HRPAYNLLA_EN - Error Messages for Wage Return NL

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNLLA_EN: Error Messages for Wage Return NL.
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
Message Nr
Message Text
000000 to 099: Reserved for Customizing Consistency Check Messages
001LP &1: Invalid length for telephone number &3 of contact &2
002For income code &1, work relationship type code must be 18
003Inconsistent values; check Income Ind. 43 and BedrAlInWWB
004Inconsistent values; check Income Ind. 43 and BedrRchtAl
005Inconsistent values; check Sector & Redndncy Pay Scheme (Wachtgeldfonds)
006LP &1: own-risk bearer for sickness reporting but no excluded indicators
007Invalid customizing in V_P05T_JWN_TXT for &1
008Invalid legal person
009LP &1 reuses the wage tax number of LP &2 between &3 and &4
010LP &1 changes the wage tax number from &2 to &3
011LP &1 and LP &2 have the same wage tax number between &3 and &4
012CSN [BSN] &1 is also used for employee &2 in period &3 - &4
013Enter at least one valid legal person
014LP &1: Return frequency not set up for year &2
015Wage return for legal person &1, year &2 not yet closed
016Legal persons without closed wage return removed from selection
017Selection include legal persons without closed wage return
018Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 21, while IRS is &2
019Invalid code &1 in "F and S Phase Categorization". Value will be cleared.
020LP &1: No entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is new
021LP &1: Check whether the System Transfer activation is justified
022LP &1: First period extracted without System Transfer; be sure this is OK
023LP &1: First period extracted without System Transfer; be sure this is OK
024LP &1: System Transfer is on for an already existing LP
025LP &1: No valid entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is not new
026LP &1: Number of employees and entries in P05T_MAX_NUMIV differ > 10%
027LP &1: No valid entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is not new
028No print of Annual Tax Statement as set in infotype ESS Settings (IT0655)
029Date of system transfer is in the future
030LP &1: System transfer after earliest return period not allowed
031Employee has multiple CSN [BSN] numbers assigned: &1 and &2
032Due to CSN[BSN] change retrocalculation of previous period(s) is required
033Internal error &1 in &2
034The selected folder &1 is empty
035Folder &1 should contain at least one XML file in format LA*, LP*, LC*
036LP &1 was not selected
037The file to be uploaded must have the same name as the downloaded one
038XML file corrupted
039There is still a previous record with a valid BSN
040Earliest wage return correction date reached
041No data found fulfilling the selection criteria
042Test mode selected, database not updated
043Upload a file in .csv format
044For CSN [BSN] &1, no employee was found
045The .csv file must contain the required number of columns
046Legal person &1 does not match the one in infotype 0001
047Wage tax number &1 not found in the relationship management
048Multiple occurrences for the same personnel number in .csv file
049For CSN [BSN] &1, different highest assigned IR number found
050CSN [BSN] &1 does not match the one in infotype 0002
051No infotype &1 record(s) found at the migration date
052Highest assigned IR number &1 is lower than IR number &2
053Invalid date format
054IR Split type &1 is not allowed
055For IR split type &1, the value of the tax table must be 2 (green)
056More than one IR number with same start date is not allowed
057The value of tax table must be either 1 (white) or 2 (green)
058End date must be greater than the start date
059The values of the highest assigned IR numbers must be equal
060Error(s) in .csv file, database not updated
061LP &1: Legal Person not included in table V_P05T_LA_SYCHNG
062CSN [BSN] &1 is assigned to multiple personnel numbers
063Invalid or missing data in line number &1
064File does not contain the required column header line
065This process is on hold due to a B2A break point
066CSN [BSN] &1 is assigned to multiple personnel no. with same IR number
067Database updated successfully
068CSN[BSN] number assigned in infotype 0002, but no value provided in file
069LP &1: System transfer on &2.
070Process only one new legal person for system transfer.
