The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNLPR_EN: .
It is part of development package P05T in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: The Netherlands".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Reporting per. for representing leg. person &1 is not set in Customizing
002Reporting period is not the same for all representing leg. persons (&1)
003Pension return tables are inconsistent
004Cannot determine return period; no data in table T549Q
005Invalid status for current return period &1
006Period &1/&2 is not the return period of legal person &3
007RP &1, return period &2/&3 is blocked for the data extractor
008No legal persons selected for which you have authorizations
009Error while reading payroll period &1, year &2
010Error while reading currency
011No valid country indicator found for the Netherlands in table T005
012Legal person &1 was ended in period &2
013No admissible year exists for legal person &1
014Error while reading payroll directory
015Error while reading pension return tables
016Error while reading indicator tables
017RP &1, return period &2/&3 is blocked for the data extractor
018Infotype &1 not found
019No authorization for infotype &1
020Payroll area &1 is not set to &2 for return in-period &4
021Return frequency &1 and payroll frequency &2 cannot be synchronized
022Period modifier &1 not found in table T549R
023Invalid payroll periodicity &1
024Feature &1 cannot be read
025Test mode; return for legal person &1 created; per. &3/&2 not closed
026Return for leg. person &1; per. &2/&3 not processed due to invalid status
027Legal person &1 was ended in per. &2 but payroll results in per. &3
028Start date for income relationship (PRAP-IRBEG) is initial
029IR start date (&1) is after the end of period date (&2)
030IT &1; letters in initials &2 are being converted/deleted
031IT &1; last name is missing
032IT &1; date of birth is missing
033Country grouping &1 not found in table T5N76
034Country grouping &1 not found in table T005
035IT &1; country indicator is missing
036IT &1; street name is missing
037IT &1; city is missing
038IT &1; postal code is missing
039IT &1; invalid indicator in house number &2
040IT &1; supplement is filled; house number is missing
041Error while converting currency &1 to &2
042No valid IR number was found during system transfer
043Double CSN [BSN] is used for employee &1 (&2) in period &3 - &4
044IR number &1 originates in cluster /IT 3274
045IR number &1 originates in table P05TPRNL_C_NUMIR
046The new IR number &1 has been generated
047Test mode; status and database remain unchanged
048Selected income relationships for legal person &1, payroll period &2
049Processed income relationships for legal person &1, payroll period &2
050Rejected income relationships for legal person &1, payroll period &2
051Error while reading B2A Manager tables
052LP &1; entry in table P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS does not have the status "Sent"
053LP &1; entry in table P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS could not be locked
054LP &1; return does not have the correct status
055LP &1; entry in table P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS does not have status "To Be Sent"
056LP &1; entry in B2A Mgr does not have status "In Process - Downloaded"
057Error while converting status tables P05TPRNL_*_ADMS
058Test mode; no change in status
059Legal person &1; pension return for return period &2/&3 closed
060Legal person &1; pension return is set to "Sent" for return period &2/&3
061IT &1; CSN [BSN] number is missing
062Deleting pension returns is not allowed in production
063Current pension return does not exist for legal person &1
064Selected pension returns of legal person &1 are deleted
065Global ID not found
066No valid authorizations for legal person &1
067Error while importing period end date &1/&2 for PERMO &3 in table T549Q
068Error while reading representing legal person on &1
069Internal error &1 in method &2
070Restriction using per. nos only possible for errors in data extractor
071LP &1&4; check whether return for &2/&3 must also be set to "Error"
072LP &1&3; check whether adjustment for &2 must also be set to "Error"
073LP &1&2; no valid entry found in table P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS
074LP &1&2; no XML created but "Error in XML File" selected
075LP &1 (&2/&3); pension return set to "Error" in data extractor
076LP &1 (&2/&3); pension return set to "Error" while generating XML file
077Opened pension returns could not be closed
078No valid Customizing for field &1 in table T77PRNL_FILL on &2
