HRPAYNLLA - Meldingen voor Loonaangifte Nederland

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNLLA: Meldingen voor Loonaangifte Nederland.
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
Message Nr
Message Text
000000 to 029: Reserved for Maintaining External Data
001Payroll Period &1/&2 is Invalid for Period Parameter &3
002Reper &1 Invalid on &2
003Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 is being Created
004Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 has already Been Created
005Period &1/&2 Lies after the Current Return Period &3/&4
006Missing For-period will Be Filled in with In-period
007For-period may not lie after the In-period
008Indicator &1 not Allowed (Use the F4 Help)
009Indicator &1 on &2 not Allowed (Use the F4 Help)
010For Legal Person &1, the Return for Period &2 is not Possible
011Legal Person &1 at End Date &2 of Period &3 not Valid (PERMO = &4)
012No Data Available; Indicators are Proposed
013No Autocheck Possible: LePer &1 is Allocated to RePer &2
014Not All Data Is Displayed (Insufficient Authorizations for LePer &1)
030030 to 039: Reserved for Function Group HRPAYNLLA
031Wage Return Tables are Inconsistent
032Cannot Determine Return Period (no Data in T549Q)
033Internal Error &1 in Function Module &2
034Return Frequency for Legal Person &1 not Set Up
035Indicator &1 Cannot Be Read
036Indicate if a RePer or a LePer
037Global ID not Found
038No Condition Allowed
039Invalid customizing in T549Q for PerMo &1, return period &3/&2
040040 to 079: Reserved for Data Extractor
041Selected Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2
042Processed Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2
043Rejected Income Relationships for Legal Person &1, Payroll Period &2
044Invalid Status for Current Return Period: &1
045'Only Process errors': Actual Return Period is not yet Created
046Error with Reading Legal Person on &1
047Contact for Legal Person &1 not Found
048Payroll Area &1: Status '&2' of Period &3/&4 Inconsistent
049Wage Return Tables are Inconsistent
050Return for RePer &1, Period &2/&3 not Processed (Invalid Status)
051Period Modifier &1 not Found in Table T549R
052Return Frequency &1 and Payroll Frequency &2 cannot Be Synchronized
053Invalid Payroll Periodicity: &1
054Return Frequency is not Identical for all Legal Persons (&1)
055Period &1/&2 is not the Actual Return Period of Legal Person &3
056Infotype &1 not Found
057No Rights for Infotype &1
058Period &1/&2: Incomplete Data for Table &3
059No Valid Authorizations for Legal Person &1
060RP &1, Return Period &2/&3 is Blocked for the Data Extractor
061Legal Person &1, Period &2/&3: Incomplete Data for Table &4
062Test Mode: Status and Database Remain Unchanged
063Error converting &1 to &2
064Leper &1 and Related Reper &2 Have Different Names
065No Legal Persons Selected for Which You Have Authorizations
066External Data Are for LP &1, Return Period &2/&3 Blocked
067Personnel number (test) may only be filled in test mode
068IT 0808 does not exist in return period &1 - &2
069Country grouping &1 not found in table T005
070Initials &1 contain invalid characters
071Country grouping &1 not found in table T5N76
072Opened wage returns could not be closed
073Wage return for LP &1, period &2 has been closed correctly
074Ded. Emplymt Tax + Sum of FL - Sum of PR Not Greater Than 0
075Start date income relationship (LA-INDDA) is initial
076SI days (/370) were negative and have been set to `0'
077IR Number &1 originates in cluster /IT 0808
078IR Number &1 originates in Table P05T_NUMIV_CURR
079The new IR number &1 has been generated
080080 to 119: Reserved for XML Generator
081Busy Creating XML File; Time: &1, Date: &2, User: &3
082XML File Created without Errors; Time: &1, Date: &2
083XML File with Errors (Process Interrupted); Time: &1, Date: &2
084No Entry Found in Table p05t_xml_version on Key Date &1
085The Document is Saved in the TemSe under Object ID &1
086No Return with the Status 'New' with In-period &2 for LePer &1
087Error with Writing to the TemSe (Error Code: &1)
088Error with Reading Address Data of Contact RePer &1 on &2
089Error importing period end date &1/&2 for PERMO &3 in T549Q
090Test mode: Status and TemSe object update is deactivated
