 (Extensive Checks) |
321 | &1: conditional forced elem. Code Phase Scheduling F&S has no value |
340 | 340 up to and incl. 390: Reserved for HCIB return |
341 | Wrong status for HCIB return |
342 | Conversion of value &1 from HCIB transfer file to field &2 not possible |
343 | No person available with birth date &1 |
344 | Payroll taxes number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person |
345 | Citizen Service Number/Sofi No. &1 used multiple times in infotype &2 |
346 | Health Care Insurance Board ID &1 used multiple times in infotype 0059 |
347 | Multiple persons found with birth date &1 |
348 | Legal person &1 in CVZ_ORGCDE differs from LP &2 of HCIB file name |
349 | Legal person &1 in infotype 001 differs from LP &3 of HCIB file name |
350 | Error reading/writing HCIB file: database/file not changed |
351 | Personnel number not found |
352 | Lines read |
353 | Persons identified |
354 | Persons not identified |
355 | Infotype &1 not Found |
356 | HCIB extractor period &1 is not the most current payroll period |
357 | No input found for processing in table P05T_CVZ_REG |
358 | Selected registrations/deregistrations or updates |
359 | Processed registrations/deregistrations or updates |
360 | Incorrect registrations/deregistrations or updates |
361 | No deduction amounts found |
362 | Person records changed |
363 | Selected persons |
364 | Birth date &1 from IT0002 does not match birth date &2 of HCIB |
365 | HCIB ID '&1' from IT0059 does not match HCIB ID '&2' in HCIB file |
366 | CSN &1 from IT &2 does not match CSN &3 in HCIB file |
367 | Nominal HCIB premium in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2 |
368 | HCIB indication in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2 |
369 | Entries for registration created |
370 | Entries for deregistration created |
371 | Entry for registration in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1) |
372 | Entry for deregistration in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1) |
373 | Factor '&1' from IT0059 does not match factor '&2' in HCIB file |
374 | Table T5N9H has not been maintained for the HCIB |
375 | Insured is deceased (date &1) |
376 | DT_OVERL &1 from IT0000 does not match CVZ_DT_OVERL &2 in HCIB file |
377 | Cannot establish country of residence using IT0006 |
378 | Insured lives in the Netherlands |
379 | Country of residence &1 does not match &2 from HCIB file |
380 | Personnel number found twice in transfer file |
381 | Entry for update in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1) |
382 | Entries for update created |
390 | 390 up to and incl.439: reserved for Day-one-announcement |
391 | Selected data from P05T_EDM_PERSOON table |
392 | Created Day-one-announcements |
393 | Incorrect data in P05T_EDM_PERSOON table |
394 | (SoFi no. &1) Day-one-announcement has been created |
395 | If the CSN/SoFi No. has been entered, birth date must also be entered |
396 | If the CSN/SoFi No. has been entered, last name must also be entered |
397 | Cannot update P05T_EDM_PERSOON table |
398 | Cannot save Day-one-announcement-> Repeat report RPCEDMN0 |
399 | Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_OUT in FILE transaction |
400 | Zip all files that begin with 'EM&1*' to a file with '&2' |
401 | Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_IN in FILE transaction |
402 | No XML files found in directory &1 of the application server |
403 | Response message &1 has been successfully parsed |
404 | Response message &1 cannot be parsed |
405 | Response message &1; Line: &2; column: &3; &4 |
406 | Response message &1: unknown version &2 |
407 | XML file &1 is not a response message |
408 | Response message &1: Type &2 is not allowed for Day-one-announcements |
409 | Response message &1 was already processed and will not be processed again |
410 | Response message &1: incorrect message type, message not processed |
411 | Response message &1: not for Day-one-announcement (EDM) |
412 | Day-one-announcement for the employment that begins with &1 has errors |
413 | ZIP file &1 for the Day-one-announcements contains errors |
414 | ZIP file &1 has been received successfully |
415 | Response message &1: invalid item in element ReferId &2 |
416 | Response message &1 does not belong to the selection in the B2A manager |
417 | Response message &1: status in B2A manager is invalid |
418 | Response message &1: Status in B2A manager cannot be changed |
419 | File &1 cannot be opened |
420 | Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_DONE in FILE transaction |
421 | File &1 cannot be deleted from the original directory &2 |
422 | File &1 cannot be moved from &2 to target directory &3 |
423 | Cannot find B2A manager input with B2A ID &1 |
424 | No legal person selected for the Day-one-announcement (EDM) |
425 | (SoFi number &1) Day-one-announcement (EDM) has not been created |
426 | No Valid Rights for Legal Person &1! |
427 | The response message could not be opened (error code: &1) |
440 | 440 up to and incl. 499: Reserved for data extractor (2nd part) |
441 | No valid IR Number was found during system transfer |
442 | Leper &1: System transfer &2 after earliest return period &3 not allowed |
443 | Date of system transfer is in the future |
444 | IR start date (&1) is after the end-of-period date (&2) |
445 | Legal Person &1 Was Terminated in Period &2 |
446 | Leper &1 Was Terminated in Period &2, but Payroll Results in Period &3 |
447 | Leper &1 Was Terminated in Period &2, but Ext. Data in Period &3 |
448 | Legal Person &1 Was Terminated via T5N14, but Payroll Results Found |
449 | Test mode: Return for LEPER &1 created, per. &3/&2 not actually closed |
450 | End of IR of flexiworker, but reason code end of IR has not been set |
500 | 500-509: Reserved for Employee Annual Tax Statement (New) |
501 | No data on Payroll Taxes available |
502 | Person does n. belong to selected legal persons or does not have IT 0001 |
503 | Person has no legal person (LEPER) |
504 | No taxable wage found in Payroll Taxes |
505 | A newer, open wage tax return exists for this person |
506 | Newest in-period also contains a COJ for an earlier year |
510 | 510-519: Reserved for RPCLALN1 / RPCLADN1 (Return Viewer) |
511 | Use report RPCLALN1 to display payroll taxes return data |
512 | No status selected |
513 | Begin and/or end of download range is not initial |
514 | Selected download range is invalid |
515 | Cannot open TemSe object |
516 | Cannot delete TemSe object |
517 | Cannot close TemSe object |
518 | No Microsoft Excel application found |
519 | No payroll taxes return found! |
520 | 520-539: Reserved for annual wage return |
521 | Several legal persons have payroll taxes number &1 at the same time |
522 | Cannot add legal person &1, authorisation required |
523 | Legal person &1 will be added automatically |
524 | File for payroll taxes number &1 will be saved under &2 |
525 | No record found in table &1 for period &2/&3 |
526 | Selected income relationships for payroll taxes number &1 |
527 | Processed income relationships for payroll taxes number &1 |
528 | IR's for legal person &1, return for &2 in &3 (seqnr. &4) |
529 | No payroll taxes return available for &1 |
530 | Legal person &1 is blocked from annual wage return |
540 | 540-549: Reserved for RPCLALN1 / RPCLADN1 (Return Viewer) Part 2 |
541 | Invalid user rights: cannot download payroll taxes return data |
550 | 550 Up To and Incl. 569: Reserved for RPCLAKN0 2nd Part |
551 | Payroll taxes number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person |
552 | File &1 cannot be moved from &2 to target directory &3 |
553 | Wage tax return file for legal person &1 received by tax authority |
554 | Wage tax return file for legal person &1 rejected by tax authority |
555 | Warning for wage tax return file for legal person &1 received |
570 | 570 till 579: reserved for RPCLAXN0 |
571 | PP Conversion Date from &1 to &2 impossible, view Documentation |
572 | Sector Conversion Date from &1 to &2 impossible, view Documentation |