The following messages are stored in message class HRPBSSA: .
It is part of development package P24P1 in software component PY-SA-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Public Sector KSA".
It is part of development package P24P1 in software component PY-SA-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Public Sector KSA".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Maximum mandate period for the employee is & days per year |
001 | No changes have been recognized |
002 | Only available for SA Public Sector |
003 | Infotypes have been updated successfully |
004 | Function module &1 is incorrect |
005 | &1 is a mandatory salary component |
006 | Pay frequency of &1 &2 is beyond limitation |
007 | You cannot delete salary component &1 |
008 | Employee can only get one between benefit X and Y |
009 | Employee is enable get benefit X on condition that they have got Y |
010 | This is wrong |
011 | &1 should not be negative |
012 | Payroll frequency cannot be determined |
013 | &1 should be distributed over all components |
014 | Compensation area does not exist for personnel number &1 on &2 |
015 | Compensation group does not exist for personnel number &1 on &2 |
016 | No salary components exist in compensation area &1 |
017 | Employee's Nationality is not eligible |
018 | Employee's Pay scale is not eligible |
019 | Employee's Gender is not eligible |
020 | Employee's Age is not eligible |
021 | Marital status is not eligible |
022 | Other criteria is not eligible in Common eligibility check BAdI |
023 | No authorization to read infotype & |
024 | Wage type of salary component & setup incorrectly for indirect valuation |
025 | Error at indirect valuation for salary component & |
026 | Function module &1 is incorrect |
027 | You are not allowed to enter negative figures |
028 | &1 must be a figure between &2 and &3 |
029 | Start date is later than the end date |
030 | There must be only one salary component marked as total package |
031 | There must be at least one remainder salary component |
032 | Entry & & & does not exist in &4 (check entry) |
033 | Error in infotype &1: &2 |
034 | Duration exceeds maximum month limitation &1 |
035 | Make sure period in accordance with actual secondment period |
036 | Specify exemption reason |
037 | Enter employee's pension number |
038 | Enter previous service duration |
039 | Enter pension payment amount |
040 | Specify the currency for pension payment |
041 | Non-Saudi employees cannot enroll in PPA |
042 | Grade is the same; step should equal to the last step |
043 | The salary of EE current level not just higher than his last salary |
044 | Pay scale type area group not in Infotype 1005 of employee's position |
045 | No entry &1 &2 &3 in table &4 |
046 | Feature &1 error |
047 | Enter the dependent for female employee |
048 | Save the infotype first |
049 | Employee is fired |
050 | Employee's service period is not eligible |
051 | Contract type is not eligible |
052 | Dependents rule is not eligible |
053 | Date type is not eligible |
054 | Country category is not eligible |
055 | Job Speciality is not eligible |
056 | Mandate allowance is not eligible |
057 | Entry & & & does not exist in table & on specified date |
058 | Employee only can have one highest education record |
059 | Select a valid secondment organization |
060 | Specify a multiplication factor or a maximum penalty amount |
061 | Fill out Multiplication Factor and Salary Category |
062 | Employee's job grade not within the range from &1 to &2 |
063 | Deduction amount exceeds max amount &1 |
064 | Duration exceeds max duration &1 months |
065 | Employee status is inactive; discipline type &1 not applicable |
066 | Employee status is active; discipline type &1 not applicable |
067 | Discipline type &1 does not exist |
068 | Specify a reason for Loss of Right |
069 | Employee's employment status is active |
070 | Amendment should be requested not later than 2 years from joining the job |
071 | Employee age should equal to or less than 59 years |
072 | Work for &1 from &2 to &3 already applied |
073 | Only records with Status "Pending" can be updated |
074 | Infotype Update Successful |
075 | Duration to be amended from &1 to &2 should be more than a year |
076 | EE has no civil registry record captured in IT0185 |
077 | Input valid pay date |