091Document stored in client under file name &1
092No original period in return for LePer &3 and period &1/&2
093Error converting status tables P05T_*_ADM_STAT
094Status tables P05T_*_ADM_STAT successfully converted
095Inconsistent collective return; period &1/&2, SEQNO &3, RePer &4
096Ind. "PrAWF" found with empty redundancy pay scheme table "P05T_AE_WGF"
097No Return Found with the Status 'New'
098Summary: &1 of the &2 Selected LePers Successfully Processed
099 &1 of the &2 Selected LePers with Errors
100Inconsistent income period; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
101Start date (P05T_IV_INKPER-BEGDA) is initial
102Unknown special indicator &1 (P05T_IV_INKPER-SA)
103Legal Person &1, for &2 (period &3/&4)
104Processed For-Periods
105Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2
106Inconsistent nominative return; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
107"PrUFO", "PrAWF" or "PrWgf" must not occur simultaneously
108Inconsistent initial income relationship; period &1/&2, period No. &3
109No income period found for this person
110&1 is inconsistent in period &2, for &3 legal person &4
111Inconsist.adjustment balance (P05T_AE_CORSALDO); period &1/&2, RePer &
112No entry found in table T549Q for period &1/&2
113XML tag &1 is filled with an initial value from field &2
114Local download in XML Composer is only permitted in test mode
115Inconsistent reversal; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
116No indication or IR number or PersNo found in table "P05T_iv_adm"
117Cannot convert value "&1" to data type "&2"
118"PrUFO" and "PrAWF" may not occur simultaneously
119Error during client download:
120120 to 159: Reserved for CL_HR_B2A_NL_ST_LA06 (B2A Manager)
121Return Successfully Downloaded to Application Server &1
122Error with Downloading the Return
123Send the data and run the program again
124XML generation successfully scheduled; job name: &1, job number: &2
125Error scheduling XML generation
126Time: &2 , Date: &1 , User: &3
127Return successfully downloaded to local PC
128File name: &1
129Application server: &1
130Personnel number: &1
160160 to 169: Reserved for RPCLAAN0 (Close Wage Return)
161LP &1: Return does not have the correct status
162LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Does not Have the Status 'Sent'
163LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Could not Be Blocked
164LP &1: Wage Return for Return Period &2/&3 Closed
165Test Mode: No Change in Status
166LP &1: Entry in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Does not Have Status 'To Be Sent'
167LP &1: Entry in B2A Mgr Does not Have Status 'In Process - Downloaded'
168LP &1: Wage Return is Set to 'Sent' for Return Period &2/&3
170170 to 189: Reserved for RPCLAFN0 (Error Classification)
171Restriction using per. nos only possible for errors in data extractor
172LP &1 (&2/&3): Wage Return Set to 'Error' in Data Extractor
173LP &1 (&2/&3): Wage Return Set to 'Error' when Generating XML File
174LP &1: No Valid Entry Found in Table P05T_AE_ADM_STAT
175LP &1: No XML created, but "Error in XML File" selected
176LP &1: Check whether return for &2/&3 must also be set to 'Error'
177LP &1: Check whether adjustment for &2 must also be set to 'Error'
180Response message has already been processed
181Response message does not belong to the selected wage return
182File does not have XML structure
183Confirmation of Receipt Expected instead of an Error Message
184Response message could not be opened
185Response message could not be opened
186The Processed Message is not a Response Message
187Error Message Expected instead of a Confirmation of Receipt
188The Selected Wage Return does not Have the Status 'Sent'
189Insufficient authorization to process response message for LePer &1
190Response message processing successfully simulated
191Response message &1 successfully processed for LePer &2
192Response message with version &1 cannot be processed
193XML file is not a response message
194Resp.mess.does not belong to curr.wage return and has not been processed
195Response message cannot be processed: Incorrect B2A Manager status
196Response message belongs to LePer &1, not to the selected LePer
197Response message cannot be processed: incorrect type &1
