HRPBSMX1 - MX Public Sector

The following messages are stored in message class HRPBSMX1: MX Public Sector.
It is part of development package P32P1 in software component PY-MX-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Public Sector ISSSTE development for Mexico".
Message Nr
Message Text
001& & & &
020Values missing from the field. &
021Error in master data. &
022Unable to generate the control numbers report using this form &
023Unable to acces the form & for the control numbers report.
024Payroll results not found
025Various loans found for the same payroll period &.
026Only damages insurance found in payroll period &.
027Unable to save FOVISSSTE data file in: &.
028File path not found: &1
029Unable to generate attachment A in &.
030Unable to generate attachment B in &.
031Annex D cannot be generated in &
032Annex E no cannot be generated in &
033There is no start and end information on award payment in infotype 0267
034It is not permitted to have awards for more than one employee
035No entries found in the view V_PAPBSMXSARL for this employee
036Bases and fixed payments cannot be generated for awards
037Date of & incorrect. Check the & date stored in infotype 267
038Award start date (&) is later than the end date (&)
039No data found in infotype 0001
040No data found in infotipo 0001 for the two-month period &/&
041Output salary wage type &1 generated with value: &2 &3
042Salary wage type of incoming stream &1 generated with value: &2 &3
043No salary wage type found in T52LIDIBASE
044No difference found for base salary wage type &1
045No diff. in prev. mo. f/generation of salary wage type of incoming stream
046No difference found for generation of output/incoming stream salary WT
047No position data in infotype 0001
048Feature & does not generate a value
049No data for infotype &1
051No value for attribute &1 in type &2 with value &3
052No edit data in infotype 1028 for position &1
053No country of birth data in infotype 0002
054No work relationship data in infotype 0001
056No country data in T777A for building &1
057No country data in T777A for building &1
058No state data in T777A for building &1
060No Paying agent in table T7MXPBS1P for PArea &1 and PSubarea &2
061No entries found in infotype &1 for the period
062No Payroll data in cluster for period &1 to &2
063Negative total amount for cumulation &1 in payroll &2
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