078 | make sure choosing right Salary category |
079 | Only terminated employee can be selected |
080 | Length of each extension period of secondment shall not exceed &1 months |
081 | Length of a secondment period shall not exceed &1 months |
082 | Minimum interval before another secondment is &1 months |
083 | Total secondment duration in service period exceeds limit &1 months |
084 | Minimum &1 months required before secondment when promoted |
085 | Female employee not eligible for secondment outside KSA |
086 | Employee not enrolled in pension |
087 | Infotype 0000 Record not found |
088 | Not proper position |
089 | Still in lock period |
090 | Not in available period |
091 | Employee already reach retirement age |
092 | Employee service year less than 20 years |
093 | Employee's hiring date not in range |
094 | Job type not match |
095 | Discipline Authority not input |
096 | Invalid suspension action |
097 | Invalid commitment item |
098 | Budget Item does not match |
099 | Override Date shall not be earlier than Date of Origin &1 |
100 | Employee's National ID number is not eligible |
101 | Employee Excluded from Legal Reporting |
102 | No sufficient data for payroll simulation;check master data |
103 | Please specify an item type |
104 | Position's grade is not eligible |
105 | The data structure in the interface of &1 is invalid for this report |
106 | Enter a valid logical form name |
107 | Position is not vacant |
108 | Position isn�t created under the selected financial year |
109 | Position's staff is not active |
110 | This is a 'Temporary' job |
111 | Suspension date for employee not found |
112 | Infotype 1643 hasn't been maintained |
113 | General group out of range |
114 | Cluster out of range |
115 | Category Series out of range |
116 | Position is out of range |
117 | Select at least one position status |
118 | Information not found for employee�s basic pay on &1 |
119 | Information not found for employee�s org. assignment on &1 |
120 | Get unsatisfied in the annual appraisal for the previous year |
121 | Periodic Pay Increase on &1 |
122 | Selected Persons Number: &1 |
123 | Rejected Persons Number: &1 |
124 | Pay Increase Done Number: &1 |
125 | Employee is a fixed salary earner, not applicable for salary increase |
126 | Employee's retirement Age is &1 years old |
127 | No updates for employee's organization assignment |
128 | This position is vacant |
129 | Employee was not promoted during reporting period |
130 | The organizational unit is not a department |
131 | Employee not on hiring. |
132 | Please select at least one wage type |
133 | No Payroll Record Found for Selected Period |
134 | Absence type only applicable for &1 employee |
135 | Absence type only applicable for employee with &1 nationality |
136 | Absence type only applicable for &1 employee |
137 | Maximum &1 request times allowed for absence type &2 in service duration |
138 | Maximum &1 request times allowed for absence type &2 in same year |
139 | Maximum &2 absence days allowed for absence type &1 in service duration |
140 | Maximum &2 payroll days allowed for absence type &1 in service duration |
141 | Maximum &2 calendar days allowed for absence type &1 in service duration |
142 | Invalid date type. |
143 | Escort leave can only be applied after using up regular vacation quotas |
144 | Employee not entitled to regular vacation leave during suspension period |
145 | Leave only applicable when age of employee's child not greater than &1 |
146 | The position is not vacant or occupied |
147 | Employee left company on &1 |
148 | Employee has being deprived from Annual Increment |
149 | Wage type &1 is invalid |
150 | Job Grade is out of range |
151 | Not permanent position |
152 | Maximum duration is 12 weeks |
153 | All salary elements must be specified |
154 | Fill period-related fields |
155 | No payroll record found for selected date |
156 | Payment date must be specified |
157 | Wage Type &1 Not Found in Payroll Result |
158 | This position isn't vancant,and doesn't have holder either |
159 | Leave end date shall be less than upper limit &1 |
160 | Periodic increase can't exceed 5 times, since employee belong to AI Khuya |
161 | The position is obsoleted |
162 | Please select at least one department |
163 | Infotype &1 record is missing on &2 |