079Resp. msg &1 cannot be proc.: Incorrect B2A Mgr status for &2 (&3, &4)
080File &1 cannot be opened
081File &1 cannot be deleted from the original directory &2
082File &1 cannot be moved from &2 to target directory &3
083Resp. message &1 successfully processed for leg. pers. &2 (In &3, For &4)
084Response message could not be opened
085No return found with the status "New"
086Local download in XML Composer is only permitted in test mode
087B2A status "Values Cumulated" inconsistent; no balanced values found
088Personnel number &1
089Busy creating XML File (report RPCPRSN0)
090Legal person &1, for &2 (period &3/&4)
091Test mode; status and TemSe object update is deactivated
092No entry found in table t77prnl_xml_v on key date &1
093Status tables P05TPRNL_*_ADMS successfully converted
094The document is saved in the TemSe under object ID &1
095XML file created without errors
096XML file with errors (process interrupted)
097Summary; &1 of the &2 selected legal person successfully processed
098 &1 of the &2 selected legal person with errors
099Reg. number not maintained for relationship "PR to Achmea"
100No return found with status "To Be Sent"
101Error while downloading the return
102Text for indicator &1 is not maintained
103Indicator Customizing is not maintained
104Products/Variants are not maintained in Customizing
105Assign. of cum. WTs to products/variants is not maintained in Customizing
106Assign. of cum. WTs to indicators is not maintained in Customizing
107Cumulation wage types for product related indicators not maintained
108Prod. related assign. of wage types to cum. WTs is not maintained
109Cumulation wage types for SAP indicators not maintained
110Non prod. related assign. of wage types to cum. WTs is not maintained
111No Cum. WT assigned to product &1, variant &2, indicator &3
112No wage type assigned to cum. WT &1, subappl. &2, CountryGrp. &3
113Invalid input
114No pension scheme assigned to product &1, variant &2
115Marital status since date is mandatory in case of a foreign address
116Use transaction &1 to close the period for legal person &2
117Reason Ending Income Relationship field is restored to prior value
118Income relationship with NUMIR &1 is completely withdrawn
119A mix of pension products from different pension funds admin. not allowed
120Error during client download:
121File name: &1
122Document stored in client under file name &1
123Error with Writing to the TemSe (Error Code: &1)
124"Verwerkbaar" message &4 received for legal person &1 (in &2, for &3)
125The processed message &1 is not a response message
126Response message &2 with version &1 cannot be processed
127The folder &1 is not valid
128"Acknowledgement" message &4 received for legal person &1 (in &2, for &3)
129Error message received for legal person &1 (in &2, for &3)
130Warning message received for legal person &1 (in &2, for &3)
131Error with creating ZIP file:
132Error during client upload:
133Error converting XML file &1 to xstring
134Missing end date IR for reason ending IR ('&1')
135The operating system was unable to open the file &1
136As End Date IR ('&1') is set, Reason Ending IR must be available
137The file &1 could not be created
138XML file &1 cannot be deleted
139In update mode there may not be persons filled on the selection-screen
140Pension wage is zero but the paid hours for Pension is greater than zero
141The number of Normal hours per week is smaller than 35
142The number of Normal hours per week is greater than 40
143For Employee &1 there is no entry in table T510I
144Paid hours for Pension is zero but the Pension wage is greater than zero
145The Employee &1 has the part-time factor greater than 2
146The Normal hours per week for this employee is not filled
147Indicator &1 (&2):
148Pension Scheme &1 (&2):
149Indicator &1 has value &2. Negative values are not allowed.
150Set value of according wage types to zero or check customizing
151No wage types are available for indicator &1 in payroll result table RT
152Make wage types available, even with zero amount, or check customizing
153Adjustment of previous year exists. Download XML of prev. year first
154BAdI _HR_NL_PR_B_GET_ADDR is not implemented
155Subtype &1 for Infotype 0006 (Addresses) is not valid
156IT0006, subtype &1: Street contains "Postbus". Correct data in Infotype
157No record for subtype &1, Infotype 0105 (Communication) exists (Email)
158The Email address '&1' is not valid
159Infotype &1: The IBAN is missing
160Subtype &1 for Infotype 0105 (Communication) is not valid
161No record for subtype &1, Infotype 0006 (Addresses) exists
162The XML file from the TemSe has been already downloaded for B2A entry &1.
