HRPAYNLLA_EN - Error Messages for Wage Return NL
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNLLA_EN: Error Messages for Wage Return NL.
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | 000 to 099: Reserved for Customizing Consistency Check Messages |
001 | LP &1: Invalid length for telephone number &3 of contact &2 |
002 | For income code &1, work relationship type code must be 18 |
003 | Inconsistent values; check Income Ind. 43 and BedrAlInWWB |
004 | Inconsistent values; check Income Ind. 43 and BedrRchtAl |
005 | Inconsistent values; check Sector & Redndncy Pay Scheme (Wachtgeldfonds) |
006 | LP &1: own-risk bearer for sickness reporting but no excluded indicators |
007 | Invalid customizing in V_P05T_JWN_TXT for &1 |
008 | Invalid legal person |
009 | LP &1 reuses the wage tax number of LP &2 between &3 and &4 |
010 | LP &1 changes the wage tax number from &2 to &3 |
011 | LP &1 and LP &2 have the same wage tax number between &3 and &4 |
012 | CSN [BSN] &1 is also used for employee &2 in period &3 - &4 |
013 | Enter at least one valid legal person |
014 | LP &1: Return frequency not set up for year &2 |
015 | Wage return for legal person &1, year &2 not yet closed |
016 | Legal persons without closed wage return removed from selection |
017 | Selection include legal persons without closed wage return |
018 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 21, while IRS is &2 |
019 | Invalid code &1 in "F and S Phase Categorization". Value will be cleared. |
020 | LP &1: No entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is new |
021 | LP &1: Check whether the System Transfer activation is justified |
022 | LP &1: First period extracted without System Transfer; be sure this is OK |
023 | LP &1: First period extracted without System Transfer; be sure this is OK |
024 | LP &1: System Transfer is on for an already existing LP |
025 | LP &1: No valid entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is not new |
026 | LP &1: Number of employees and entries in P05T_MAX_NUMIV differ > 10% |
027 | LP &1: No valid entries found in P05T_MAX_NUMIV though LP is not new |
028 | No print of Annual Tax Statement as set in infotype ESS Settings (IT0655) |
029 | Date of system transfer is in the future |
030 | LP &1: System transfer after earliest return period not allowed |
031 | Employee has multiple CSN [BSN] numbers assigned: &1 and &2 |
032 | Due to CSN[BSN] change retrocalculation of previous period(s) is required |
033 | Internal error &1 in &2 |
034 | The selected folder &1 is empty |
035 | Folder &1 should contain at least one XML file in format LA*, LP*, LC* |
036 | LP &1 was not selected |
037 | The file to be uploaded must have the same name as the downloaded one |
038 | XML file corrupted |
039 | There is still a previous record with a valid BSN |
040 | Earliest wage return correction date reached |
041 | No data found fulfilling the selection criteria |
042 | Test mode selected, database not updated |
043 | Upload a file in .csv format |
044 | For CSN [BSN] &1, no employee was found |
045 | The .csv file must contain the required number of columns |
046 | Legal person &1 does not match the one in infotype 0001 |
047 | Wage tax number &1 not found in the relationship management |
048 | Multiple occurrences for the same personnel number in .csv file |
049 | For CSN [BSN] &1, different highest assigned IR number found |
050 | CSN [BSN] &1 does not match the one in infotype 0002 |
051 | No infotype &1 record(s) found at the migration date |
052 | Highest assigned IR number &1 is lower than IR number &2 |
053 | Invalid date format |
054 | IR Split type &1 is not allowed |
055 | For IR split type &1, the value of the tax table must be 2 (green) |
056 | More than one IR number with same start date is not allowed |
057 | The value of tax table must be either 1 (white) or 2 (green) |
058 | End date must be greater than the start date |
059 | The values of the highest assigned IR numbers must be equal |
060 | Error(s) in .csv file, database not updated |