164 | Length of each extension period of delegation shall not exceed &1 months |
165 | Minimum &1 months required before delegation when promoted |
166 | Female employee not eligible for delegation outside KSA |
167 | Total delegation duration in service period exceeds limit &1 months |
168 | Length of a delegation period shall not exceed &1 months |
169 | Minimum interval before another delegation is &1 months |
170 | Action &1 must be carried out first; check the employee's action records |
171 | Start date of the study period should be earlier than the end date &1 |
172 | Start date is later than end date |
173 | End date of the study period is later than the next start date &1 |
174 | GRA grade should fall in the scope between &1 and &2 |
175 | &1 is not in the scholarship period from &2 to &3 in the infotype 3321 |
176 | Number of days not found; enter the number of days on the form. |
177 | Number of hours not found; enter the number of hours on the form. |
178 | Overtime date is in the past. |
179 | Overtime start date not found; enter the start date for the overtime. |
180 | Overtime date is not valid; check date or date format. |
181 | Factory Calendar ID not found; see long text. |
182 | Employee pay scale unknown; update employee pay scale in IT0008. |
183 | Employee country grouping is missing; see long text. |
184 | Maintain overtime group for pay scale type & , Area & and Group & . |
185 | Maintain overtime group & in view V_T7SAPBS28. |
186 | Maintain over time group & weekday wagetype in view V_T7SAPBS28 |
187 | Maintain over time group & weekend wage type in view V_T7SAPBS28 |
188 | Maintain over time group & holiday wage type in view V_T7SAPBS28 |
189 | Maximum weekend overtime hours per month is & |
190 | Maximum weekend number of days per month is & |
191 | Maximum weekend overtime hours per day is & |
192 | Maximum holiday overtime hours per month is & |
193 | Maximum holiday days per month is & |
194 | Maximum holiday overtime hours per day is & |
195 | Maximum weekday overtime hours per month is & |
196 | Maximum weekday number of days per month is & |
197 | Maximum weekday overtime hours per day is & |
198 | Maximum overtime hours per month is & |
199 | Maximum number of days per month is & |
200 | Maximum overtime hours per day is & |
201 | Employee overtime group unknown; update view V_T7SAPBS27. |
202 | Overtime payment and mandate allowance cannot be paid at same time. |
203 | Maintain All the fields for Job Clasification |
204 | No Employee(s) found for the selection criteria |
205 | Enter a valid mobile number. Avoid alphabets and special characters |
206 | Please enter a valid email ID |
207 | & must be a combination of alphanumeric and special characters |
208 | No errors to display. |
209 | Please select atleast one employee to update. |
210 | Compensation Model is not relevant to Death |
211 | Error in fetching BRF+ Application ID. Eligibility Check Terminated. |
212 | Total Allowances/Premium paid is more than &1 percent of first-step basic |
213 | Maximum number of Allowances/Premiums not maintained. Check skipped! |
214 | First-step salary of the grade not found. Check skipped! |
215 | Please maintain end date for all delimited allowances. |
216 | Employee only eligible for &1 as &2 |
217 | Employee cannot take &1 |
218 | &1 not allowed with &2 |
219 | &1 Technical premium allowed, not &2 |
220 | &1 Special premium allowed, not &2 |
221 | &1 Other premium allowed, not &2 |
222 | &1 Total premiums allowed, not &2 |
223 | Salary package of employee not saved! |
224 | Maximum &2 absence days allowed for absence type &1 in a year |
225 | Maximum &2 payroll days allowed for absence type &1 in a year |
226 | Maximum &2 calendar days allowed for absence type &1 in a year |
227 | No valid sanction category and code for selected date; see long text. |
228 | You cannot create a new record for this absence type; see long text |
229 | Unable to determine duration between absences; see long text |
230 | You cannot create a new record for this absence type; see long text |
231 | Create leave only after the probation end date; see long tex |
232 | Mandate duration cannot exceed &1 days |
233 | Travelling days cannot be more than mandate days |
234 | Select at least one employee |
235 | Customizing not maintained for period &1 &2 &3 |
236 | Travel days cannot exceed &1 for country category &2 |