071LP &1: Migration date &2 before date &3 defined in table V_P05T_LA_SYCHNG
072More than one entry with same IR number is not allowed
073Migration for legal person &1 is not allowed
074IT &3: Temporary contract end date &1 passed
075IT 0060: End of 30% regulation &1 passed
076IT &3: Presumed end of incidental income reduction &1 passed
077Wage type &1 not assigned to cumulation class 29, but IR split type is &2
078Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 44, but IR split type is &2
079Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 45, but IR split type is &2
080Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 21 (IRS &2) and INDWAO = N
081Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 22 (IRS &2) and INDWAO = N
082Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 19 (IRS &2) and INDWW = N
083Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 20 (IRS &2) and INDWW = N
084Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 17 (IRS &2) and INDZW = N
085Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 18 (IRS &2) and INDZW = N
086You have assigned the same split type &1 in all entries of V_P05T_IRS_WT
087Wage types &1, &2 and &3 must have the same IR split type &4
088Assign wage type &1 with cuml. class 29 to split type B, C, E, H, I or J
089Feature &1: configure legal person &2 in view V_T5N14
090LP &1 not found in table T001P
091LP &1: name of representing legal person not found in logon language &2
092CSN [BSN] must be provided for Special Employee Group &1 (IT0060-AUSNA)
093As there is premium wage for Aof, SI wage must be available
094LbTab is set to value 999 as there is no taxable wage
095Premium WKO is missing
096Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 17, while IRS is &2
097Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 18, while IRS is &2
098Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 19, while IRS is &2
099Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 20, while IRS is &2
100100 to 119: Reserved for Responsemessage Parser
101"Verwerkbaar" message received for leg.pers. &1 (In-Period &2, For &3)
102LP &1: Status converted to '&2'
114Local download in LA-Composer is only permitted in test mode
120120 to 199: Reserved for RPCLAVNO (Data extractor)
121LePer &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer of EUR &4 SI reduction to next period
122Lgl prsn &1:EUR &2 SI red. &3 incld in employer data for next wage return
123Lgl prsn &1:For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet settled for SI red. &4 WW/AWF
124Lgl prsn &1: For yr &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red.&4 WW/AWF
125Lgl prsn &1:For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet distributed for SI red. &4 WAO
126Lgl prsn &1: For year &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red. &4 WAO
127Leg.per. &1 (&3/&2): WAO basic premium not zero but premium wage is zero
128Leg.per. &1 (&3/&2): WAO diff. premium not zero but premium wage is zero
129Premium Ufo paid, even though Reduced Pay Old Regulation selected
130Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. AGH to next period
131Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Hrg Eld. Emp to next prd
132Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Empl Eld. Emp to next prd
133Lgl prsn &1: For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet settled for SI red. &4
134Lgl prsn &1: For yr &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red. &4
135Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2: second ICR (begda &3) for LCS withdrawal created
136LP &1: earliest wage return correction date reached for year &2
137Final levy can only be reported for for-period 03/2013 or 03/2014
138Legal prsn &1, Prd &2: Second ICR(Start Date&3) for Zvw EE and ER created
139Legal person &1: In period &2 second IR created with start date &3
140Error during client download
141Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Hrg Young Emp to next prd
142Wage Tax + Final Levies - Premium Reductions = negative in period &2
143Legal person &1: external data for return period &2/&3 is blocked
150Legal Prs &1: SI group &2, no ER prcnt. found at SI No. &3 in T5N1L on &4
151Leg.per. &1: CSN number &2 cannot be validated
152IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond with CSN &2 in infotype 0060
153Simultaneous use of White and Green wage, but subappl. AKVG is not active
154Simultaneous use of White and Green wage, but no wage type to split IR
155Tax table color according to field ST table differs from tax table
156indicated by wage-type of employee
157Corr. of remun. hours (/DG2) results in negative hours. Zero is reported.