163Error during client upload for zipping
164Duplicate entries for table P05TPRNL_EE_RG
165A mix of pension products from diff. clients not allowed for Bouw and SGB
166Indicator & is mandatory for client number &.
167Type of Income Relationship VW, VA and VP may only occur at ABP.
168IR end date (&1) is before the IR start date (&2) for pernr &3.
169No legal persons selected for which you have auth. or with proper status
170No valid legal person selected
171LP &1 is not assigned to PUO &2. Check cust. for table T77PRNL_PUOJUP
172No LP are assigned to PUO &1. Check customizing for table T77PRNL_PUOJUP
173Field &1 is empty for entry from customizing table T77PRNL_PUO_APPL
174Subtype &1 for Infotype 0009 (Bank Details) is not valid
175No record for subtype &1, Infotype 0009 (Bank Details) exists (IBAN)
176Reg. number not maintained for relationship for Pension Return.
177No pension scheme assigned to product &1, variant &2
178Products and/or variants not maintained in Customizing
179Cumulation WTs to products and/or variants not assigned in Customizing
180Cumulation WTs for product-related indicators not defined
181Product-related WTs not assigned to cumulation WTs
182No wage types assigned to cum. WT &1, subappl. &2, molga &3, product &4
183No cumulation WT assigned to product &1, variant &2, indicator &3
184The title of the job &1 could not be determined.
185Field &1 is initial
186Field &1 not defined in reference structure
187Value &1 not allowed! Please choose a value from the list
188&1 Selected: &2 Processed: &3 Rejected: &4
190Select also current year &1 to create all XML files
191No return found with status "XML Created"
192Status changed successfully
193TemSe object &1 deleted
194Legal person &1 uses PR Achmea up to period &2/&3. See feature NLPRT
195Legal person(s) with transition from PR Achmea to UPA. See detailed log
196Legal person uses UPA (not Achmea anymore) to report period &1/&2
197Missing indicator &1 in table V_T77PRNL_IN
198Missing indicator &1 in table V_T77PRNL_IN_CUM
199&1 is already used; use a different pension provider
200Enter a valid Pension Provider first.
201No Products maintained in Customizing
202Assign. of cum. WTs to products is not maintained in Customizing
203Cummulation wage types for product related indicators not maintained
204Prod. related assign. of wage types to cum. WTs is not maintained
205No Cum. WT assigned to product &1 and indicator &3
206No wage type assigned to cum. WT &1, subappl. &2, CountryGrp. &3
207No pension scheme assigned to product &1, variant &2
208Time unit/meas. is not maintained for WT &1 (View V_T511)
209Pernr &1: Obligatory indicator &2 has no amount/number (Period &3)
210Time: &2 , Date: &1 , User: &3
211&1 file is not a response message
212File &1 does not have XML structure
213&1 Response message could not be opened
214Response message &2 belongs to LePer &1, not to the selected LePer
215Insufficient authorization to process response message &2 for LePer &1
216Pension return file for legal person &1 can be processed by the Provider
217Response message &2 cannot be processed: incorrect type &1
218Internal Error &1 in Function Module &2
219Application server: &1
220Return Successfully Downloaded to Application Server &1
221Return successfully downloaded to local PC
222File name: &1
223Send the data and run the program again
224No Condition Allowed
225Error with Reading Address Data of Contact RePer &1 on &2
226The employee�s last name doesn�t match the APG requirements (alpha ' - )
227Contract code is missing in IT0808
228Reg. number not maintained for relationship "PR to APG Supplier"
229Existence of Schemes in IT0110 and Counting Code 'NEE' not allowed
230No contract wage available; zero is notified
231LP &1: Error with Reading Address Data of Deliverer on &2
232No valid Customizing for field &1 in view V_T77PRNL_UFILL on &2
233Invalid value &1 for the Particularization of Income Relationship
234Repr L. Person &1 in PUO &2 is used for Juper &3 and &4
235For Juper &1 in PUO &2 Juper Werks Combination cannot be switched on
236For Juper &1 in PUO &2 Juper Werks Combination cannot be switched off
237Juper &1 is not assigned to PUO &2 in table T77PRNL_PUOJUP
238Payroll area &1 not set to EXIT (or closed) for pension return period &4
