HRPAYNL_EN - Errormessage for NL Payroll

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYNL_EN: Errormessage for NL Payroll.
It is part of development package PC05 in software component PY-NL-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Netherlands".
Message Nr
Message Text
000---- Messages 001 - 050 reserved for Additional Terms of Employement ----
001Calculation code &1 not found in table T5N6D
002Calculation code &1 is not of type &2
003Adv.paym. and prev.paym. not supported in comb. with calc. in all periods
004As of November 1, 2021, no saving schemes may be used anymore
008As premium wage Awf-Rev. = zero, the premium Awf-Rev. should also be zero
009As premium wage Awf-high = zero, the premium Awf-high should also be zero
010As premium wage Awf-low = zero, the premium Awf-low should also be zero
011Premium Awf-low & high <> zero, wage type missing in V_P05T_IRS_WT
012Premium Awf-rev. <> zero.The premium wage Awf-rev. should also be <> zero
013Premium Awf-high <> zero.The premium wage Awf-high should also be <> zero
014Premium wage Awf-low should be zero
015For trainees, the premium wage Ufo and Awf must be zero
016As premium Awf-low <> zero, also premium wage Awf-low must be <> zero
017As premium wage Ufo <> zero, premium wage Awf must be zero
018Premium wage Awf-low & high <> zero, wage type missing in V_P05T_IRS_WT
019Work relationship type code &1: CAO contractor will not be notified
020For Income Code &1, Work Relationship Type will not be notified
021For Income Code &1, Contract Code will not be notified
022For Income Code &1, CAO Code will not be notified
023IT 0808: work relationship code not filled for income indicator &1
024For income code &1, contract code will not be notified
025IT 0808: Maintain CAO code for income indicator &1
026IT 0808: work relationship code &2 must be &3 for income indicator &1
027Combination work relat. code, income indicator and ins. obligation not OK
028Income code &1: Code for ending contract will not be notified
029Income code &1: Permanent contract indicator will not be notified
030Income code &1: Notify permanent contract indicator
031Income code &1: Notify written contract indicator
032Income code &1: Written contract indicator will not be notified
033Stand-by contract is mandatory for income code &1
034Income code &1: Stand-by contract indicator will not be notified
035Stand-by contract indicator must be J in case contract hours are zero
036Income code &1: Annualized hours indicator will not be notified
037Income code &1: Incidental income reduction &2 will not be notified
038Incidental income reduction &2 used before &1
039Wage for SI cannot be zero with "Awf" contributions
040---- Messages 41-70 reserved for CSV Check report
041Permanent public contract indicator is mandatory
042Permanent contract indicator is mandatory
043Written contract indicator is mandatory
044Standby contract indicator is mandatory
045Premium wage Awf-High should be zero
049No files provided in the selected directory
050All files in directory must belong to same year
051Year not available in tax table file name or year not supported
052The application log has not been initialized
053No customizing data found in table &1 for file &2 on date &3
054An error occurred when reading the file; upload a CSV or SDU file
055File could not be opened; enter a valid path: &1
056File could not be read; see long text: &1
057Report has no batch mode capability; run in dialog mode
058SAP GUI refuses file transfer
059You are not authorized to upload files
060Error occurred
061Access to the file has been denied; check permissions on file system: &1
062Report does not support the file format; upload a .csv file: &1
063Tables have different structures
064File &1 has &2 more column(s) than supported by the report
065File &1 is missing &2 column(s)
067Enter a date after &1
068Differences have been found, see the details: &1&2&3&4
069Assertion violated
070Tables are equal: &1&2&3&4
071---- Messages 71 - 80 reserved for P0442 (Company Car) ----
072Company Car older than 5 years. Check and copy IT0442 as of &1
073No percentage found for pollution category &1 on &2
081---- Messages 81 - 100 reserved for RPISPRN0 delimit IT0854 ----
082Delimitation of Infotype 0854 might lead to a change in the payroll past
083No payroll results available
100---- Messages 101-110 reserved for RPIPREN0 ----
102BI session changes inftp.Participation Overview of Paymnt Reduct.(0303)
111---- Messages 111-120 reserved for RPLWPAN0 ----
112Persons with an absence record
113Persons with an illness record
121No customizing data found for table &1
122Correction necessary for workplace changes
123Dates of WPBP changed in the past. Correction necessary?