158Duplicate records existed in P05T_IV_INKPER. Contact SAP Support
161Confirmation response saved
162Status converted to 'Return sent'
163Status converted to 'Confirmation received'
164Status converted to 'XML downloaded'
165Fault message saved
166LP &1: SBR customizing is changed from '&2' to '&3' but neglected
167LP &1 received confirmation with kenmerk &2
168Send now the data and continue the process
169Response message belongs to Legal Person &1, not to the selected one
170File name: &1&2&3&4
171Feature &1: There is no customer version available
172Feature &1: Check the decision tree
173LP &1 for &2 set to error because of error in LP &3 in &4
174LP &1 for &2 set to error because of error in other legal person
180Response message &1 has already been processed
182File &1 does not have XML structure
186The processed message &1 is not a response message
191Resp.message &1 successfully processed for leg.pers. &2 (In &3, For &4)
192Response message &2 with version &1 cannot be processed
193XML file &1 is not a response message
195Resp. msg &1 cannot be proc.: Incorrect B2A Mgr status for &2 (&3, &4)
197Response message &2 cannot be processed; incorrect type &1
198File &1 successfully processed for LP &2
200200 to 219: Reserverd for Employer's data (RPUTAEN0_UPDATE etc.)
201Manual maintenance of SI reduction only allowed at end of the year
202Enter a valid year (&1 or later)
203Wage type &1 does not exist
220220 to 239: Reserved for XML Composer (RPCLASN0)
221No Wage Return found with B2A-Status "Values Cumulated"
222Inconsistent balancing; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
223Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2 (TijdvakAangifte)
224Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2 (TijdvakHerstel)
225B2A Status "Values Cumulated" inconsistent - no balanced values found
226Invalid transmission method &1
227LP &1: <DatAanv> changed at least once by BAdI HR_NL_LA_NUMIV_ATTR
238Payroll area &1 not set to EXIT (or closed) for wage return period &4
239The wage return period &4 is not compatible with payroll period &3
240240 to 259: Reserved for Wage Return Utility Reports (RPCLAFN0 etc.)
241LP &1: "Error in XML" selected, but values not yet cumulated
242No selected wage return can be sent or downloaded
244SI group &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2
245No entry in &1 for representing legal person &2
246LP &2: Earliest return on &3 in feat. &1 is before Rep.Leg.Pers. start &4
247LP &1: There is no entry in &4 between &2 and &3
248LP &1: Wage tax number &2 is incorrect
259IT &1 does not exist in (part of the) return period &2 - &3
260260 to 279:Reserved for Wage Return Views (FUGR 0PN8)
261Legal correction relevance (V_P05T_CORR_REL) may not be overridden
272IT &1 still insured in &2 but beyond AOW age
273IT &1 still insured in &2 but beyond AOW age
274IT &1: Dis.Pers.SI Red. period ended. Clear corresponding fields
280280 to 329:Reserved for Wage Return Balancer (RPCLACN0)
281The Unambiguous Wage Return is not valid for year &1
282RP &1, Return Period &2/&3 is Blocked for the Wage Return Balancer
283RP &1, The Data Extracter has not been executed for Return Period &2/&3
284RP &1, No Record with Status 'New' in Return Table for Ret. Period &2/&3
285IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond with BSN &2 in infotype 0060
286IT 0002: The first digit of the CSN [BSN] may not be 8 or 9
321&1: conditional forced elem. Code Phase Scheduling F and S has no value
330330 to 399: Reserved for Work Cost Regulation (RPCWCRN0 & RPCWCEN0)
331Work Cost Regulation is not active for legal person &1 in year &2
332Missing entries in view V_T5N14_WCR for leg.pers. &1 between &2 and &3
333Invalid return value for legal person &1 in feature NLWCR
334Indicator &1 may not be deleted
335Wage return for LP &1 is blocked as the WCR process is not finished
336Data of legal person &1 can only be displayed; check authorizations
337Data of legal person &1 can only be displayed; modification is blocked
338Employer has leg.pers. &1 and &2; inconsistent return values in NLWCR
339Constant &1 does not exist in View V_T511K on reference date &2
340Calculation method &2 assigned to LP &1 in feature NLWCR does not exist
341Work Cost Regulation starts as of 2011; earlier year selected for LP &1