061 | LP &1: Legal Person not included in table V_P05T_LA_SYCHNG |
062 | CSN [BSN] &1 is assigned to multiple personnel numbers |
063 | Invalid or missing data in line number &1 |
064 | File does not contain the required column header line |
065 | This process is on hold due to a B2A break point |
066 | CSN [BSN] &1 is assigned to multiple personnel no. with same IR number |
067 | Database updated successfully |
068 | CSN[BSN] number assigned in infotype 0002, but no value provided in file |
069 | LP &1: System transfer on &2. |
070 | Process only one new legal person for system transfer. |
071 | LP &1: Migration date &2 before date &3 defined in table V_P05T_LA_SYCHNG |
072 | More than one entry with same IR number is not allowed |
073 | Migration for legal person &1 is not allowed |
074 | IT &3: Temporary contract end date &1 passed |
075 | IT 0060: End of 30% regulation &1 passed |
076 | IT &3: Presumed end of incidental income reduction &1 passed |
077 | Wage type &1 not assigned to cumulation class 29, but IR split type is &2 |
078 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 44, but IR split type is &2 |
079 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 45, but IR split type is &2 |
080 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 21 (IRS &2) and INDWAO = N |
081 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 22 (IRS &2) and INDWAO = N |
082 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 19 (IRS &2) and INDWW = N |
083 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 20 (IRS &2) and INDWW = N |
084 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 17 (IRS &2) and INDZW = N |
085 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cumulation class 18 (IRS &2) and INDZW = N |
086 | You have assigned the same split type &1 in all entries of V_P05T_IRS_WT |
087 | Wage types &1, &2 and &3 must have the same IR split type &4 |
088 | Assign wage type &1 with cuml. class 29 to split type B, C, E, H, I or J |
089 | Feature &1: configure legal person &2 in view V_T5N14 |
090 | LP &1 not found in table T001P |
091 | LP &1: name of representing legal person not found in logon language &2 |
092 | CSN [BSN] must be provided for Special Employee Group &1 (IT0060-AUSNA) |
093 | As there is premium wage for Aof, SI wage must be available |
094 | LbTab is set to value 999 as there is no taxable wage |
095 | Premium WKO is missing |
096 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 17, while IRS is &2 |
097 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 18, while IRS is &2 |
098 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 19, while IRS is &2 |
099 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 20, while IRS is &2 |
100 | 100 to 119: Reserved for Responsemessage Parser |
101 | "Verwerkbaar" message received for leg.pers. &1 (In-Period &2, For &3) |
102 | LP &1: Status converted to '&2' |
114 | Local download in LA-Composer is only permitted in test mode |
120 | 120 to 199: Reserved for RPCLAVNO (Data extractor) |
121 | LePer &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer of EUR &4 SI reduction to next period |
122 | Lgl prsn &1:EUR &2 SI red. &3 incld in employer data for next wage return |
123 | Lgl prsn &1:For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet settled for SI red. &4 WW/AWF |
124 | Lgl prsn &1: For yr &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red.&4 WW/AWF |
125 | Lgl prsn &1:For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet distributed for SI red. &4 WAO |
126 | Lgl prsn &1: For year &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red. &4 WAO |
127 | Leg.per. &1 (&3/&2): WAO basic premium not zero but premium wage is zero |
128 | Leg.per. &1 (&3/&2): WAO diff. premium not zero but premium wage is zero |
129 | Premium Ufo paid, even though Reduced Pay Old Regulation selected |
130 | Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. AGH to next period |
131 | Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Hrg Eld. Emp to next prd |