239The pension return period &4 is not compatible with payroll period &3
240LP &1 must be equal to the assigned representing LP
241For the selected Reg. Number &1 no representing LP could be determined
242Subapplication &1 and registration number &2 already exist
243Prod. code &1 assigned to pens. provider &2 must have empty variant must be filled for prod.code &1 variant UPA &2
245Product &1 two-charact. variant &2 has not a unique product variant UPA
246Product &1 variant UPA &2 has not a unique two-charact. product variant
247Target subapplication and registration number are equal to the source
248One of the source tables has no data for subapplication &1 reg. number &2
249Missing indicator &1 for product &2 &3 in table V_T77PRNL_IN_CPR
250No error found for pension provider &1-&2 on date &3
251Error when sending pension return via web service
252Pension return successfully sent
253No response received, try again later
254Employee &1: <Dat_Aanv> &2 changed by BAdI HR_NL_PR_NUMIV_ATTR to &3
260&1 product &2, variant &3 for indicator &4 doesn't exist in V_T77RPNL_SEL
261&1 product &2 for indicator &3 doesn't exist in V_T77RPNL_SEL
262For &1 product &2, variant &3 the indic &4 doesn't exist in V_T77RPNL_IN
263For &1 product &2 the indic &3 doesn't exist in V_T77RPNL_IN
264Subapplication &1 for product &2 is not valid for the selected validity.
280Statistics for Pension Provider &1
281No valid pension provider selected for the selected legal person
282For pension provider &1 and legal person &2 you don't have authorization
283Pension provider &1 and legal person &2 don't have the proper assignment
284Legal person &1 was not processed for any pension provider.
285Pension Return Solution/PUO &1 can't be used with other PUOs.
300Response file &1 does not reference any file sent to PR provider
301Response file &1 does not reference marked B2A-Manager entry
303According to resp. file &2 for legal person &1 the PR file was rejected
304The selected pension return does not have the status 'Sent'
305Response message &1 does not belong to the selected pension return
306Resp.msg &1 does not belong to curr. PR and has not been processed
307Warning for pension tax return file for legal person &1 received
308Payroll taxes number &1 cannot be assigned to a legal person
309&1 response message was already imported.
310Legal Person &1, for &2 (period &3/&4)
311Processed For-Periods
312Processed Income Relationships of For-period &1/&2
313Review pension return according to response message &2 for LP &1
400No valid authorizations for legal person &1
401Invalid user rights; cannot download payroll taxes return data
402Cannot open TemSe object
403Cannot delete TemSe object
404Cannot close TemSe object
405No pension return found
406Reg. number not maintained for relationship "PR to Achmea"
407IR number &1 originates in table P05TPRNL_SYCHIR
408Infotype &1: Value for field "&2" missing
410&1 is inconsistent in period &2, for &3 legal person &4
411XML tag &1 is filled with an initial value from field &2
412Inconsistent initial income relationship; period &1/&2, perno &3
413No income period found for this person
414Inconsistent reversal; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
415No indication or IR number or PersNo found in table "P05TPRNL_EE_ADM"
416Inconsistent income period; period &1/&2, perno &3, RePer &4
417Start date (P05TPRNL_EE_IRP-BEGDA) is initial
418Table &1 is inconsistent
419No more than 1 return period allowed per return
420Determ. of Pens. Rel. Start Date not defined (V_T77PRNL_BEGREL, Fund &1)
421Invalid customizing in T549Q for PerMo &1, return period &3/&2
422Pension relat. Enddate not normalized as &1 would be before Startdate &2
423Pension relat. Startdate not normalized as &1 would be after Enddate &2
424Working Hours not maintained (v_t510i on &1, key '&2')
425Pay Scale Working Time is empty (v_t510i on &1, key '&2')
426Response message cannot be processed; incorrect B2A Manager status
427Use transaction PC00_M05_CPRA_APG to close JuPer &1
428Risk Group Enddate not normalized as &1 would be before Startdate &2
429Risk Group Enddate &1 not normalized, endda Income relat. &2 after 31.12
430Risk Group Enddate &1 not normalized.