342WCR employer has multiple WCR leg.pers. (&1 and &2) in T5N14_WCR
343WCR Employer/WCR Concern &1 does not have a WCR reporting legal person
344Work Cost Regulation data has been successfully confirmed
345Leg.pers. &1: Confirmation failed; run WCR Extractor (RPCWCEN0) first
346Maintenance in future periods is not suppported
347Edit Mode activated
348Display Mode activated
349Period Parameter is &1. Allowed are only monthly (01) and 4-weekly (05)
350Work Cost Regulation code &1 is not valid
351Extracting WCR data is only allowed in Change Mode
352Confirming WCR data is only allowed in Change Mode
353This report may only be used within the context of RPCWCRN0
354Maintenance blocked for period &1/&2; wage return process already started
355Missing period customizing; regenerate for table T549Q
356No legal persons selected for which you have authorizations
357Extraction is only allowed in period &1/&2
358Confirmation is only allowed in period &1/&2
359The For-Period year is in the past
360The In-Period year must be greater than or equal to the For-Period year
361Legal person &1: feature NLWCR was changed during the year
362WCR not confirmed for LP &1 in &2
363The final settlement for &1 will be adjusted.
364Do you want to confirm the WCR data for &1?
365Only one WCR legal person can be assigned to employer &1 at the same time
366LP &1 changes from WCR Employer/WCR Concern &2 to &3 starting &4
367The WCR data for LP &1 is not confirmed. Please do before productive run.
368Employer &1 does not have a WCR legal person on &2
369Simulation not possible: at least one legal person changed the employer
370Period modifier is not identical for all legal persons (&1)
371Current in-period of legal person &1 not identical with legal person &2
372Legal person &1 ended in &2
373Feature NLWCR changed
374Data maintenance is not possible as legal person ends on period &1
375Final Levy calculated is different than Final Levy stored in database
376&1 found but &2 zero or not available
377Legal Prs &1: &2 found but &3 zero or not available on &4
378LP &1: WCR is mandatory. Register the final levy manually
379No data found for in-period &1, please use current in-period.
380Non-confirmed data for in-period &1 of legal person &2 will be deleted.
381Legal person &1 does not exist
382No payroll results available for period &1 / &2
383Data is confirmed; restart WCR Extractor (RPCWCEN0)
384Change of WCR Employer/Concern or Reporting Legal Person is not possible
385The LP &1 belonging to WCR employer/WCR concern &2 ended in &3
386Selected Legal Person reports WCR Final Levy yearly
387LP &1: WCR final levy reporting flag changes from &2 to &3 starting &4
388Report the WCR Final Levy of &1 EUR in January &2
389Green wages have been excluded from the earnings of legal person &1
390No valid legal person selected
391LP &1 uses communication method &2, not processable by this report
393Legal person &1 in concern &2 may not be ended during the year
394Notification methods B and D are not allowed when LP &1 is ending
395Payroll time unit is &1. Choose monthly(01) or 4-weekly(05) for WR/WCR
396WCR calculation method &2 assigned to LP &1 is not supported as of 2019
397WCR notification method &2 assigned to LP &1 is not supported as of 2019
398WCR notification method &2 assigned to LP &1 is only supported as of 2020
399LP &1: WCR regulation is mandatory. Adjust feature NLWCR for year &2
400400 to 409: Reserved for Jaarloonopgave (RPCLAJN0)
401Wage Return exists for legal person &1, year &2 and it is not closed yet
402No green wage exclusion, else earnings of legal person &1 are negative
410410 to 419: Reserved for Extractor for Ended Legal Persons (RPCLAEN0)
411Legal Person &1 has not been ended
412Legal Person &1 has been ended for a later in-period
413Legal Person &1 ends in table T5N14 later than in feature NLLA4
414Legal Person &1 must be ended in table T5N14 and in feature NLLA4
421Period &1 is not the most recent payroll period. Choose the most recent
422No deduction amounts found
423Wrong status for CAK return
424Error reading or writing CAK file: database and file not changed
425Conversion of value &1 from CAK transfer file to field &2 not possible
426Legal person (LP) &1 in CVZ_ORGCDE differs from LP &2 of CAK file name
427CAK ID &1 already assigned in infotype 0059
428Personnel number not found