132 | Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Empl Eld. Emp to next prd |
133 | Lgl prsn &1: For year &2 EUR &3 are not yet settled for SI red. &4 |
134 | Lgl prsn &1: For yr &2 EUR &3 too much distributed for SI red. &4 |
135 | Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2: second ICR (begda &3) for LCS withdrawal created |
136 | LP &1: earliest wage return correction date reached for year &2 |
137 | Final levy can only be reported for for-period 03/2013 or 03/2014 |
138 | Legal prsn &1, Prd &2: Second ICR(Start Date&3) for Zvw EE and ER created |
139 | Legal person &1: In period &2 second IR created with start date &3 |
140 | Error during client download |
141 | Lgl prsn &1, Prd &2/&3: Transfer EUR &4 SI red. Hrg Young Emp to next prd |
142 | Wage Tax + Final Levies - Premium Reductions = negative in period &2 |
143 | Legal person &1: external data for return period &2/&3 is blocked |
150 | Legal Prs &1: SI group &2, no ER prcnt. found at SI No. &3 in T5N1L on &4 |
151 | Leg.per. &1: CSN number &2 cannot be validated |
152 | IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond with CSN &2 in infotype 0060 |
153 | Simultaneous use of White and Green wage, but subappl. AKVG is not active |
154 | Simultaneous use of White and Green wage, but no wage type to split IR |
155 | Tax table color according to field ST table differs from tax table |
156 | indicated by wage-type of employee |
157 | Corr. of remun. hours (/DG2) results in negative hours. Zero is reported. |
158 | Duplicate records existed in P05T_IV_INKPER. Contact SAP Support |
161 | Confirmation response saved |
162 | Status converted to 'Return sent' |
163 | Status converted to 'Confirmation received' |
164 | Status converted to 'XML downloaded' |
165 | Fault message saved |
166 | LP &1: SBR customizing is changed from '&2' to '&3' but neglected |
167 | LP &1 received confirmation with kenmerk &2 |
168 | Send now the data and continue the process |
169 | Response message belongs to Legal Person &1, not to the selected one |
170 | File name: &1&2&3&4 |
171 | Feature &1: There is no customer version available |
172 | Feature &1: Check the decision tree |
173 | LP &1 for &2 set to error because of error in LP &3 in &4 |
174 | LP &1 for &2 set to error because of error in other legal person |
175 | |
180 | Response message &1 has already been processed |
182 | File &1 does not have XML structure |
186 | The processed message &1 is not a response message |
191 | Resp.message &1 successfully processed for leg.pers. &2 (In &3, For &4) |
192 | Response message &2 with version &1 cannot be processed |
193 | XML file &1 is not a response message |
195 | Resp. msg &1 cannot be proc.: Incorrect B2A Mgr status for &2 (&3, &4) |
197 | Response message &2 cannot be processed; incorrect type &1 |
198 | File &1 successfully processed for LP &2 |
200 | 200 to 219: Reserverd for Employer's data (RPUTAEN0_UPDATE etc.) |
201 | Manual maintenance of SI reduction only allowed at end of the year |
202 | Enter a valid year (&1 or later) |
203 | Wage type &1 does not exist |
220 | 220 to 239: Reserved for XML Composer (RPCLASN0) |
221 | No Wage Return found with B2A-Status "Values Cumulated" |
222 | Inconsistent balancing; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4 |
223 | Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2 (TijdvakAangifte) |
224 | Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2 (TijdvakHerstel) |
225 | B2A Status "Values Cumulated" inconsistent - no balanced values found |
226 | Invalid transmission method &1 |
227 | LP &1: <DatAanv> changed at least once by BAdI HR_NL_LA_NUMIV_ATTR |
238 | Payroll area &1 not set to EXIT (or closed) for wage return period &4 |
239 | The wage return period &4 is not compatible with payroll period &3 |
240 | 240 to 259: Reserved for Wage Return Utility Reports (RPCLAFN0 etc.) |
241 | LP &1: "Error in XML" selected, but values not yet cumulated |
242 | No selected wage return can be sent or downloaded |
244 | SI group &1: No entry found in table T5N1L for SI type &2 |
