HRPAYSA - Mesasge class for package PC24

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYSA: Mesasge class for package PC24.
It is part of development package PC24 in software component PA-PA-SA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enhancements Payroll and Time Mgmt KSA".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Processing Personnel Number: &1
001No Payroll Record Found for Selected Period
002Employer ID For Employee is Initial
003Hijri Date Conversion Error
004PDF Function Module Name Exception
005Visa Profession Code Not Captured
006Infotype 0002 Record Not Found
007ISO Nationality Not Found in T005
008Infotype 0185 Record Not Found
009Infotype 0041 Record Not Found
010Infotype 3252 Record Not Found
011Infotype 0001 Record Not Found
012Infotype 0002 Record Not Found
013No Authoriation to View Spool Request
014Infotype &1 Value for Field &2 is Initial
015GOSI Employer Number Not Captured for Company Code &1
016Hijri Date of Birth is Initial
017Infotype 0041 Hire Date is Initial
018Employee Excluded from Legal Reporting
019Error Reading LAND1 from Table T005
020Wage Type &1 Not Found in Payroll Result
021Employee Not Hired or Terminated in Selected Period
022Infotype 0185 Record Expiry Date Initial
023Passport Expiry Date Initial
024Visa Expiry Date Initial
025Iqama Expiry Date Initial
026Infotype 3258 Record Not Found
027Infotype 0002 Record Not Found
028Gender Text Could Not be Read From Domain P24_GESCH
029Infotype 0185 Subtype &1 Record Not Found
030Unable to Read Employer Name From Feature 24EAD
031Sponsor ID Not Captured on Infotype 0002
032No Sponsor Address Captured for Sponsor: &1
033Dependant Gender Text Could Not be Read From Domain GESCH
034Employee Not Assigned to a GOSI Office
035Employee GOSI Office Not Specified on Infotype 3252
036Please Select Atleast 1 Dependent Subtype
037Saudization Target Not Captured in Table T7SA28 for Period
038Profession for Legal Reporting not Captured on Infotype 0002
039Action Only Supported for Visit Visa Subtype
040Iqama Number Not Captured on Infotype 0185
041Infotype 0016 Record Not Found for &1
042No Entry Found in Table T7SA09 for Group &1
043No Value Retured by Feature 24APD
044No Employee Quota Entry Returned by Feature 24LQA
045All Dep. should be Marked Leave Passage Applicable
046Home Airport Not Captured on Infotype 0002
047Only Saudi Arabian nationals allowed
048EE has no previous civil register number, not applicable for the report
049Exclude from legal reporting due to sponsorship of another company
050EE has no civil register number during selected period interval
051EE has no passport number, not be applicable for the report
052EE's &1 is blank, not be applicable for the report
053Saudi workers doesn't need to request a work permit
054The selected form type is only for active employee
055The selected form type is only for employee without GOSI No.
056The selected form type is only for employee with pre-registered GOSI No.
057The selected form type is only for terminated employee
058The employee has already had a work permit
059Passport/Iqama Number Not Captured on Infotype 0185
060Natianal ID Number Not Captured on Infotype 0185
061This injury/disease is referenced in duplication or recurrence
062Previous Injury or Disease Information shall not be space
063& is not suitable occupational hazards absence type
064Occupatinal hazard absence type only valid when you input pay stop date
065Input occupational hazard absence type since you input the pay stop date
066Input valid permanent disability degree (between 0% and 100%)
067EE has already registered in labor office: &1
068EE has no previous sponsor information
069Employee disability degree &% is not relevant for the compensation model
070The new sponsor to which is transferred is required
071Labor office: &1 is invalid
072Employee is Saudi, and not available for this report
073Company is not eligibled to use occupational hazard functionality on &
074Trigger Action &1 ( &2 ) to fill stop pay date
075Please keep OH Action Start Date as default value of "Date of Stop Pay"!
076Input Valid Daily Allowance Degree (more than 0%)
077Compensation model & is not relevant to Injury degree &
078The selected form type is only for employees with registered GOSI No.