198Response message processed
199Error Occurred While Processing File
200200 up to and incl. 249: Reserved for RPULACN0 (wage return check report)
201Feature &1: '****' is an invalid value
202Feature &1: Only example of SAP customizing
203LePer &1 not found in table T001P
204Feature &1: LePer &2 and RePer &3 do not have the same technical name
205Feature &1: LePer &2 is not valid in return period &3 - &4
206Feature &1: No valid relation for RePer &2 in return period &3 - &4
207Feature &1: No tax authority relation for LP &2 in period &3 - &4
208Feature &1: Tax authority RePer &2 not found
209Feature &1: No date found for LePer &2
210Feature &1, LePer &2: date &3 lies before validity date &4 (LA06)
211Feature &1: Validity could not be checked for LePer &2
212Incomplete entry in SAP table &1
213Invalid risk group &1 in table T5N12
214No entry in &1 for REPER &2
215LP &1: Invalid sector &2 in table T5N14
216LP &1: Invalid PerMo &2 in table T5N14
217Feature &1, LePer &2: date &3 lies before RePer validity date &4
218LP &1: There is no entry in &4 between &2 and &3
219LP &1: No SI group &2 found in T5N1L
220LP &1: The combination sector &2 and risk group &3 does not exist
221LP &1: SoFi number &2 cannot be validated
222LP &1: Registration Number Not Found
223LP &1: Invalid Registration Number: &2
224LP &1: Withholding Agent Name Not Found
225LP &1: Withholding Agent Name Not Found in Language &2
226LP &1: No Data Found for Contact
227LP &1: Error Importing Contact
228LP &1: No Name Found for Contact &2
229LP &1: No Telephone Number Found for Contact &2
230Feature &1: No Errors Found
231Standard Customizing: No Errors Found
232Table &1: No invalid entries found
233Relationship Management: No errors found
234P_NL_LA06: Unlimited access to legal person &1
235P_NL_LA06: Access to legal person &1 only allowed in read mode
236P_NL_LA06: Legal person &1 may not be changed
237LP &1: Invalid length for telephone number &3 of contact &2
238Parameter &1 missing in table V_T50BK
239Incomplete entry in SAP table &1, subapplication &2
240Incomplete entry in customizing table &1
241Wage return valid from &1 to &2
242Trans. FILE: Variable &1 has path &2
243LP &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2
244SI group &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2
245LP &1: Identical payroll taxes number as LP &2 between &3 and &4
246RP &1: different return frequencies (&2, &3) in &4 in table T5N14
250250 up to and incl. 254: Reserved for RPULADN0 (delete wage return)
251Deleting wage returns not allowed in production
252Selected wage returns of legal person &1 will be deleted
253Current wage return does not exist for legal person &1
255255 up to and incl. 299: Reserved for RPULAEN0 (extended checks) -> 320
256IT &1: No LePer &2 found in table T5N14
257IT &1: LePer &2 and LePer &3 do not have the same technical name
258IT &1: LePer &2 is not valid in return period &3 - &4
259IT &1 does not exist in return period &2 - &3
260No errors found
261IT &1: Country indicator missing
262IT &1: Street name is missing
263IT &1: City is missing
264IT &1: Postal code is missing
265IT &1: SI group is missing
266IT &1: No sector &2 / risk group &3 found in table T5N13
267IT &1: CSN [BSN] number is missing
268No valid country indicator found for the Netherlands in table T005
269IT &1: Invalid indicator in house number &2
270IT &1: Supplement is filled; house number is missing
271IT &1: Infotype maintained (&3) for date of birth (&2)
272IT &1: Insured in &2; however, falls outside age group
273IT &1: &2 not filled; however income code is equal to &3
274IT &1: &2 not filled, however, LP sector &3 is equal to "52"
275IT &1: Invalid country grouping &2 in field &3
276IT &1: Invalid character in initials &2
277IT &1: Last name is missing
278IT &1: Date of birth is missing
279IT &1: Person is locked between &2 and &3
280IT 0060: Double CSN [BSN] with &1 (&2) in period &3 - &4
281IT &1: Letters in initials &2 are being converted/deleted
282IT &1: House number is missing
283IT 0002: Characters from &1 (field &2) will not be sent
284IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond w/ SoFi No. &2 in infotype 0060
285IT 0059: Invalid value &1 in field "ZVW" Code in period &2 - &3