245 | No entry in &1 for representing legal person &2 |
246 | LP &2: Earliest return on &3 in feat. &1 is before Rep.Leg.Pers. start &4 |
247 | LP &1: There is no entry in &4 between &2 and &3 |
248 | LP &1: Wage tax number &2 is incorrect |
259 | IT &1 does not exist in (part of the) return period &2 - &3 |
260 | 260 to 279:Reserved for Wage Return Views (FUGR 0PN8) |
261 | Legal correction relevance (V_P05T_CORR_REL) may not be overridden |
272 | IT &1 still insured in &2 but beyond AOW age |
273 | IT &1 still insured in &2 but beyond AOW age |
274 | IT &1: Dis.Pers.SI Red. period ended. Clear corresponding fields |
280 | 280 to 329:Reserved for Wage Return Balancer (RPCLACN0) |
281 | The Unambiguous Wage Return is not valid for year &1 |
282 | RP &1, Return Period &2/&3 is Blocked for the Wage Return Balancer |
283 | RP &1, The Data Extracter has not been executed for Return Period &2/&3 |
284 | RP &1, No Record with Status 'New' in Return Table for Ret. Period &2/&3 |
285 | IT 0002: CSN [BSN] &1 does not correspond with BSN &2 in infotype 0060 |
286 | IT 0002: The first digit of the CSN [BSN] may not be 8 or 9 |
321 | &1: conditional forced elem. Code Phase Scheduling F and S has no value |
330 | 330 to 399: Reserved for Work Cost Regulation (RPCWCRN0 & RPCWCEN0) |
331 | Work Cost Regulation is not active for legal person &1 in year &2 |
332 | Missing entries in view V_T5N14_WCR for leg.pers. &1 between &2 and &3 |
333 | Invalid return value for legal person &1 in feature NLWCR |
334 | Indicator &1 may not be deleted |
335 | Wage return for LP &1 is blocked as the WCR process is not finished |
336 | Data of legal person &1 can only be displayed; check authorizations |
337 | Data of legal person &1 can only be displayed; modification is blocked |
338 | Employer has leg.pers. &1 and &2; inconsistent return values in NLWCR |
339 | Constant &1 does not exist in View V_T511K on reference date &2 |
340 | Calculation method &2 assigned to LP &1 in feature NLWCR does not exist |
341 | Work Cost Regulation starts as of 2011; earlier year selected for LP &1 |
342 | WCR employer has multiple WCR leg.pers. (&1 and &2) in T5N14_WCR |
343 | WCR Employer/WCR Concern &1 does not have a WCR reporting legal person |
344 | Work Cost Regulation data has been successfully confirmed |
345 | Leg.pers. &1: Confirmation failed; run WCR Extractor (RPCWCEN0) first |
346 | Maintenance in future periods is not suppported |
347 | Edit Mode activated |
348 | Display Mode activated |
349 | Period Parameter is &1. Allowed are only monthly (01) and 4-weekly (05) |
350 | Work Cost Regulation code &1 is not valid |
351 | Extracting WCR data is only allowed in Change Mode |
352 | Confirming WCR data is only allowed in Change Mode |
353 | This report may only be used within the context of RPCWCRN0 |
354 | Maintenance blocked for period &1/&2; wage return process already started |
355 | Missing period customizing; regenerate for table T549Q |
356 | No legal persons selected for which you have authorizations |
357 | Extraction is only allowed in period &1/&2 |
358 | Confirmation is only allowed in period &1/&2 |
359 | The For-Period year is in the past |
360 | The In-Period year must be greater than or equal to the For-Period year |
361 | Legal person &1: feature NLWCR was changed during the year |
362 | WCR not confirmed for LP &1 in &2 |
363 | The final settlement for &1 will be adjusted. |
364 | Do you want to confirm the WCR data for &1? |
365 | Only one WCR legal person can be assigned to employer &1 at the same time |
366 | LP &1 changes from WCR Employer/WCR Concern &2 to &3 starting &4 |
367 | The WCR data for LP &1 is not confirmed. Please do before productive run. |
368 | Employer &1 does not have a WCR legal person on &2 |
369 | Simulation not possible: at least one legal person changed the employer |
370 | Period modifier is not identical for all legal persons (&1) |
371 | Current in-period of legal person &1 not identical with legal person &2 |
372 | Legal person &1 ended in &2 |
