HRPIQ00ST - CM: Nachrichten zur Studentenpflege im Framework

The following messages are stored in message class HRPIQ00ST: CM: Nachrichten zur Studentenpflege im Framework.
It is part of development package PMIQ in software component IS-HER-CM-AD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Campus Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000000 - 200 reserved for student in navigation framework
001Deletion of student is not permitted; student data already saved
002Select an entry from the table
003Choose an object type first
004Scrolling not possible
005You must use the active plan version (&1) when you create students
006Technical error during integration of student and business partner (&1)
007No new student created
008Technical error during communication with detail screen (&1)
009Subscreen is not specified for tab page &1
010Tab page is no longer used; change the system setting
011Start date must be before end date; check your entry
012Run the address conversion program
013GUID key does not exist for the given note
014Activity category is not allowed for notes
015Key field required for note maintenance is not filled
016You may enter a text only for the "predefined note" category
017Choose the action "assign infotype" for the selected tab page
018Choose the action "assign BDT screen" for the selected tab page
021You may not enter a stage if no program is specified
022Current date will be used in business partner transaction
023Planned address changes exist (first change on &1)
034RFC error: SAP Note 1882417 must be implemented with kernel requirements
035You are not authorized to execute this activity
102You are not authorized to edit the note
200200 - 300 is reserved for basic student functions
201Inconsistencies during assignment of student number
202Enter at least one number for the student
203There is no student with student number &1
204Note type &1 is not allowed for object type &2; choose other note type
205Only one note is allowed for note type &1 of object type &2
206Select a line
207All fields for duplicate check of student are set to initial value
208No students found for selection criteria
209User ID does not exist for student with student number &1
210User ID &1 is not assigned to any student
211User ID &1 does not exist
212Cannot create password for user ID &1
213User ID &1 already exists
300Messages 300 - 399 are reserved for BAPIs
301Object &1 &2 does not exist on key date &3
302No entry in table T777D for intotype &
303Function module & for mapping structure & to structure & does not exist
304You have no authorization for object type &1, infotype &2, subtype &3
305Component & is not part of structure &
306Student was created with student number &
307Student would be created with student number & (test mode)
308Start date was set to start date & of object
309Date was adjusted to end date & of object
310Visa data was created
311Creation of visa data without errors is possible (test mode)
312Student is not available (object ID &1)
313Function module is obsolete and may no longer be used
314Plan version &1 of extension parameter &2 is invalid
315Object type &1 of extension parameter &2 is invalid
316Change structure &1 does not exist in extension parameter
317Object ID &1 of extension parameter &2 is invalid
318Structure name of extension parameter is set to initial value
319Error while converting field &1 &2 to field &3 &4
320Field & of BAPI structure & does not exist in infotype structure &
321Enter a date
322Address usage &1 is not uniquely assigned to a subtype
324No employment data found for student &1
325*** Test Mode: &1 &2 &3 ***
326No data exists for object &1 with visa no. &2 and visa type &3
327Object &1 with visa number &2 and visa type &3 already exists
328Several data records exist for object &1, visa no. &2 and visa type &3
329Delimitation date &1 is outside of infotype validity &2 &3
330No data exists for student &1 and related person &2 from &3 to &4
331No relationships exist for student &1 from &2 to &3
332No relationships exist for related person & from &2 to &3
333Relatship between student & and related person & from & to & was created
334Relationship between student & and related person & was not created
335Relatship between student & and related person & from & to & was changed
336Relationship between student & and related person & was not changed
337Relatshp between student & and related person & from & to & was deleted
338Relationship between student & and related person & was not deleted
339Relationship between student & and related person & was delimited to &
340Relationship between student & and related person & was not delimited
341Different partner for payments &1 is not a related person of student &2
342Student with object ID &1 already exists; action was cancelled
343User &1 was created for student &2
400No note types exist; create the required note types
401No note types are defined for object type &1
406No note found for student &1
410Processing will be terminated; note type is incorrectly configured
411Parameter error in &1; note type or student object ID is missing
412Entry of academic year/session is not allowed for note type &1
413Enter the academic year for the given academic session
414Enter an academic year for note type &1
415Entry of program, program type, and stage is not allowed for &1
416Enter a program for note type &1
417Entry of a stage is not allowed for note type &1
418Enter a stage for note type &1
419Entry of program and stage is not allowed for note type &1
420Enter a program type for note type &1
421Subsequent changes to program reference are not allowed
422Object type in the "Notes" data record may not be changed
423Choose a note type from the "predefined note" category using input help
424You cannot create or change notes for locked note type &1
425Enter a program for the specified stage
426Reference to program type was set to "not allowed" for &1
427Reference to stage was set to "not allowed" for &1
428Start the conversion program for student-related notes
429Choose at least one action (conversion of Customizing settings or notes)
430Note Customizing settings have already been converted in client &1
431Conversion of notes in client &1 was already carried out
432Customizing settings in client &1 do not need to be converted(no entries)
433Enter a valid stage
450Date of death may not be in the future; check your entry
451Date of registration of death may not be in the future
452Date of death must be higher than date of birth; check your entry
453Date of registration of death must be higher than date of birth
454Date of registration of death may not be lower than date of death
455*** Actual Mode : ***
500Student &1 with student number &2, object ID &3, BP no. &4 was deleted
501&1 &2 can be deleted
502&1 &2 must not be deleted; &3
504&1 &2 can be locked
505Number &1 that can be deleted: &2
506Number &1 that were deleted: &2
507Number &1 that could be locked: &2
508Number of &1 that were locked: &2
509Number &1 that could not be deleted: &2
510&1 &2 were deleted
511Update run was executed on &1 at &2 by &3
512&1 &2 were not deleted
513Number of &1 that were not deleted: &2
514Number of &1 that were not locked: &2
515Number &1 that could not be locked: &2
516Test run was executed on &1 at &2 by &3
517Result of test run can differ from result of update run
518Statistics: &1 - &2
520Please enter a valid date.
521Please select a single record.
522Please select a record.
523Please select an estimated record with subtype 1000.
524Please delete the actual record first for occurence &1
525Record already exists for the occurence &1
526Occurrence cannot be left blank.
527Event booking is not possible due to a maternity period conflict.
899Technical error; function module &1 was called incorrectly
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