429Legal person (LP) &1 in infotype 0001 differs from LP &3 of CAK file
430File in .zip format created; Time: &1, Date: &2
431The file &1 could not be created
432Country of residence &1 from IT0006 does not match &2 from CAK file
433CAK ID '&1' from IT0059 does not match CAK ID '&2' in CAK file
434Nominal CAK premium in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2
435CAK indication in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2
436Factor '&1' from IT0059 does not match factor '&2' in CAK file
437Birth date &1 from IT0002 does not match birth date &2 of CAK file
438BSN &1 from IT &2 does not match BSN &3 in the CAK file
439Insured is deceased (date &1)
440DT_OVERL &1 from IT0000 does not match CVZ_DT_OVERL &2 in CAK file
441Insured lives in the Netherlands
442Table T5N9H has not been maintained for the CAK
443Personnel number found twice in transfer file
444No input found for processing in table P05T_CVZ_REG
445LP &1 ends; last 'normal' wage return will be created in &2
446CAK Identification contains not allowed character &1. Field is cleared
447CAK Identification contains not allowed character &1
451The folder &1 is not valid
553"Acknowledgement" message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3)
554Error message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3)
555Warning message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3)
556Legal person &1 not customized in T5N14
557Status converted to 'Return downloaded'
558LP &1: Status response from Tax Office not yet available
559Wage tax number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person
560Requested TemSe object &1 does not exist
561Error when downloading the XML file
580580 to 589 : Reserved for RPCLAPN0
581Legal person &1 could not be locked for changes
582Test mode selected: No status change
583Legal person &1: Wage return closed for in-period &2/&3 ( &4 )
584Legal person &1: Current status does not allow status change
585File &1: Error: &2
586Incorrect SBRcustomizing value saved in DB
587Inconsistent value between aanleverkenmerk received and saved in DB
588Inconsistent value between kenmerk received and saved in DB
589Legal Person &1: Error sending status request: &2&3&4
590&1 is not a valid SBR customizing
591Incorrect wage tax number (&1) for Legal Person &2
592Start processing message: &1
593File does not have the correct extension
594LP &1: Rejected by Digipoort with error - &2&3&4
595LP &1: communication error between Digipoort and Tax Office - &2&3&4
596Wage return cannot yet be closed for LP &1 (another WR is still open)
597Error sending the Wage Return
598Error saving the data
599No B2A entry found with status 'In process'
600Run the report for an in-period that contains the date &1
601Section LACL cannot be read
602Payroll constant CTLIM has no value for the date &1
603Payroll constant CTPER has no value for the date &1
604The execution is set to test mode; Wage Return currently in process
605The execution is set to test mode. The period selected is in the past
606No update has been done; relevant authorization does not exist
607Entry already exists in table P05T_A_EXT for &1;it will be overwritten
608Employer's data updated with &1 EUR for legal person &2
609Total crisis tax amount for legal person &2 is &1 EUR
610The legal person &1 has been ended &2/&3, please notify its tax elsewhere
611Employer's data not updated with &1 EUR for legal person &2
612You are not allowed to select more than one &1 field
613UFO field must be A, B, C, D or E
614Incidental Income Reduction Code 'B' is not supported as of 2014
615An SI scheme can't be UFO and PAWW at the same time
620Not authorized (P_NL_LA06) to use the UPLOAD of XML files
621No aangifte with status 'XML Downloaded' found
622TemSe name not found
623Wage Return XML file name not found
624TemSe object: &1
625Wage Return XML file successfully downloaded
626Wage Return not found
627Legal Person does not exist
628No authorization for legal person &1, activity &2
629XML upload successful
630Directory browse failed
631Directory list failed for &1
632No file matching in &1
633Upload failed for file &1
634No entries with status 'In Process' and substatus 'XML downloaded'
635None of the selected LPs are at a B2A status processable by this report
636No LPs assigned to the WCR concern
637The use of the WCR concern regulation is not advisable