373 | Feature NLWCR changed |
374 | Data maintenance is not possible as legal person ends on period &1 |
375 | Final Levy calculated is different than Final Levy stored in database |
376 | &1 found but &2 zero or not available |
377 | Legal Prs &1: &2 found but &3 zero or not available on &4 |
378 | LP &1: WCR is mandatory. Register the final levy manually |
379 | No data found for in-period &1, please use current in-period. |
380 | Non-confirmed data for in-period &1 of legal person &2 will be deleted. |
381 | Legal person &1 does not exist |
382 | No payroll results available for period &1 / &2 |
383 | Data is confirmed; restart WCR Extractor (RPCWCEN0) |
384 | Change of WCR Employer/Concern or Reporting Legal Person is not possible |
385 | The LP &1 belonging to WCR employer/WCR concern &2 ended in &3 |
386 | Selected Legal Person reports WCR Final Levy yearly |
387 | LP &1: WCR final levy reporting flag changes from &2 to &3 starting &4 |
388 | Report the WCR Final Levy of &1 EUR in January &2 |
389 | Green wages have been excluded from the earnings of legal person &1 |
390 | No valid legal person selected |
391 | LP &1 uses communication method &2, not processable by this report |
393 | Legal person &1 in concern &2 may not be ended during the year |
394 | Notification methods B and D are not allowed when LP &1 is ending |
395 | Payroll time unit is &1. Choose monthly(01) or 4-weekly(05) for WR/WCR |
396 | WCR calculation method &2 assigned to LP &1 is not supported as of 2019 |
397 | WCR notification method &2 assigned to LP &1 is not supported as of 2019 |
398 | WCR notification method &2 assigned to LP &1 is only supported as of 2020 |
399 | LP &1: WCR regulation is mandatory. Adjust feature NLWCR for year &2 |
400 | 400 to 409: Reserved for Jaarloonopgave (RPCLAJN0) |
401 | Wage Return exists for legal person &1, year &2 and it is not closed yet |
402 | No green wage exclusion, else earnings of legal person &1 are negative |
410 | 410 to 419: Reserved for Extractor for Ended Legal Persons (RPCLAEN0) |
411 | Legal Person &1 has not been ended |
412 | Legal Person &1 has been ended for a later in-period |
413 | Legal Person &1 ends in table T5N14 later than in feature NLLA4 |
414 | Legal Person &1 must be ended in table T5N14 and in feature NLLA4 |
421 | Period &1 is not the most recent payroll period. Choose the most recent |
422 | No deduction amounts found |
423 | Wrong status for CAK return |
424 | Error reading or writing CAK file: database and file not changed |
425 | Conversion of value &1 from CAK transfer file to field &2 not possible |
426 | Legal person (LP) &1 in CVZ_ORGCDE differs from LP &2 of CAK file name |
427 | CAK ID &1 already assigned in infotype 0059 |
428 | Personnel number not found |
429 | Legal person (LP) &1 in infotype 0001 differs from LP &3 of CAK file |
430 | File in .zip format created; Time: &1, Date: &2 |
431 | The file &1 could not be created |
432 | Country of residence &1 from IT0006 does not match &2 from CAK file |
433 | CAK ID '&1' from IT0059 does not match CAK ID '&2' in CAK file |
434 | Nominal CAK premium in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2 |
435 | CAK indication in IT0059 must be changed from &1 to &2 |
436 | Factor '&1' from IT0059 does not match factor '&2' in CAK file |
437 | Birth date &1 from IT0002 does not match birth date &2 of CAK file |
438 | BSN &1 from IT &2 does not match BSN &3 in the CAK file |
439 | Insured is deceased (date &1) |
440 | DT_OVERL &1 from IT0000 does not match CVZ_DT_OVERL &2 in CAK file |
441 | Insured lives in the Netherlands |
442 | Table T5N9H has not been maintained for the CAK |
443 | Personnel number found twice in transfer file |
444 | No input found for processing in table P05T_CVZ_REG |
445 | LP &1 ends; last 'normal' wage return will be created in &2 |
446 | CAK Identification contains not allowed character &1. Field is cleared |
447 | CAK Identification contains not allowed character &1 |
451 | The folder &1 is not valid |