286Selection period is outside validity interval of wage return
287No ISO country indicator found in table T005 for country indicator (&1)
288&1: Required element (risk group sector) has no value
289&1 : Invalid code for nature of work relationship (code: &2)
290&1 : Invalid code for phase schedule F&&Z (code: &2)
291&1 : 'Zvw' insurance rel'ship code (&2) does not match WT table code (&3)
292&1 : 'Zvw' insurance rel'ship code (&2) does not match WT table code (&3)
293&1 : Invalid collective agreement code (code: &2)
294&1 : Code for effect of insurance obligation is invalid (code: &2)
295Country identifier (&1) in table T005 not found
296Infotype &1: House number (&2) is too long
297IT &1: Nationality is missing
298IT &1: Gender of employee is missing
299IT &1: invalid or empty income indicator (Code: &2)
300300 up to and incl. 309: Reserved for RPULALN0
301No return found with status "To Be Sent"
310310 up to and incl. 339: Reserved for XML generator
311Table &1 is inconsistent
312No more than 1 return period allowed per return
313Invalid indicator number &1
314Date has initial value
320320 till 339: reserved for RPULAEN0 (Extensive Checks)
321&1: conditional forced elem. Code Phase Scheduling F&S has no value
340340 up to and incl. 390: Reserved for HCIB return
341Wrong status for HCIB return
342Conversion of value &1 from HCIB transfer file to field &2 not possible
343No person available with birth date &1
344Payroll taxes number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person
345Citizen Service Number/Sofi No. &1 used multiple times in infotype &2
346Health Care Insurance Board ID &1 used multiple times in infotype 0059
347Multiple persons found with birth date &1
348Legal person &1 in CVZ_ORGCDE differs from LP &2 of HCIB file name
349Legal person &1 in infotype 001 differs from LP &3 of HCIB file name
350Error reading/writing HCIB file: database/file not changed
351Personnel number not found
352Lines read
353Persons identified
354Persons not identified
355Infotype &1 not Found
356HCIB extractor period &1 is not the most current payroll period
357No input found for processing in table P05T_CVZ_REG
358Selected registrations/deregistrations or updates
359Processed registrations/deregistrations or updates
360Incorrect registrations/deregistrations or updates
361No deduction amounts found
362Person records changed
363Selected persons
364Birth date &1 from IT0002 does not match birth date &2 of HCIB
365HCIB ID '&1' from IT0059 does not match HCIB ID '&2' in HCIB file
366CSN &1 from IT &2 does not match CSN &3 in HCIB file
367Nominal HCIB premium in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2
368HCIB indication in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2
369Entries for registration created
370Entries for deregistration created
371Entry for registration in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1)
372Entry for deregistration in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1)
373Factor '&1' from IT0059 does not match factor '&2' in HCIB file
374Table T5N9H has not been maintained for the HCIB
375Insured is deceased (date &1)
376DT_OVERL &1 from IT0000 does not match CVZ_DT_OVERL &2 in HCIB file
377Cannot establish country of residence using IT0006
378Insured lives in the Netherlands
379Country of residence &1 does not match &2 from HCIB file
380Personnel number found twice in transfer file
381Entry for update in P05T_CVZ_REG created (Reason: &1)
382Entries for update created
390390 up to and incl.439: reserved for Day-one-announcement
391Selected data from P05T_EDM_PERSOON table
392Created Day-one-announcements
393Incorrect data in P05T_EDM_PERSOON table
394(SoFi no. &1) Day-one-announcement has been created
395If the CSN/SoFi No. has been entered, birth date must also be entered
396If the CSN/SoFi No. has been entered, last name must also be entered
397Cannot update P05T_EDM_PERSOON table
398Cannot save Day-one-announcement-> Repeat report RPCEDMN0
399Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_OUT in FILE transaction
400Zip all files that begin with 'EM&1*' to a file with '&2'
401Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_IN in FILE transaction
402No XML files found in directory &1 of the application server