431IRP Startdate(&1) not normalized because first return period for employee
432IRP Startdate not normalized as &1 would be after IR Enddate &2.
433Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 is being Created
434Data can only be Displayed: Return &1/&2 has already Been Created
435Period &1/&2 Lies after the Current Return Period &3/&4
436&1 is not a valid subapplication, please choose another one.
437Contract hours per week is missing in IT0808
438Wage Tax Number of (Representing) Legal Person &1 on &2 is empty
439Wage Tax Number of (Representing) Legal Person &1 is too long
440Legal person &1 was ended in per. &2 but Ext. Data in Period &3
441Personnel area should be empty: Juper-Werks combination is not active
442Personnel area maintenance mandatory: Juper-Werks combination is active
443Number deliverer (IdLcr) may not be empty for of RePer &1 on &2.
444Name deliverer (NmLcr) may not be empty for of RePer &1 on &2.
445Name administrative entity (NmIp) may not be empty for of RePer &1 on &2.
446Contact person supplier (ContPers) may not be empty for of RePer &1 on &2
447Phone number supplier (TelNr) should not be empty for of RePer &1 on &2
448Code phase classification F&&Z is mandatory in this case. Provide a value
449Code Labour agreement is mandatory in this case. Provide a value.
450Code nature labour relation is mandatory in this case. Provide a value.
451Code contr. indef/cert. time is mandatory in this case. Provide a value.
452Normal hours per week is mandatory in this case. Provide a value.
453Contract hours per week must be greater than 0
454XML tag &1 is filled with an incorrect value &2 from field &3
455&1 is not a valid UPA Pension Provider. Check customizing.
456The time unit for wage type &1 is not hours
457Start date for income relationship (LA-INDDA) is initial
458Legal person &1 is not ended
459AOW age could not be determined
460AOW age + 5 years exceeded but infotype 0110 not delimited
461Income relationship ended (reason 'R', other) due to AOW + 5 years
462Unexpected Empty Collective Part
470Reason for ending IR ('&1') not allowed for year &2
471Reason for ending IR ('&1') not allowed for &2
472Value 888 for field LbTab is not allowed
473For income code &1, no pension data may be notified for pension &2
474IT3274: Individual exemption (INVEX) code must not be used as of 2020
475IT3274: Reason for ending IR (IRRES) must not be used as of 2020
476Employee is dismissed while IR is not ended
477Employee notified, although LbTab code is 888
480In table P05TPRNL_C_NUMIR were &1 entries inserted/updated
481In table P05TPRNL_M_NUMIR were &1 entries inserted/updated
482Pension return to target pens. provider &1 Juper &2 was already collected
490Selection period is outside validity interval of pension return
491IT &1: No Representing Legal Person &2 found in table T77PRNL_ADDLPD
492IT &1: Representing Legal Person &2 is not valid in return period &3 - &4
500Return Frequency for Representing Legal Person &1 not Set Up
501Invalid customizing in T549Q for PerMo &1, return period &3/&2
600Inconsistent data for &1. Double check your customizing.
601Sending status request for legal person &1
602Legal person &1 cannot be closed automatically
603Return for sender &1 successfully downloaded to local PC
604File cannot be opened
605Response does not match request. Tag "&1" (Expected:"&2", Received:"&3")
606The response is not a validation message (tag "&1" contains value "&2")
607Path: &1&2&3&4
608Error updating data in tables &1 &2 &3 &4
609Return successfully uploaded from local PC
610You may execute the program in dialog mode only
611The logical port "&1" entered is not valid
612Logical port used for sending the return "&1" differs from "&2"
613Changing logical port for legal person &1 is not allowed during process
614No data selected
615Legal person &1 cannot be processed. To continue, remove B2A breakpoint
616&1 during status request processing, check legal person(s) for details
617Status request processing successful, check legal person(s) for details
618Inconsistency detected. Classify errors and extract again LP &1
619Error when parsing the XML response, tag "&1" not found
620Legal person &1 configured for FTP. Execute report for Web service only
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