553 | "Acknowledgement" message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3) |
554 | Error message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3) |
555 | Warning message received for legal person &1 (In &2, For &3) |
556 | Legal person &1 not customized in T5N14 |
557 | Status converted to 'Return downloaded' |
558 | LP &1: Status response from Tax Office not yet available |
559 | Wage tax number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person |
560 | Requested TemSe object &1 does not exist |
561 | Error when downloading the XML file |
580 | 580 to 589 : Reserved for RPCLAPN0 |
581 | Legal person &1 could not be locked for changes |
582 | Test mode selected: No status change |
583 | Legal person &1: Wage return closed for in-period &2/&3 ( &4 ) |
584 | Legal person &1: Current status does not allow status change |
585 | File &1: Error: &2 |
586 | Incorrect SBRcustomizing value saved in DB |
587 | Inconsistent value between aanleverkenmerk received and saved in DB |
588 | Inconsistent value between kenmerk received and saved in DB |
589 | Legal Person &1: Error sending status request: &2&3&4 |
590 | &1 is not a valid SBR customizing |
591 | Incorrect wage tax number (&1) for Legal Person &2 |
592 | Start processing message: &1 |
593 | File does not have the correct extension |
594 | LP &1: Rejected by Digipoort with error - &2&3&4 |
595 | LP &1: communication error between Digipoort and Tax Office - &2&3&4 |
596 | Wage return cannot yet be closed for LP &1 (another WR is still open) |
597 | Error sending the Wage Return |
598 | Error saving the data |
599 | No B2A entry found with status 'In process' |
600 | Run the report for an in-period that contains the date &1 |
601 | Section LACL cannot be read |
602 | Payroll constant CTLIM has no value for the date &1 |
603 | Payroll constant CTPER has no value for the date &1 |
604 | The execution is set to test mode; Wage Return currently in process |
605 | The execution is set to test mode. The period selected is in the past |
606 | No update has been done; relevant authorization does not exist |
607 | Entry already exists in table P05T_A_EXT for &1;it will be overwritten |
608 | Employer's data updated with &1 EUR for legal person &2 |
609 | Total crisis tax amount for legal person &2 is &1 EUR |
610 | The legal person &1 has been ended &2/&3, please notify its tax elsewhere |
611 | Employer's data not updated with &1 EUR for legal person &2 |
612 | You are not allowed to select more than one &1 field |
613 | UFO field must be A, B, C, D or E |
614 | Incidental Income Reduction Code 'B' is not supported as of 2014 |
615 | An SI scheme can't be UFO and PAWW at the same time |
620 | Not authorized (P_NL_LA06) to use the UPLOAD of XML files |
621 | No aangifte with status 'XML Downloaded' found |
622 | TemSe name not found |
623 | Wage Return XML file name not found |
624 | TemSe object: &1 |
625 | Wage Return XML file successfully downloaded |
626 | Wage Return not found |
627 | Legal Person does not exist |
628 | No authorization for legal person &1, activity &2 |
629 | XML upload successful |
630 | Directory browse failed |
631 | Directory list failed for &1 |
632 | No file matching in &1 |
633 | Upload failed for file &1 |
634 | No entries with status 'In Process' and substatus 'XML downloaded' |
635 | None of the selected LPs are at a B2A status processable by this report |
636 | No LPs assigned to the WCR concern |
637 | The use of the WCR concern regulation is not advisable |
638 | Using or not using WCR concern regulation makes no difference |
639 | Data inconsistent for years previous to 2015 |
640 | LP &1: SBR customizing not found in-period &2, in-year &3 |
641 | Start processing file &1 |
642 | Report cannot run in background mode |
643 | B2A Process for Wage Return not found |
650 | External Agency for Tax Authority not found |
700 | Split type &1 is not valid for this period - Check Table P05T_IRS_TYPE |
701 | |
702 | Change of WCR concern regulation no longer allowed |