638Using or not using WCR concern regulation makes no difference
639Data inconsistent for years previous to 2015
640LP &1: SBR customizing not found in-period &2, in-year &3
641Start processing file &1
642Report cannot run in background mode
643B2A Process for Wage Return not found
650External Agency for Tax Authority not found
700Split type &1 is not valid for this period - Check Table P05T_IRS_TYPE
702Change of WCR concern regulation no longer allowed
703One or more LP from WCR employer and/or WCR concern ended during the year
704The use of the WCR concern regulation is advisable
705Concern &1 does not exist
706Wage has been found although the legal person is ended
707Legal person &1 ended in &2
708No contract wage available; zero is notified for Income Code &1
709No contract hours available; zero is notified for Income Code &1
710No contract wage available; is obligatory for Income Code &1
720720 to 760: Reserved for Wage Return Checks (RPULAEN0, RPCLAVN0 etc.)
721IT &1: &2 filled for income indicator &3
722SI wage must be zero for income code &1
723SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria
724SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria
725IT&1: Field &3. GBA-code not available for country grouping &2 in V_T5N76
726Remunerated hours must be zero for income code &1
727SI codes are set to zero; review as AOW workers remain insured for ZW law
728WIA code (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria
729WW code (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria
730WW and WIA codes (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria
731Number of weekly contract hours must be 0 for income code &1
732Employee withdraws LC saving, but has no Incidental Income Reduction
733IT 0808: Presumed end of incidental income reduction &1 passed
734Select the indicator subject to reduced pay (old regulation)
735Contract Wage must be 0 for income code &1
736Number of Remunerated Hours must be zero
737End of incidental income reduction is reached
738Invalid logical form &1. Select &2 or &3 for year &4
739Overtime wage must be zero for income code &1
740Work relationship type &1: contract indicators will not be notified
741SI wage must be zero for income code &1
742Incidental income reduction (ends on &1) passed, but notified
743Incidental income reduction (&1) passed, but not notified
744SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria
745Number of Remunerated Hours must be zero
800****800-850 is reserved Wage Return:Pre-DME**********
801Tax office IBAN (payee key &1) in the view V_T521B is incorrect
802The payee key does not exist or is invalid
803You cannot choose an execution date lying in the past
804Legal person(s) selected
805Legal person cannot be blank for 'Repeat Run'
806Tax office payee key &1 not maintained
807Pre-DME data for entered selection criteria does not exist
808Pre-DME data for legal person &1 does not exist
809Wage Return not found for the selected legal person(s)
810Pre-DME is already executed for the selected legal person(s)
811Wage return not found for the selected period
812Wage return not found for legal person &1 for the selected period
813Pre-DME is already executed for legal person &1
814Incomplete bank details of tax office (payee key &1)
815Error in fetching wage tax number for selected legal person(s)
816Pre-DME cancelled, payment entries were not created in SAP FIN
817Error in creating payment information for legal person &1
818IBAN for house bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist
819House bank for legal person &1 is incomplete
820House bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist
821An error occurred when saving program execution details
822Legal person(s) processed
823Bank account details of house bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist
824Payee key is missing or empty
825Legal person &1 has no wage tax for period &2 &3
826Legal person &1 not processed since the wage tax is zero or negative
827Wage tax number for legal person &1 not found
828Legal person(s) rejected
829IBAN of house bank &1 for legal person &2 is incorrect
852Tag <&3> will not be converted from &1 to &2
853Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 22, while IRS is &2
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