403Response message &1 has been successfully parsed
404Response message &1 cannot be parsed
405Response message &1; Line: &2; column: &3; &4
406Response message &1: unknown version &2
407XML file &1 is not a response message
408Response message &1: Type &2 is not allowed for Day-one-announcements
409Response message &1 was already processed and will not be processed again
410Response message &1: incorrect message type, message not processed
411Response message &1: not for Day-one-announcement (EDM)
412Day-one-announcement for the employment that begins with &1 has errors
413ZIP file &1 for the Day-one-announcements contains errors
414ZIP file &1 has been received successfully
415Response message &1: invalid item in element ReferId &2
416Response message &1 does not belong to the selection in the B2A manager
417Response message &1: status in B2A manager is invalid
418Response message &1: Status in B2A manager cannot be changed
419File &1 cannot be opened
420Could not find path HR_NL_EDM_DONE in FILE transaction
421File &1 cannot be deleted from the original directory &2
422File &1 cannot be moved from &2 to target directory &3
423Cannot find B2A manager input with B2A ID &1
424No legal person selected for the Day-one-announcement (EDM)
425(SoFi number &1) Day-one-announcement (EDM) has not been created
426No Valid Rights for Legal Person &1!
427The response message could not be opened (error code: &1)
440440 up to and incl. 499: Reserved for data extractor (2nd part)
441No valid IR Number was found during system transfer
442Leper &1: System transfer &2 after earliest return period &3 not allowed
443Date of system transfer is in the future
444IR start date (&1) is after the end-of-period date (&2)
445Legal Person &1 Was Terminated in Period &2
446Leper &1 Was Terminated in Period &2, but Payroll Results in Period &3
447Leper &1 Was Terminated in Period &2, but Ext. Data in Period &3
448Legal Person &1 Was Terminated via T5N14, but Payroll Results Found
449Test mode: Return for LEPER &1 created, per. &3/&2 not actually closed
450End of IR of flexiworker, but reason code end of IR has not been set
500500-509: Reserved for Employee Annual Tax Statement (New)
501No data on Payroll Taxes available
502Person does n. belong to selected legal persons or does not have IT 0001
503Person has no legal person (LEPER)
504No taxable wage found in Payroll Taxes
505A newer, open wage tax return exists for this person
506Newest in-period also contains a COJ for an earlier year
510510-519: Reserved for RPCLALN1 / RPCLADN1 (Return Viewer)
511Use report RPCLALN1 to display payroll taxes return data
512No status selected
513Begin and/or end of download range is not initial
514Selected download range is invalid
515Cannot open TemSe object
516Cannot delete TemSe object
517Cannot close TemSe object
518No Microsoft Excel application found
519No payroll taxes return found!
520520-539: Reserved for annual wage return
521Several legal persons have payroll taxes number &1 at the same time
522Cannot add legal person &1, authorisation required
523Legal person &1 will be added automatically
524File for payroll taxes number &1 will be saved under &2
525No record found in table &1 for period &2/&3
526Selected income relationships for payroll taxes number &1
527Processed income relationships for payroll taxes number &1
528IR's for legal person &1, return for &2 in &3 (seqnr. &4)
529No payroll taxes return available for &1
530Legal person &1 is blocked from annual wage return
540540-549: Reserved for RPCLALN1 / RPCLADN1 (Return Viewer) Part 2
541Invalid user rights: cannot download payroll taxes return data
550550 Up To and Incl. 569: Reserved for RPCLAKN0 2nd Part
551Payroll taxes number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person
552File &1 cannot be moved from &2 to target directory &3
553Wage tax return file for legal person &1 received by tax authority
554Wage tax return file for legal person &1 rejected by tax authority
555Warning for wage tax return file for legal person &1 received
570570 till 579: reserved for RPCLAXN0
571PP Conversion Date from &1 to &2 impossible, view Documentation
572Sector Conversion Date from &1 to &2 impossible, view Documentation
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