200---- Messages 200-250 reserved for RPCMSVN1_NLSIR ----
201Codes &1 and &2 not allowed for SI reduction disabled employee in IT59
250---- Messages 250-400 reserved for RPCALCN0 ----
251Invalid income indicator &1
252IT 0060: Invalid income indicator &1 in period &2 - &3
253Remunerated hours must be 0 when income code <> 11, 13, 15, 17 or 33
254Deduction for housing of &1 exceeds maximum allowed deduction of &2
255Deduction for Zvw of &1 exceeds maximum allowed deduction of &2
256Rem. hours should be 0 when income code <> 11, 13, 15, 17, 31 or 33
257CSN [BSN] &1 is already used for employee &2
258Employee has reached the AOW age. LCB indicator is deleted
259Employee has income code &1. LCB indicator is deleted
260The LCB ends after &1 year(s). LCB indicator is deleted
261Paid wage &1 is below legal minimum wage &2 at &3%
262Premium reductions data not valid as of 01.01.2018 (run convers. report)
263Employee has reached the AOW age. Delimit the LCB application
264Employee has income code &1 and LCB application, which is not allowed
265The LCB ends after &1 year(s). Delimit the LCB application
266Insufficient payroll history available for recalculation method
267No entry for table &1 with key &2
268Fiscal area &1 only valid as of &2
269Choose only one social insurance for the unemployment act
270Employee is leaving, but reason cannot be determined
271When employee is insured for unemployment act, contract data should exist
272Revision reason may only be set in case WW between 1 and 4
273IT 0059: Stand-By Contract must be "Yes" for Ins.Obligation "&1" (IT0808)
274IT 0059: Start Date &3 should be &1 for Revision reason &2
275IT 0016: Retroactive accounting trigger is not active
276IT 0016: Field CTTYP must be included in table T588G with category 1
277IT 0059: Temporary contract has ended on &1 (field CTEDT) before &2
278IT 0059: Temporary contract is ending on &1 (field CTEDT) in period &2 &3
279IT 0059: When EE is insured for unemploy. act, contract data should exist
280IT 0059: Revision reason may only be set in case WW between 1 and 4
281IT 0059: Choose only one social insurance for the unemployment act
282Maintain leaving date for leaving reason &1
283IT 0059: End Date &3 should be &1 for Revision reason &2
284IT &1 not available: Determination of necessity of revision not possible.
285Necessary change &1 before 'Earliest personal retroactive acc. date &2'
286Necessary change &1 after 'Run payroll for up to &2'
287Necessary change &1 after 'Do not run payroll for after &2'
288Necessary change &1 before 'Earliest retroact. acc. date &2 PY area &3'
289No authorization for writing infotype &1
290Revision of Awf-Low needed as of &1. Restart payroll
291Personnel number &1 could not be locked
292Correction calculation applied due to WAB Revision as of &1
293Test Run: No automatic update of infotype 0059 while Test Run is on
294Revoke of Revision of Awf-Low needed as of &1. Restart payroll
295Selected personnel numbers
296Processed personnel numbers
297Rejected personnel numbers
298Personnel numbers to be revised in this period
299Personnel numbers with revision to be withdrawn
300Personnel numbers updated
301No update needed
302Not all personnel numbers could be updated
303Infotypes have successfully been updated
304Not processed personnel numbers due to inactivity in whole review period
305&1 is not a valid number
306Select at least one monitoring option
307IT &1 not available: Determination of hiredate for TA via infotype 0000
308No entry in table &1 for TA Group &2 at date &3
309No date type &1 available in IT 0041: Determination of hiredate via 0000
310Field P0016-&1 empty: Determination of hiredate for TA via IT 0000
311No entry in table &1 for TA Group &2, Area &3 at date &4
312No entry in table &1 at date &2
313Select at least one line
314IT &1 not available: Determination of transition allowance not possible.
315Inconsistency: payroll frequency does not match report selection.
316IT &1 not available: Details for standby workers overview not possible.
317Form &1: all EEs/job not supported
318Contract ending reason &1 is not valid on &2 for action &3/&4
319Transportation Indicator &1 is not valid on &2
320Select a workplace before creating the entry
321Transport Indicator can only be used when workplace is defined as office
322No wage type defined for taxable home allowance for group &1 at &2
323No wage type defined for tax-free home allowance for group &1 at &2
324No wage type defined for taxable transport allowance for group &1 at &2
325No wage type defined for tax-free transport allowance for group &1 at &2
401Cumulative retroactive accounting method 2 obligatory for &1
402Factoring obligatory for calculation method &1
403Factoring AOW+5 is not allowed for calculation method &1
404Annual basis cannot be initial for calculation method w/ annual basis
405Enter at least one contribution wage type
406If age is filled, also fill age determination date
407If pensionable salary is filled, also fill determination method
408Enter annual starting period for calculations with annual basis
409Only fill wage type annual basis with per.calc. with annual basis
410Invalid combination SI calculation and part-time method
411Cumulative retroactive accounting not possible for annual accounting
412Cumulative retroactive accounting method not valid
413Routine indicator for cumulative retroactive accounting not valid
414Invalid combination special pay in pensionable base and contributions
415Data not saved, check data in &1
416Data not saved, there are still errors to correct
451Not able to determine allowance group from feature NLWPG
452IT &1 not available: Workplace allowance calculation not possible
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