703 | One or more LP from WCR employer and/or WCR concern ended during the year |
704 | The use of the WCR concern regulation is advisable |
705 | Concern &1 does not exist |
706 | Wage has been found although the legal person is ended |
707 | Legal person &1 ended in &2 |
708 | No contract wage available; zero is notified for Income Code &1 |
709 | No contract hours available; zero is notified for Income Code &1 |
710 | No contract wage available; is obligatory for Income Code &1 |
720 | 720 to 760: Reserved for Wage Return Checks (RPULAEN0, RPCLAVN0 etc.) |
721 | IT &1: &2 filled for income indicator &3 |
722 | SI wage must be zero for income code &1 |
723 | SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria |
724 | SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria |
725 | IT&1: Field &3. GBA-code not available for country grouping &2 in V_T5N76 |
726 | Remunerated hours must be zero for income code &1 |
727 | SI codes are set to zero; review as AOW workers remain insured for ZW law |
728 | WIA code (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria |
729 | WW code (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria |
730 | WW and WIA codes (IT0059) must be 0 (Exempt), given the criteria |
731 | Number of weekly contract hours must be 0 for income code &1 |
732 | Employee withdraws LC saving, but has no Incidental Income Reduction |
733 | IT 0808: Presumed end of incidental income reduction &1 passed |
734 | Select the indicator subject to reduced pay (old regulation) |
735 | Contract Wage must be 0 for income code &1 |
736 | Number of Remunerated Hours must be zero |
737 | End of incidental income reduction is reached |
738 | Invalid logical form &1. Select &2 or &3 for year &4 |
739 | Overtime wage must be zero for income code &1 |
740 | Work relationship type &1: contract indicators will not be notified |
741 | SI wage must be zero for income code &1 |
742 | Incidental income reduction (ends on &1) passed, but notified |
743 | Incidental income reduction (&1) passed, but not notified |
744 | SI wage must be greater than zero, given the criteria |
745 | Number of Remunerated Hours must be zero |
800 | ****800-850 is reserved Wage Return:Pre-DME********** |
801 | Tax office IBAN (payee key &1) in the view V_T521B is incorrect |
802 | The payee key does not exist or is invalid |
803 | You cannot choose an execution date lying in the past |
804 | Legal person(s) selected |
805 | Legal person cannot be blank for 'Repeat Run' |
806 | Tax office payee key &1 not maintained |
807 | Pre-DME data for entered selection criteria does not exist |
808 | Pre-DME data for legal person &1 does not exist |
809 | Wage Return not found for the selected legal person(s) |
810 | Pre-DME is already executed for the selected legal person(s) |
811 | Wage return not found for the selected period |
812 | Wage return not found for legal person &1 for the selected period |
813 | Pre-DME is already executed for legal person &1 |
814 | Incomplete bank details of tax office (payee key &1) |
815 | Error in fetching wage tax number for selected legal person(s) |
816 | Pre-DME cancelled, payment entries were not created in SAP FIN |
817 | Error in creating payment information for legal person &1 |
818 | IBAN for house bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist |
819 | House bank for legal person &1 is incomplete |
820 | House bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist |
821 | An error occurred when saving program execution details |
822 | Legal person(s) processed |
823 | Bank account details of house bank &1 for legal person &2 does not exist |
824 | Payee key is missing or empty |
825 | Legal person &1 has no wage tax for period &2 &3 |
826 | Legal person &1 not processed since the wage tax is zero or negative |
827 | Wage tax number for legal person &1 not found |
828 | Legal person(s) rejected |
829 | IBAN of house bank &1 for legal person &2 is incorrect |
852 | Tag <&3> will not be converted from &1 to &2 |
853 | Wage type &1 is assigned to cum. class 22, while IRS is &2 |