079Allowance setting has changed; create and save the infotype record again
080Input pay date when you choose offcycle pay for lumpsum compensation
081Compensation model and stop pay date information shall be both input
082Choose GOSI Non-Registered reason
083Fill GOSI Number, GOSI Office Key and SI Grouping information
084Payment Date must be after Accident date
085Communication Date must be same as or after Accident Date
086Inpatient From Date must be same as or before Inpatient To date
087Stay Home From Date must be same as or before Stay Home To Date
088Total Period From date must be same as or before Total Period To Date
089Total Period From date must be after Inpatient and Stay Home From Date
090Inpatient and Stay Home To date must be before Total Period To Date
091Input work permit duration information
092Do not delete OH case under GOSI review, settlement or closed; see text
093Recurrence Date shall be after accident date
094Treatment entry date shall be equal or after accident date
095Inpatient from date shall be equal or after treatment entry date
096Inpatient from date shall be equal or after accident date
097Input from date to make date in pair
098Input treatment entry date
099Stay home from date shall be equal or after treatment entry date
100Stay home from date shall be equal or after accident date
101Return to work day shall be after all treatment date
102Stop pay date shall be equal or after accident date
103Previous sponsor in IT3311 is same with current sponsor in IT0002
104Sucessfully correct!
105Failed correct!
106Saudi employee: National ID number not found
107Non-Saudi employee: Iqama number not found
108No record found in infotype 0185
109Employee�s GOSI applicable earning is not changed
110Cannot find employee�s previous GOSI applicable earning
111Saudi employee not applicable for transferring
112No valid record of labor card
113Neither Passport nor Iqama exists for this employee
114First specify a personnel number
115No record found in subtype &1 of infotype 0185
116Error occurred during reading the hiring date
117Payroll area &1 is not correct; check infotype 0001
118Cannot find employee�s previous GOSI applicable earning
119No record found in infotype 3310
120GOSI number not found
121Period &1 is already considered as GOSI contribution period
122New GOSI applicable earning is same as previous amount
123Employee registered with a GOSI office &1 that is not selected
124The data structure in the interface of &1 is invalid for this report
125Employee's action reason is not applicable for this report
126Sponsor name not found
127Total Period From Date should be same as or after the Accident Date
128EE has no Civil Registry Record(Subtype RR) captured in IT0185
129Employee Name does not exist!
130Infotype 0000 Record not found
131Employer Name can't be found!
132Reporter Name can't be found!
133Reaporting reason not selected; check selection criteria
134EE has not the personnel action�Leaving-S2�in IT0000
135Nationality does not exist!
136Employee has twice records in labor office
137Amount of wage type M390 not found; choose processing mode After Payroll
138Neither Passport nor Civil Registry exists for this employee
139Record occurs not during &1 and &2
140EE doesn't have valid Iqama Number in IT0185
141EE doesn't have valid Passport Number in IT0185
142Cannot find the employee in charge &1
143National ID is not valid on the reporting date
144Iqama number is not valid on the reporting date
145Employee is not registered in the labor office &1
146EE's previous company is not registered with labor office
147EE's current company is not registered with labor office
148Same registration numbers found for both previous and current company
149Civil registry number not valid; check infotype 0185
150Passport number not valid; check infotype 0185
151Labor card number not valid; check infotype 0185
152Invalid date
153Input valid pay date
154Daily Rate Wage Type is defaulted to /002; change it if required
155Enter source wage type
158Study score will be deleted
170Work for &1 from &2 to &3 already applied
171Update operation only permits status 1 rather than &1
172Infotype Update Successful
173Automatic Retro-accounting activated; Use processing mode 'After Payroll'
174For service duration amend.,select reason for exact duration calculation
175Compensation Model is set; if desired, set the OH case status to closed
176No data saved for this employee; save and refresh before printing
177Close all the previously open injury cases
179Create action &1; see long text
180Set the OH case status to closed if desired
181Customization missing; see long text
182Only &1 days are permitted in this record
183Caution: End Date has been adjusted from &1 to &2
184Daily work schedule (DWS) customizing incomplete
185Minimum of &1 additional hours required on &2
186Maximum of &1 additional hours allowed on &2
187Additional working hours customizing not found for &1
188Leave Passage solution is obsolete; see SAP Note 2886595
189GOSI Number is mandatory
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