HRPBSAT_P2 - Meldungen zu Public Sector Entwicklungen im Standard

The following messages are stored in message class HRPBSAT_P2: Meldungen zu Public Sector Entwicklungen im Standard.
It is part of development package P03P2 in software component PY-AT-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PY-AT-PS: Application Components".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Invalid insurance branch feature AVKAT
002No wage types maintained in V_T596X
003Domain p03p2_zuge contains errors
004Incorrect return values entered for feature AVZUG
005Domain p03_verskat contains errors
006Incorrect return values entered for feature AVKAT
008No entry in table T501 for employee group &1, subgroup &2
009No special payment notification possible for BVA insured persons notific.
010The dynrpo must be re-initialized - enter again
011Maintain table T5APBS13 for region &1
012Check the return value of feature AVZUG
013Check feature AVZUG
014Check return value of feature AVKAT
015Check feature AVKAT
016Codes 30 and 32 no longer supported with record version 02
017Code 57 no longer supported with record version 02
018Affiliation 34 - munic./parish physician no longer used in reg.vers. 02
019Early retirement/retirement can only be reported separately
020Payscale reclassification type &1 not supported
021Insurance category E for municipality representative is invalid
022No social insurance data (infot. 0044) for notification date
023No organizational data (infot. 0001) for notification date
024Do not enter PA because CC not flagged in IT0044
025Change not because of fund key, therefore no PA change to ELDA
026Enter an employee association because CC is flagged in IT0044
027Enter either the company pension fund start date or end date
028Enter a suitable deregistration reason
029Only specify deregistration reason if company pension end specified
100SAPscript processing canceled by user
101Error while calling SAPscript
102Generate an entry in table T5A0P for personnel subarea &1
103The entered employer does not exist
104Enter the employee's federal state in infotype Addresses 0006
105Enter the postal code in infotype Addresses 0006
106The region could not be determined from BULND/WERKS
107Maintain table T5APBS13 for &1 &2 &3 &4
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